Those are Gulenko's subtype descriptions, and he seemed to think that if Thinking was prefered over Intuition, Feeling would be last and if Intuition was prefer over Thinking sensing would be last, and so on. I disagree.

As for Ganin...


It's no wonder not many Russian socionists like him. The notion that producing subtypes are more balanced and accepting subtypes are a mess is just sickening. I think we're talking about something here but I don't think its subtype. I also don't know why people keep on insiting that Mirros are really that close. I know SmilingEyes was saying that for example, a producing-ESTJ and an accepting-ISTP will be even farther apart, not closer. I'd say he's at least more right. :wink: For anyone to think that Mirros are that close in behavior must not understand the difference between accepting/producing functions, because it seems impossible to really "switch" their roles.

Let's just call a spade a spade. Some people have more developed use of some functions more than other people in their type.