I am pretty good at looking into the longterm and hunches. There is just a certain sense of knowing, without any explanation. There is always a chance I'll be wrong, so I keep them to myself unless it's something urgent. I prefer to observe how to play out in the longrun, and I prefer not to reveal my inner process to others. If I know a person well, I'm on the money or in the ballpark with how they will act.

I'm the type who prefers to hedge my bets, and I see multiple possible outcomes. It's hard for me to determine which one is more likely, without weighing everything out. There may also be a certain overlap in the ideas of what will come next, some right, some completely wrong. Situations like this play out quickly. I'll plan accordingly what to say, how to act, based on patterns that I have picked up on. If I've been in a similar situation, can make a certain association, it usually will help in the longrun.