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Thread: Ni sucks

  1. #1

    Default Ni sucks

    Yes, sucks. One has the advantage of relative certainty (as opposed to ), but such angst!!

    The dominant is a slave to dialectic. There frequently comes a point where you are filled with despair as you cannot escape time, you cannot escape history repeating itself. After all, one cannot propose a synthesis before the antithesis!

    Hence we are ultimately a prisoner of our time and circumstance, with little hope for significant change (thought at least we tend to be prepared!).

    </fatalistic rant>

    Should I start smoking dope with ?

  2. #2
    Mariano Rajoy's Avatar
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    it only sucks for those with . i for one find it amusing at times seeing the dialectic at play. take for instance the intp in a relationship. on one hand doubts about the potential mate torment, while at the same time the intp cannot bring him/herself to move on and find someone who does not create doubt for him/herself, because, alas!, you could be wrong! i would have to say that the paranoid intp almost sets him/herself up to be taken advantage of. the fear of calling and/or meeting potential mates and the very often lack of physical prescence due to easily sets the intp in a position to be toyed with. if someone has more than one romantic interest, which type(s) would be most easily manipulated? intp would certainly fall into this category. if someone were to try this with an esfj, for instance, you would be caught. why? because they call and are always around.
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

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    This is interesting. I find that I can see the outcome of certain events as surely as if it had already occured. That doesnt always stop me from pursuing new intrest but it does discourage me when I see things turning out the way I predicted (if it were negative.) I dont think can escape their either. They just dont focus on it all the time.
    Once I was at a party and I noticed my ESTJ friend hanging out with this guy. Weeks later when I saw her one look at her revealed to me both the past and the future of this new relationship. It all came in a flash that they had been spending time with each other since that party and that he would use her for attention and dump her when it began to get to serious. I didnt really know him at all but sure enough all transpired exactly as I had expected and feared. She was heartbroken. I had subtley tried to warn her to take it slow and to keep her feet on the ground but it made no difference. Anyway she's married now to someone else. End of story.
    I guess thats at work in cases such as these.

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

  4. #4
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    are you single topaz?
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Ni sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Aleesha
    Yes, sucks. One has the advantage of relative certainty (as opposed to ), but such angst!!

    The dominant is a slave to dialectic. There frequently comes a point where you are filled with despair as you cannot escape time, you cannot escape history repeating itself. After all, one cannot propose a synthesis before the antithesis!

    Hence we are ultimately a prisoner of our time and circumstance, with little hope for significant change (thought at least we tend to be prepared!).

    </fatalistic rant>

    Should I start smoking dope with ?
    All this talk about Hegel and dialectical materialism and I don't understand a word of it. Is it like required now in the schools to study dialectics? Seems like everyone knows about this stuff.

    Anyway, the idea behind Ni is to know the process and the result before it happens. The results do not have to materialize first to be deflected (or avoided which is much more often the case with the Ni type). The simple answer to the problem is just to extricate yourself from the situation entirely and move to some other situation. Although this is usually highly difficult to do, it is naturally easier for Ni types because their general behavior causes them to avoid making connections and obligations with the environment, just in case something like this happens and one needs to easily slip away. Or the other answer is to lend your insight and predictive skills to other, more powerful people and create a large-scale solution, something you could never do on your own.

    Of couse, perhaps you were really talking about more inexorable, fatalistic stuff, like love or death, I don't know...
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    I love you Isha!

    Anyway, ALL functions can suck like this if you give them too much power. I don't think extremes are ever good.

    For example, with Si. If Si gets too strong, it starts to say things like, "Gah, why do I need anything? I can already see, taste, and experience things without the helps of others. What's the point anymore? Why put in so much effort?"

    On a sidenote, Ni is scary and unfamilar to me. Come to think of it, all functions besides Si are generally scary and unfamiliar.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
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    Mariano Rajoy's Avatar
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    hegel is brilliant. you are missing out cone. read science of Logic. being and non-being are united in becoming.
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

  8. #8
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy
    hegel is brilliant. you are missing out cone. read science of Logic. being and non-being are united in becoming.
    Yep, utter and absolute nonsense.
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    It does suck in many ways. Unfortunately it seems hard to escape from, at least for me; in fact I've already lived out in my head how I will live all my life in my head.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy
    hegel is brilliant. you are missing out cone. read science of Logic. being and non-being are united in becoming.
    Yep, utter and absolute nonsense.
    hahaha yep

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    = cutters

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkside
    = cutters
    Coming from the guy who thought he was INTp.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by gilligan87
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkside
    = cutters
    Coming from the guy who thought he was INTp.
    Quote Originally Posted by Transigent


