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Thread: Portraits by E. Filatova

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  1. #1
    JuJu's Avatar
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    I wish those old (but more recent) Russian photos still had working links, or that a forum member with excellent foresight saved those galleries... There was some VI gold in there.

    In these photos, the expressions don't look natural in a lot of cases. I can imagine Filatova saying to that one ENFj -- the one resting his chin ponderously between his fingers -- "ok, now look a little like ******.. No, no! Don't go overboard..."

    Also, from these photos, I find it somewhat surprising that the 70s were an androgynous decade even behind the Iron Curtain... Looks like they were feeling the Alice Cooper & Bowie influence as well... Or maybe they still have eunuchs over there?

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    This other page still the clearest source for VI I've seen, especially now that its fuller than before.

    Really is something worth studying and getting down, the obviously common expressions of each type.

  3. #3
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    I like it better than the Filatova one because at least this one uses people that I can identify as male or female, (which I consider helpful.)

    That site's always done a good job with the Fe types, in my opinion; however, personally, I find that that site's typings become inaccurate with the Fi types. I've known the people who've compiled that site and personally, I believe that there might be some self-justification in the Fi typings.

    For example, typing Bob Dylan as ISFj -- his biography is full of religious conversions, dramatic Fe lyrics (e.g. "Sara,") and manipulating people... None of it connotes or denotes Fi, yet that's supposedly his leading function according to that site. The Dylan/John Lennon car ride sequence helped me with their types.

    Did anyone save that old (but not too old) Russian VI from a conference that they had..? There was gold there.

  4. #4
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    Actually, I'm going to take it back: the Fes have gotten quite skewed as well, it seems... Al Gore next to Sean Penn should raise eyebrows.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    For example, typing Bob Dylan as ISFj -- his biography is full of religious conversions, dramatic Fe lyrics (e.g. "Sara,") and manipulating people... None of it connotes or denotes Fi, yet that's supposedly his leading function according to that site. The Dylan/John Lennon car ride sequence helped me with their types.
    Bob Dylan is definitely ESI imo. John Lennon seems really adverse to him the same way I get with my ILE brother. But overall he just has that attitude I associate with perceiving subtype Fi-doms. It's hard to explain but relatively easy to pick up on. The flow of feeling is very inward and subjectively accepted, and unlike any Fe-creatives. This is why its exactly like every conflict situation I've seen: the more oblivious end (Dylan) takes over and the other (Lennon) is left uncomfortable and a bit confused/annoyed trying to match them for positive interaction, but failing in almost every way.

    If you think its good with Fe typings then I'm curious why you think Dylan supposedly fits with them? That description you give doesn't fit with how I mostly perceive him or Fi. You might understand his Fi-ness better if you read Jung, watch more ESIs/SEEs, or get a better idea of how he's like, or even read Reinin for the serious quadra differences--he doesn't give me any Fe vibes, yet people may call him that because he can be kinda dramatic and lively in his own ways, but I mostly see this as how internally playful more freer-spirited Fi types can be, usually perceiving subtypes.

    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    Actually, I'm going to take it back: the Fes have gotten quite skewed as well, it seems... Al Gore next to Sean Penn should raise eyebrows.
    Eh. Not all types are equal. I personally can't see either of them as a different type. They're both in the dramatic show boat category too, though most dominants aren't usually 'crazy' full of expression ofc. You could put all those types of people together (like Jim Carey's energy and crazy-like persona of dramatism) and get a variety of motivations, but the selection would not be very realistically large or encompassing, nor most importantly would it be very representative of their cognitive differences. There's a more thoughtful way to go abouts categorizing people.

    + I wonder why people chose to bring these sorts of disagreements up when the purpose and achievement of the VI page is valid and respectable. Just go through each Fe-ESFj image and see how extremely similar the eyes and overall expression are to one another. There's no way I would confuse this expression for another type, or hopefully anyone who has their types correctly. It's understandable if you don't rely on VI or have your own approach, but I rely on VI only because it matches up well with the types.

    I'm sure you're familiar with the typing of Fe-INFp for you. Then it would be most beneficial to see the similarities there, I personally think they're more obvious than with ENFj, because you have an introverted and calm expression and energy, mostly inwardly focused. Looks like my Fe-INFp sister. I've seen some of your videos too and it just my personal impression.

    Anyway I'm sure we'll agree to disagree, that's how I operate.
    Last edited by 717495; 09-25-2011 at 01:48 PM.

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    I'm laughing at some of the comments. Seems reliable, thanks alot! It would be nice to have a few more ethnicities in there though.

    Quote Originally Posted by poli View Post
    This other page still the clearest source for VI I've seen, especially now that its fuller than before.

    Really is something worth studying and getting down, the obviously common expressions of each type.
    I just had a look through. A few mistypes, but good non the less.

  7. #7
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    Why do half of those pictures look like portraits of serial killers. I don't like the pictures of the SLE's either lol they all look intense and not in a good way, like they're staring which is what somebody said earlier. I don't notice any similarities in myself, but thats probably because im so used to looking at myself which makes me wonder how people see me. The INFp I definitely see similarities in that I like, I automatically am attracted to people who look similar in real life.

    That link that poli posted...many of those typings make me cringe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Agee View Post
    Why do half of those pictures look like portraits of serial killers.
    They are serial killers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by walker31 View Post
    I'm laughing at some of the comments. Seems reliable, thanks alot! It would be nice to have a few more ethnicities in there though.

    Quote Originally Posted by poli View Post
    This other page still the clearest source for VI I've seen, especially now that its fuller than before.

    Really is something worth studying and getting down, the obviously common expressions of each type.
    I just had a look through. A few mistypes, but good non the less.
    which ones did you think were mistyped?
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    I refuse to believe many of those typings on that socionix gallery site, some of those I believe to be highly subjective but then again don't ask me to explain since im too lazy to explain my reasoning. Anyways, it better to see how those people act in interviews to have a more accurate experience on how they act. Although through VI typing, you should be able to see similar facial nuances in each type no matter what face their making, but those portraits (like most in general) are one dimensional and were created to convey a specific message.

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