Nice At this point it is pretty clear that the factors don't correlate well with the "function axels" I proposed. Either they are modeling more or less different aspects of personality or they are constructed/rotated in a very different way...For example ENTjs and INTps get surprisingly different results.

This is average of two ENTjs and two INTps:

Ext: 86,5
Agr: 52,5
Cons: 75
Neur: 24
Open: 57,5

Ext: 0,5
Agr: 32
Cons: 38
Neur: 60
Open: 30,5

INTps are more neurotic and less everything else. Only thing I can see from this is well...ENTjs are more extroverted, do more stuff and participate more to society where INTps are more closed and neurotic. Almost as if the introversion/extroversion greatly affects all other factors. And these two types seem to have nothing in common even if they are mirrors and belong to same Quadra. Uh...can't figure this out yet...

I guess I have to go deeper into subcategories and model A and whatnot to see the where the similarities and differences really are...but I don't like the way they are matched to MBTI E/I, S/N, F/T, J/P because that hides the difference between Te/Ti, Se/Si, Ne/Ni, Fe/Fi and involves the MBTI concept of J/P which is different from socionics.

I haven't done my own yet. I'm trying to create a sort of model to predict my outcome first...some of the questions are just so weird like "do you often go to art museums". That seems like it is pretty related to your culture and social circles and social status etc. I can understand it correlates on the average but individual differences are pretty big there.
And it seems to promote extrovert types because they just probably do more stuff in their lives and get higher scores just because of that...
Well who knows.

Anyways do you feel your result represents your personality well?