Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
"Face structure" have no relation to Jung types. Behavior has, including nonverbal behavior.
It's not necessary for Jung to mention it so we consider it a thing

And even if we did , from my reading of Jung, I don't remember that he described something called "non-verbal behavior" either , it might be something I missed though, so I will ask: where did he mention it?
If he didn't, then you're contradicting yourself by adding your own method that Jung didn't mention and considering it correct while rejecting any additions made by others even when it's based on Jung's work such as function's placement in Model A

Impressions from that guy are close to LSI. Filatova did many mistakes in types as anyone, so ~50% can to have other types. By a single photo is doubtful to check a type with high accuracy, but general situation should to exist.
So , you think your impression that came from one look is more correct than Filatova's typing , who interviewed them? for your information, Filatova didn't took the photos then typed them, she did the opposite : typed them then took the photos , add to this that many of them were her students , she knows some of them already , and anyone who suspected their type later, their photos were moved to the questionable folder, but the photo above has remained to this day in the correct place , and yes, whoever type with these images shouldn't use one image, he should use more, but there are similarities as well

in addition to this , people are very numerous, and certainly their entire faces cannot be limited to a few images, but there are clear basic features of the type, no matter how different the person looks.