Quote Originally Posted by maizemedley
Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
Quote Originally Posted by maizemedley

ENFj's- Hmm, they make me feel like they have better things to do, places to see.
Like their time is precious and I'm one of the lucky ones to be in their presence.
I do not think I give this impression (if I am ENFj). However, the only other ENFj (tested, he knew what I was referring to, met him in some business class) I knew was such for sure acted like this towards me. I found him annoying because he wasnt actually listening to what I was saying but talking over me. Conversation should be a two way street... sigh.
Let me further explain. The ENFj is VERY sensitive to me during our one on one interactions. Some of the best times of my life have been marked by the convos we've shared. The brainstorming, the passion...totally. What I meant is that...I get a feeling that their interests are BIGGER and BROADER than mine. Hence I get the feeling that they always have bigger things/people/places on their mind. When I get their time/attention it's magical. I tell you, they make me feel like I am one of those GREAT things they have in mind. Just impressions. Totally subjective.
I've had the same experience. ENFjs make me feel like I should be a more proactive person... which probably is the case. It's frustrating to think that, as an INFp, my sycophantic tendencies inhibit my ability to actually make something more of myself than just everyone's best friend, lol. I think INFps get much too hung up on being likeable, and not enough on being interesting people.

I liked Pedro's scale, so I'm going to plagiarize him:
- ISTj, INTj, ENTj, ENFj
- ESTj, INTp, ENFp, INFj, ESTp
:| - ISFp, ESTj, ENTp, INFp
- ESFp, ISTp
- ISFj