I posted briefly on this forum several months ago and kind of dropped out for awhile, though I've enjoyed reading through the topics every now and then. For some reason, Socionics holds a fascination with me, though I'm finding it difficult to understand it completely. I have a particularly hard time deciding who is what type. Based on all of my readings and ponderings, I'm fairly sure that I'm INFj (EII). Not everything matches perfectly, but it's the best place function- and type description-wise that I fit. If anybody has doubts, though, I'd be glad to hear them out.

Anyway, I'm thinking that if I can get help typing some of the people I interact with regularly that it might help me type other people by myself. Here are some short descriptions of a few people.

The first person (we'll call her “R”) is one of my closest friends. She's detail oriented and loves to have structure around her. As she puts it, give a direction and a goal and put down some solid guidelines and she'll take the project and work to make it happen. She doesn't care as much as I do about the “why” of something as long as she knows the “what” and “when” and such. I've also found her to be very accurate when analyzing people, their character, motives, and how to deal with them. She'll observe things that I completely miss. She is not a party animal and too much social interaction with too many people tires her. Like me, she likes calm, familiar surroundings. With her friends she can be bubbly and giggly, much more so than me.

The second person (we'll call him “D”) is known by both R and me. She gets along with him pretty well; I don't as much. Whereas R is detail oriented, D is much more big picture. I fall somewhere in between. He says she has a calming effect on his thoughts. I'm not sure exactly how to describe D because I don't understand him very well. It's easier to tell my reactions to him than what he actually is. We have many of the same goals, but our approach seems to be different. Our backgrounds are very different, so that might be part of it. I particularly want to know his type.

The third person is in authority over all three of us (we'll call him “A”). He's very easygoing and a self-acknowledged people pleaser. R finds him frustrating because of his lack of definition and follow-through; I find him easy to approach and open to my suggestions. He likes to come in, stir things up, tell us his visions for the group, disappear for awhile, then do it again. This used to frustrate me, too, till I decided that the best response was to smile and nod, affirm that his ideas were great, add the ideas to the list of things to implement, decide which ones were practical, and go from there. One thing that I appreciate about A is that though he and I can disagree on theory, we can usually compromise in practice. I think he's very wrong in quite a few areas, but we're both willing to compromise to reach our shared goals. D gets along with A, too.

There are a couple of other people that I'd like help typing, but here are these three for starters.