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Thread: ISFp or ISTp?

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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    It was just a guess obviously, since I don't know you in real life but a few of the things you said made me think SEI>SLI like enjoying random humor. If you're a guy and asking if you're ISFp or ISTp, I tend to think you're probably ISFp because most guys, no matter what their type, tend to be less emotional than girls because showing emotions is less culturally acceptable for males, in general. You could be ISFp-Si subtype which would make you lean more towards ISTp.

    Do you feel like you need more help with emotions/relationships or more help with logic and organization?
    Ah, okay. I gotcha
    I think I need more help in emotions/relationships, but I don't know if that has to pertain with socionics or is simply because of my personality. In hindsight, I feel that I've made a lot of relationship-based blunders, such as saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, saying what should not be said, or just not knowing what to say. I've matured a lot, though, and I feel like I've solved that problem (or at least I think so).

    Quote Originally Posted by LokiVanguard View Post
    SLI's cannot exist on this forum. Ergo, you are SEI
    Problem solved. Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    Sounds like Introverted Irrational (you) + Extroverted Irrational (the guy), the second part (nasty faces) sounds like you're rather Fe-Creative (SEI, IEI). XLIs are cold and expressively neutral in all the circumstances, XEIs are the other way around.

    Can you please tell with what things does he intrude, what kind of matters? The examples are important, they make the difference, usually when someone wants to be left alone, there are things which can arouse him/her, they depend mostly on their type of information, the quadra values.
    If I had to guess, I would say he's either IEE or ILE, actually. As for me, that could be a definite possibility.
    What does he intrude? Hmm...
    Well, I think I like when people are able to read into my emotional state. I'm sure you've had days when you just didn't feel like talking or joking around much - maybe work is piling up, something major happened, you're tired, or maybe just not feeling it. My friend doesn't seem to understand when I want to be alone and when I have these days of 'quiet'.
    If you need something more specific, I would have to think about it.

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    Creepy-Pied Piper


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    Quote Originally Posted by LokiVanguard View Post
    Personally I think you might be SLI, since you tend to respond like I would.

    I find that I tend to respond either sarcastically or in a non-sequitur fashion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    Based on what you say I again slightly incline towards SEI, still I was indeed interested in something more specific. Here's an example I can think of:
    - IEEs tend to take SLIs out of their shell with relationship or moral issues, for example making allusions to people who annoyed them, or that they have a bad day, or they remind their peer about some debt, even a formal one, etc. They, the IEEs often when someone is avoiding them, speculate things, naturally SLIs jump to chill them out and to justify themselves or clarify the misunderstandings.
    SEIs don't give a shit about such things, IME.
    - ILEs, on the other hand, can take the SEIs out of their shell with interesting trivial stuff, like showing them some weird thing or asking them provocative questions in the form of a quiz. While SLIs are turned off by such things, SEIs become step-by-step intrigued and interested especially when someone comes with spectacular things.

    So yeah, I hope you get the idea, these are not the only differences, but overall.
    Ok, I gotcha. It would take deeper thinking on my part, then. That kind of question is hard for me to answer, since I'm not especially in tune with how I am intrinsically unless I'm right in the moment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LokiVanguard View Post
    Welcome to the Forum
    Thanks, although I'll probably only be here when I need some help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    I made up my mind, between the two: SLI

    If you feel like, my mission is accomplished .
    Changed your mind from that response? Hmm.
    What should I chalk up to my traits uncharacteristic of SLI to, then? Nuances of personality?

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    Creepy-Pied Piper


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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    I didn't change my mind because I had no previous opinion. It was not only that anyway, above I have written that IMO your writing is very similar to three guys I type (ad AFAIK this is how they type themselves) as SLI.

    Nuances? Maybe, your famous "faces", probably .
    Well, ok. You had a slight inclination, then.

    I had originally thought I was SLI, but I tend to question my self-typing since I'm a bit more expressive than people say are 'typical' for SLIs. Still on the fence, but leaning toward SLI again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pied Piper View Post
    Based on what you say I again slightly incline towards SEI, still I was indeed interested in something more specific. Here's an example I can think of:
    - IEEs tend to take SLIs out of their shell with relationship or moral issues, for example making allusions to people who annoyed them, or that they have a bad day, or they remind their peer about some debt, even a formal one, etc. They, the IEEs often when someone is avoiding them, speculate things, naturally SLIs jump to chill them out and to justify themselves or clarify the misunderstandings.
    SEIs don't give a shit about such things, IME.
    - ILEs, on the other hand, can take the SEIs out of their shell with interesting trivial stuff, like showing them some weird thing or asking them provocative questions in the form of a quiz. While SLIs are turned off by such things, SEIs become step-by-step intrigued and interested especially when someone comes with spectacular things.
    This is interesting, Pied Piper. I am currently trying to figure out my type, and I relate to both SEI and SLI type descriptions (Yes, I know I should be learning the functions and not relying on descriptive texts, blah blah blah, but I find type descriptions a useful place to start, and we all have to start somewhere. Anyways.)

    What do you mean when you say "they remind their peer about some debt" - do you mean IEEs remind SLIs about some debt the SLI has toward the IEE? Would you say that SEIs are aware of debts/obligations towards others and just choose to downplay them, or are they generally unaware?
    Some kind of Ixxp. Who knows.

  9. #9
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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