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Thread: Rage and Enneagram Type 6

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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    8,9, and 1 are the instinctual triad... They deal with issues of rage

    Other types are likely to experience rage also, but its source is different... the type of anger they experience is a matter of how their instinctual triad works in with their main type.

    If you have 9 in your tritype... you probably will never express rage outwardly under most circumstances as much as an 8 or 1.

    Now with the e-6... there rage comes from anxiety and trust issues. These issues of anxiety and trust can cause them to be put into a state of panic, at which point its possible for instinct to take over when their mental clarity becomes shattered...

    Now e6 with 8 is likely to get more active under panic... frantic and focus on doing something... fidgity, nervous, upset... pace angrily... break something... drive fast... work out at the gym... run.... work hard. To an outside observer they appear like a nervous ball of energy that on contact will explode.

    Now e6 with 1 is more likely to get more rigid under panic... get obsessive and unload on those who disturb order/rules.... become high maintenance and type A. To an outside observer they appear nervous, stiff, and to have a rigid obsessive nature.

    Now e6 with 9 is more likely to get a little dazed or down under panic... they get calmer and more subdued... sometimes passive aggressive... they may act calm on the surface under panic but then unload their nerves on something... or they may act calm on the surface then find a good friend to unload all their grievances to.

    Typical roles you see each in...
    e6-8: Team sports oriented people, Police, Military
    e6-1: Moralistic Focus, Domestic, Teacher, Church, Community Service
    e6-9: Solid Reliable Friend/Buddy, Passive-Aggressive at Times

    I am an e5-8 for example... usually I'm not too domineering or other attributes of the 8... when I experience panic... I get more 8 in nature, get more productive and impatient with slow physical movement, become assertive, talk louder, be more directive, etc. The thinking types however are not at all what you'd call violent or angry... they are all calm and collected and very thoughtful in their own ways... its only when anxiety overtakes them and they fall back on instinct that their tritype takes an obvious affect on the outside. Me for example once again... what most everyone always see in me is the 5 nature... withdrawn, thoughtful, insight, abstraction, esotercism, interesting for deep philosophical discussion.... but they hardly see me as an 8... I've had 8 friends and the contrast is huge... they always are very physically grounded and attentive to action around them, have a tough prepared way about them that tends to intimidate others pre-emptively from messing with them. Me on the surface, I seem more pensive.
    You seem to have a very good insight in Enneagram, Lucid, but I often ask myself why are people so obsessed with tritype if for begginers it is often hard to understand the basic theory (basic type, dominant wing, instinctual subtype). I see so much confusion in these issues. People don´t understand for example that being 'sexual' in the instinctual subtype is quite different from being a sex-driven person or a sex addict (although this can happen more to sexuals). I HIGHLY RECOMMEND HELEN PALMER´S BOOK 'THE ENNEAGRAM, UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF AND OTHERS', which is btw available for free download at sites like 4shared in pdf format.

    When someone gets past this book, has kind of 'mastered' it, understood it clearly, I suggest Don Riso´s 'Wisdom of the Enneagram' which is much more profound, requires more intelligence and an open mind.

    Anyway I missed my point here which was, can you speak of the differences between 1, 6, 8 and 9 regarding rage without any tritype thing?
    Last edited by Airman; 07-28-2010 at 07:02 PM.

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