Quote Originally Posted by BrightDemonSheep96 View Post
If I go by typings dat we supposed to accept:
Steve Wozniak the creative. I Have met those sort of ILE's and I think I kind of run circles around their Ni. I can tell time from other sources than clocks.

I apparently have wit like dominant. OTOH I'm relaxed but I can spend long hours on something. It is not very bad but still lots of misses. I don't have any minions so that is "a bit of a problem" with that.

Normie ILE... well I do not really think it is so because ugh I'm messy af. I mean they are at least supposed to have shit together. When people say they are messy they have no clue what being messy means. Also I do not have a family and I have not aimed for steady income. Finishing stuff is pain. I don't do in depth research all that often. I d not have specialized solutions.

Harmonising. In real life I'm lively but bit eh... reclusive at times in my thoughts and some of you ignorant have wanted to type me autistic... which I do not agree with... in terms of the cognitive model it is a huge missmatch [I'm closer schizotypal which means weird thinking] it is just a "special" mode. I like to combine stuff into adjustable wholes.

Yet because creatives can be wuteva I might still be creative.
I would say C-ILE-Ne.