Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
My friend is an "intuitive" and she makes predictions all the time and is an INFp. She called me over for tea and started to tell me where she saw me in a the future. I started to feel the pain she was having and I asked her, "how was the wine last night; you seem to be in pain"; she was shocked and taken aback by my perception (I neither knew that she had wine, nor could you see that she was in discomfort). I felt the fermenting wine in her intestines, turning her bowels inside out ( sorry for the imagery). I told her it didn't work like hers, that my particular kind was more empathetic, more based on the very subtle things I feel in a person, things that are connected to their mood, feelings, their emotions or state of comfort. She found that very interesting. I like that she can make predictions for everyone I know in an instant.