Model T is the only system of Socionics with a tested VI system - he VIs with a specific written criteria and then tests with a specified written inventory four Reinin dichotomies during interview. The VI on this thread is not to be used, people here are using it like phrenology. Good VI, if any can be built, can be built from studying outward attitude and comparing it to surveys of inward attitude. It must have a method and not be mere guessing.

If you want to VI from Filatova then you need a system to classify and describe the physical face (as in an etiology) - like some Wikipedia article on the female genitalia. Plastic surgeons have a similar classification system for the face. After you find one for the face, then you have to establish its relationship to some other tool that indicates their type.

Here is what the end product should look like:******-youth Many people disagree with this study's conclusions: