I also can finish people's sentences for them often and am also good at guessing people's ages and sometimes other things (like once I guessed how much was in a giant jar of jelly beans), but I think my analytical skills aren't good, because of weak Ti and also, because of an excess of Se (too much booze etc.) and also, because the primary Ni intuition is so cryptic by nature that it's hard to quickly interpret it.

I find INFP intuition to be more understanding than mine, less neurotic than me - I enjoy their humor and groundedness, but I also think they can be shortsighted and evil sometimes, too, and that their not posessing the willingness to go aall the way to help people as I am, but that's also why they don't have as many apparent problems as i do.


p.s. i'm also periodically shocked by an ESTPs acts of a lack of conscience, but pleased when they get more balanced and generally worn out by an ISTJs lack of boundaries (weak Ni and Ne, respecdtively).