Here are two Big Five personality tests. If you are interested in it please do one of the tests and post your results. If you are interested in its relation with socionics please read my post below and discuss!

More reliable version (300 questions):

Shortened version (120 questions):

Very unreliable version (48 questions):

I'm checking out the Big Five theory of personality which is a personality theory currently most supported by psychologists. I'm not sure if there is any underlying theory or if it is based only on statistical factory analysis. Five factors or "axels" were discovered that seem to best define personality. There are no types but people are supposed to be distributed along each factor according to Gaussian (normal) distribution.

Factors have different names but this is one version:
Factor 1: "Neurotism"/"Emotional sensitivity"
Factor 2: "Agreeableness" / "Compassion"
Factor 3: "Conscientiousness"
Factor 4: "Openness"
Factor 5: "Extroversion"

There have been different studies of correlations between MBTI "axels" E/I, S/N, T/F, J/P with Big Five. Result has been two axels correlate well and two partly. One axel is missing completely from MBTI.

Now I have been thinking this approach to compare the systems is flawed and researchers should try to find correlation between functional axels formed by

Axel 1: Ti - Fe
Axel 2: Te - Fi
Axel 3: Se - Ni
Axel 4: Si - Ne

As these are often considered to be opposite functions thus forming possibly well polarizing factors/axels.

Now what I was thinking is if the Big Five factors would correlate to functional axels in the following way:

Factor 1:
"Neurotism"/"Emotional sensitivity"
Low = prefers Ti over Fe; High = prefers Fe over Ti

Factor 2:
"Agreeableness" / "Compassion"
Low = prefers Te over Fi; High = prefers Fi over Te

Factor 3:
Low = prefers Se over Ni; High = prefers Ni over Se

Factor 4:
Low = prefers Si over Ne; High = prefers Ne over Si

Factor 5:
According to research correlates heavily with MBTI introversion/extroversion. Probably not too much with socionics interversion/extroversion. Might be linked to socionics type and subtype somehow for example in following way:
Extrovert type with extrovert subtype: scores high on extroversion
Extrovert type with introvert subtype: scores average on extroversion
Introvert type with extrovert subtype: scores average on extroversion
Introvert type with introvert subtype: scores low on extroversion

Also I was thinking wheter types actually exist or are they just illusionary stereotypes and real people can reside anywhere between two (or more types). This is probably somehow connected to the crosstype "theory". The fact that people seem to be distributed evenly on each axel seems to suggest that types are not real. If types were real people should basically score high on two factors and about middle on two others. In introversion/extraversion axel should be distributed in a gaussian way as it is so no problem there.

Anyways I can still see that types could be real but perhaps cultural forces and interaction with other people "forces"/makes people move closer to the middle-ground giving the illusion that factorial preferences are not heavily polarized but instead concentrated in the middle of the axels. This would mean true types come forward perhaps only when you are put under fierce competition which will make you use only your strenghts and polarize your behavior to better match your type. In "peaceful" situation most people behave as sort of "crosstypes". I think this phenomenon has been discussed in some thread already (?).

So what is your take on this? Do you see the Big Five axels correlate with functional axels as I suggested? Do you see them correlating in some other way? Perhaps they correlate but not as straightforwadly as I suggested (not one-on-one correlation)? Do you see Big Five more representative than MBTI or socionics meaning it grasps something these two others don't? Or do you see socionics and Big Five strongly model the same thing and Jung's theory could be used as underlying theory to explain the statistical findings of Big Five researchers? Do you think types are REAL types or "illusionary" stereotypes?

This might be total crap and not anything I fiercely believe in so don't punish me Just discuss Big Five and its relation to socionics interests me. This is my first take on the issue and I haven't read much about Big Five yet so correct the facts if I got them wrong.

And test yourself and compare the result to your type using the factory to function correlation I proposed and see if anything sensible comes out! Yes this is Internet based research and not very reliable but I hope it is fun and educating