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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    I'd like to see you find the last time I thought Ni dominant types were all cutters.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gilligan87
    I'd like to see you find the last time I thought Ni dominant types were all cutters.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    You were trying to criticize me because you thought I was criticizing you for questioning your type. I wasn't; I was criticizing you for insulting Ni dominant types. Your attempt at discounting what I said by trying to call me out on the matter of questioning my type is therefore irrelevent. So you can lick my balls
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by gilligan87
    You were trying to criticize me because you thought I was criticizing you for questioning your type. I wasn't; I was criticizing you for insulting Ni dominant types. Your attempt at discounting what I said by trying to call me out on the matter of questioning my type is therefore irrelevent. So you can lick my balls

    Check out my Socionics group!

  18. #18

    Default Re: Ni sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    All this talk about Hegel and dialectical materialism and I don't understand a word of it. Is it like required now in the schools to study dialectics? Seems like everyone knows about this stuff.
    If you're doing certain philosophy units, then yeah.

    Anyway, the idea behind Ni is to know the process and the result before it happens. The results do not have to materialize first to be deflected (or avoided which is much more often the case with the Ni type). The simple answer to the problem is just to extricate yourself from the situation entirely and move to some other situation. Although this is usually highly difficult to do, it is naturally easier for Ni types because their general behavior causes them to avoid making connections and obligations with the environment, just in case something like this happens and one needs to easily slip away. Or the other answer is to lend your insight and predictive skills to other, more powerful people and create a large-scale solution, something you could never do on your own.

    Of couse, perhaps you were really talking about more inexorable, fatalistic stuff, like love or death, I don't know...
    I'm talking about time on a large scale, i.e. the general direction of a lifetime. In that light, danger becomes mostly irrelevant, at least where the individual is concerned. This is also the part where Ni starts leaning towards a sense of dialectic, etc.

    So I guess it has a similar vibe to love and death.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    I love you Isha!

    Anyway, ALL functions can suck like this if you give them too much power. I don't think extremes are ever good.

    For example, with Si. If Si gets too strong, it starts to say things like, "Gah, why do I need anything? I can already see, taste, and experience things without the helps of others. What's the point anymore? Why put in so much effort?"

    On a sidenote, Ni is scary and unfamilar to me. Come to think of it, all functions besides Si are generally scary and unfamiliar.
    I love you Rocky!

    It is likely that my periodic fatalism is due to giving Ni too much power. However, it's still at a point where fatalism is refreshing so I'm not particularly worried

    But yes - "What's the point anymore? Why put in so much effort?"

    (btw, according to my theory, super-egos move in the same direction :wink: )

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    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    i think people never sleep, or sleep too much, or have very bizarre sleeping habits.
    You mean Ni-dom, right?
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by fever
    in fact Extraverted Intution and Introverted Intution seem to be equally dominant in my psyche. [...] i do not believe i am INFp though. this is why Model A does not make sense to me. the order and strength of functions do not really fit.
    Depends on how you see "strength". I'm beginning to think that this word can be misleading. INFjs have strong Ne and strong Ni, but one function is conscious and the other unconscious. Supposing someone wasn't able to develop his/her dominant function. Does this mean that the corresponding subconscious function becomes stronger? Like a see-saw: you suppress Ne, and whoa - up comes Ni?

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    I think can't exist without . Can't see the outcome without predicting the future. Stronger needs stronger .

    I don't like introverted intuition because it distracts me. It makes me slower. When I'm reading my lecture notes, I'm actually sitting in the classroom. I can feel the atmosphere and see the lecturer. It's almost like having double vision. Like dreaming in the middle of the day, while eyes are open. Even now, while I see my hands and this browser window, I can see myself clicking the button to open another window and seeing the chat.
    I have plus visual thinking. So it does slow me down. I don't only see relevant pictures, but also past and future.

    Problems sleeping, hell yeah! Always had them, always will. I can feel the past experiences all too well. I get all tense when I remember something bad.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

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    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    I don't like introverted intuition because it distracts me. It makes me slower. When I'm reading my lecture notes, I'm actually sitting in the classroom. I can feel the atmosphere and see the lecturer. It's almost like having double vision. Like dreaming in the middle of the day, while eyes are open. Even now, while I see my hands and this browser window, I can see myself clicking the button to open another window and seeing the chat.
    kristiina, that's often how i have heard described. actually, that's almost exactly how Slava described it.
    Well, then there is a difference in how we interpret the words. Or Slava mistyped herself. :wink:

