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Thread: Every socionist should know this Star Trek episode

  1. #41
    AndyW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Using relationships to type real life people, let alone fictional characters, is a dubious typing method.

    There is nothing that says writers have any idea of how types actually interact, in my experience they only make sense sometimes, not to mention the large variation in real intertype relationships.
    Yet as long as you write a character consistently (admittedly sometimes a problem in itself), the way they interact should be relatively organic according to Socionic theory, unless the writing's really bad.

  2. #42
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    I think I like IEE better for Crusher. She is often the voice of "naive compassion" on the show, wanting to save or protect some individuals even when it might put the larger mission at risk.

    "Ethics" contrasts her approach with an Alpha NT stereotype doctor who sees patients as subjects to try out experimental treatments on, even when it might be risky and unproven.

  3. #43
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    Lore: EIE. Probably in all of his episodes but most obviously in Descent where he becomes a charismatic leader with a grand vision for the future:

    "What's important is what I've done here. How I found my calling. I know now why I was created. No one can ever take that away from me. Without me, they would have perished. When I stumbled on their ship, they were lost, disoriented, they had no idea how to function as individuals. They couldn't even navigate their own vessel. They had lost their sense of purpose. I gave them their purpose. And they gave me mine."

  4. #44
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    i freaking love TNG, probably my favorite show of all time

    Picard is hard to type because as far as I can tell he's the perfect human being, but I don't hold that against the show or the character

    I sort of think hes just an ESE with no weaknesses

  5. #45

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    IMO. Bold means I'm sure.

    Captain Picard: LSI
    Commander Riker: Gamma Extrotim. LIE or SEE
    Lt.Commander Data: LII (ILE with emotion chip )
    Counselor Troi: EIE
    Doctor Crusher: LSI (seems like she and Picard are identicals. She might be more though.)
    Lt.Commander La Forge: IEI
    Lieutenant Worf: ESI
    Ensign Ro: SLE
    Q: ILE
    Yes Picard is definitely LSI. One of the better fictional examples. He has LII elements, but way too much personal power and conviction for a INTj alpha. Counselar Troi is also obviously his dual. Just because she is empathetic doesn't make her a IEE/EII haha thats a hilarious suggestion. She is EIE hands down. Very introverted extrovert and always giving Picard useful insight - in a socionics suggestive way.

    I grew up with a Picard, haha, I know what a socially orientated LSI looks like.

    Worf as ESI no problem there. Might also be a strong LSI -Se subtype, but I think ESI Se sub could cover that as well.

    Data is like pro-typical LII.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    I think I like IEE better for Crusher. She is often the voice of "naive compassion" on the show, wanting to save or protect some individuals even when it might put the larger mission at risk.

    "Ethics" contrasts her approach with an Alpha NT stereotype doctor who sees patients as subjects to try out experimental treatments on, even when it might be risky and unproven.
    For all these same reasons I could see ESE.

    She is the same type of Picard though, LSI.

  7. #47

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    Picard as LII is silly. He can pull off being the strongest man in the room. Not just physically either. These are Se cues. An INTj just doesn't have that much personal force present, or inherent inside them. You need to be practical with socionics as well.

  8. #48
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    I like ESI for Picard. And IEE for Riker. I found him so hot growing up but really.... his thinking patterns are really delta. He reminds me of Raver somewhat.

    Idk about IEI for Troi but I agree that the Te isn't strong there. IEI for Barclay might make better sense. To me she has valued but weak Te.... I think SEE is more likely or something.

    Whoopi Goldberg's character = IEE.

    IEI for crusher? lol that's interesting but no way. I liked her in 'Remember Me' tho or something, the ending of that was something IEI/SEI would appreciate a lot I think so maybe that's where you got that idea from? And she does use Fe very well with her commentary about the crew so idk. ILE makes more sense really, as ILE females can be like IEI males at times. =p She also seems to be Fi polr as she seems overly wishy washy/paraonid/vulnerable about her personal relationships with others or something. In Remember Me she is good at saving the entire ship but she seems more visibly uncomfortable when she has to choose (Fi over Fe)

    'SHUT UP WESLEY!' = ILE like his mother. He just wants to go into this narcissistic 'all things are possible' Ne void or something while the rest of the world suffers. Picard finds him really annoying for this reason, as the captain really likes his Fi bonds. Picard would probably hate Crusher too if she wasn't a hot female.

    Q - Yet another ILE trolling Picard.

    LaForge = I can see alpha, he has these rigid beliefs about ppl's role in the world which I think is a kind of alpha blind spot or something. Admit I am kinda biased here cuz most black guys I know IRL are gamma quadrant not alpha but I can see the alpha enthusiasm or something....

    That irish guy that's lesser ranked and does the transporter beam thing I can't think of his name = some sorta ILI?

    Data = I feel he's untypable as he's an android. lol at that being 'LII' - I think that's a gross oversimplification of the LII type but I can see why ppl say that. I think a deeper look at the Data/Picard relationship is Picard trying to make believe that Data has 'Fi' and is this huge Fi valuer type when he's really just this robot. Sorry if that sounds harsh- but I see that's like the tragedy in the relationship or something and Picard loves so deeply and purely with Fi he's like blind to this. Data wouldn't really be a Fe valuer tho for this reason, superficially he programs much more like a Fi valuer.

    I think Data is also generally adorable to women because he is played with the curiosity & innocence of a child mixed with the logical intelligence of a 'beta male' but without the weaknesses and insecurities that come from most 'beta males' because well, he isn't really a human being officially anyway. And he's really strong too both physically and mentally, despite the "vulnerability." He is confused by a lot of Fe social crap at times which feels like traditional male role patterns of what 'men should be awkward in.' In contrast, male villains tend to be incredibly knowledgeable about Fe stuff like Him on Power Puff girls lol. All that mixed together it's easy to see why he's generally very liked by females.

    He also logically understands his vulnerabilities but seems pretty incapable of personalizing them on a level as a 'real human.'

    I myself kinda liked Lore better than Data. =/ Even tho Lore was 'more evil' his Fe was great lol.

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