It depends a lot on the individual, well, at least with ENTPs. They seem the most erratic to me. Some I can get along with fine, but then others are SO FUCKIN ANNOYING. Maybe these people just have a slight diseases though...

It seems I can get into conflicts with other IxxPs if we have different opinions on things.

ISFJs can be annoying sometimes as well.

ESFPs can be great if they're not too loud or bitchy.

As for the rest, ISFP is great, INFJ is on and off, ESFJ and ENTJ are fine, I'm starting to realize that ENFJ is not really that annoying (Christi and twoguns are not so bad ), ISTJ is wierd, ESTPs I feel more of a "correction" type of relation than an annoying one, and ENFPs are a blast. That's about it.