    I can never sense the here and now. I'm always wondering in either the past or the future. And when I'm wondering in the present, I'm imagining the "between the lines" (anything that could also be seen in the situation). I have no sense of my surroundings while I'm there. I never notice details (color of the curtains, the clothes that other are wearing, etc). I can barely sense anything real and physical, so it can't be .
    I have a double-vision, but my mind is working on the pictures that exist in my mind, not the one that is real and right there in front of me. And when I walk through a corridor, I see myself reaching for the door handle (which is supposed to happen in 10 seconds, not right now), and I suddenly I hit my hand against some corner, that I never even noticed...
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

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    Quote Originally Posted by fever
    Quote Originally Posted by Topaz
    This is interesting. I find that I can see the outcome of certain events as surely as if it had already occured. That doesnt always stop me from pursuing new intrest but it does discourage me when I see things turning out the way I predicted (if it were negative.) I dont think can escape their either.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    Anyway, the idea behind Ni is to know the process and the result before it happens. The results do not have to materialize first to be deflected (or avoided which is much more often the case with the Ni type). The simple answer to the problem is just to extricate yourself from the situation entirely and move to some other situation. Although this is usually highly difficult to do, it is naturally easier for Ni types because their general behavior causes them to avoid making connections and obligations with the environment, just in case something like this happens and one needs to easily slip away.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aleesha
    It is likely that my periodic fatalism is due to giving Ni too much power. However, it's still at a point where fatalism is refreshing so I'm not particularly worried
    ok, i identify with all of these descriptions of . in fact and seem to be equally dominant in my psyche. i can predict usually how situations will end even before they begin, therefore i do try to avoid different situations and ppl at times...and often find so many things hopeless, why is there any reason to bother? it will only be the same. i often wish that i will prove myself wrong.

    i do not believe i am INFp though. this is why Model A does not make sense to me. the order and strength of functions do not really fit. i've been trying to shove myself into these little white boxes, but it's not really working for me. socionics is an interesting theory, but there are so many things that it doesn't consider or take into account.
    i often believe that predictions come true because you want them too. or your mind forces you into the situtation in some way. either on a really high level, where you physically control the outcome of your surroundings.

    or if you know your going to trip and fall, your brain sets you up for the fall - in which you can then agree with yourself as you knew it was going to happen.

    i'll usually predict what will happen. but it may only happen because i tend to observe more than i act (because i have no idea how to act, as i always observed). so i can see reality happening in front of me, as i predicted would happen, based on models that i made up already. unfortunally - i'll have several models - a great, good, bad and ugly. and often it's the ugly one that hits. then i beat myself up over it, and the visions simply get worse and at a much faster rate.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    I don't like introverted intuition because it distracts me. It makes me slower. When I'm reading my lecture notes, I'm actually sitting in the classroom. I can feel the atmosphere and see the lecturer. It's almost like having double vision. Like dreaming in the middle of the day, while eyes are open. Even now, while I see my hands and this browser window, I can see myself clicking the button to open another window and seeing the chat.
    kristiina, that's often how i have heard described. actually, that's almost exactly how Slava described it.
    Well, then there is a difference in how we interpret the words. Or Slava mistyped herself. :wink:

    I can never sense the here and now. I'm always wondering in either the past or the future. And when I'm wondering in the present, I'm imagining the "between the lines" (anything that could also be seen in the situation). I have no sense of my surroundings while I'm there. I never notice details (color of the curtains, the clothes that other are wearing, etc). I can barely sense anything real and physical, so it can't be .
    I have a double-vision, but my mind is working on the pictures that exist in my mind, not the one that is real and right there in front of me. And when I walk through a corridor, I see myself reaching for the door handle (which is supposed to happen in 10 seconds, not right now), and I suddenly I hit my hand against some corner, that I never even noticed...
    ideally i'm the same. where i'll be at two places at once. like living a dream. it allows me to space off and do boring tasks while i'm doing something more interesting in my mind. and as long as i don' t keep re-living it, and don't place any emotions on it - then it's just a dream. if i place emotion, or too much physical detailed explanation as to why something exists in my mind - then those visions are a new memory. as if i was there. and that can be confusing.

    i can stay in the here and now. i can remember some of the things in front of me. i couldn't tell you what your wearing if i'm not looking at you. even if i just saw you a moment ago. heck, i can't even remember what i'm wearing right now...

    yet i can remember where a small part in a room is. tell you what drawer i last saw it in. i can draw the entire room as a blue print, just at a glance. yet when i recall a room - i never see the people. it's empty. i can remember certain things about a person, but never their name. unless it's drilled in.

    i can predict outcomes of people, things and events. however sometimes i'm not sure if i'm seeing what i want to see - or if it's really happening.

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