I seem to be sensitive to dangerous areas than most. Ever since I was a little kid....I had a feeling if somebody was 'unsafe' or not, and I was usually right. Of course this intuition has negative effects. People have a tendency to think you're very weak, because you won't do a lot of stuff- but that's just because you're more aware of what that action will actually yield to everybody, and you have a better natural understanding how it just won't be worth it, it will just cause you pain with no reward. Sensors seem to have this intuition too, mind you, it's human and 'universal' but the key difference is, it seems to kick in 'later' for them, than it does us- when it might be too late. (but then again they also seem to be natural better fighters so really everything balances out in the end)

(actually I'm not so sure of sensors being physically tougher either, I think intuition is actually genetically superior even though that probably goes against 'common sense' or something)