Another example of my Ti role is over analyzing things to find a pattern or a rule/law that I can apply to every situation, when there is none; over emphasis on other people’s contradiction in logic. I often tell my brother in law about these things that I’m thinking and he, being a Ti dominant, quickly tells me “Maritsa, you can’t say this.” Using his Fi role back at me with “people are too different to fit that model, sometimes stupid people have smart kids.”

When he asks me to do a task for him, he can be very systematic; he will define the task and all the steps within it in detailed format and will expect me to follow his steps within that system. I often see the redundancy in some of his steps, which I estimate will take two long, so take short cuts to save time and energy, which I appreciate my dual (Te) being able to do because they estimate the external working order of things. When I do skip some of his steps and get the job done, sometimes it won’t matter to him, he will still ask me about each thing that was done with each step, which frustrates me, because the bottom line is or should be more important to him, which sometimes it’s not. The bottom line was that he trusts me (Fi required) to get the job done with good quality. But he has a hard time trusting people (Fi role) with work.

My Ti role causes me to point out other people's inconsistencies with regards to things that don't match up to the system that I've adapted as a canon of that particular topic.