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Thread: INFp, ENFjs and predicting what will happen

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    Rusal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    I'm wondering if it's a combination of type, natural empathic abilities, and conditioning from childhood. Being raised in an abusive or emotionally unstable environment develops the ability to read micro-expressions and be hyper attuned to a caregiver's state as a survival mechanism, even more so in someone who is already naturally empathic or observant.
    Yes, and if the descriptions of Beta are true, I can see how NFs in that quadra can be (subconsciously) looking for signs of change in the mood of someone in a higher position/with more power.

    If I were to try to explain it, the way I remember those instances, along with the micro-expressions, there was also some form of pitch, articulation and timbre recognition. My take is that if you have high , your body is more prone to be scanning itself and its environment to find that which poses a threat to its internal harmony. Thus, it becomes more refined at recognizing different stages or intensities: temperature, your sense of hunger or thirst, sounds. traverses time, so here is my take:

    Prediction projected into the future could be more associated with (some of the) intuitives whereas 'gut feelings' or the type of phenomena more often associated with 'psychics' could belong to (some of the) sensors, loosely speaking.

  2. #2
    mindless Aeris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Very interesting. I'll have to think on this. I'm in the enneagram gut center so I often feel like I go with my first instinct before anything else, but I'm sure it's not as tied to my physical state as an Si-dominant. And I'm usually attuned to preventing emotional harm rather than physical.

    Side note, how do you make the little symbols for the information elements?!
    : Fe : just remove spaces.

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    @phi Thank you

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