I took that Mizami test and this is what I got --

Test results
ILI Your result
ILE These types might also be considered
SLI These types are not very likely
EII These types are quite unlikely
SEE these types are extremely unlikely

So apparently a lot of people think I'm Gamma NT, most likely ILI. Then there are people who think that I might be a ego type, possibly SLI. And then there are the 3 or 4 other types I might be -- SLE, LII, IEI, IEE...

Regarding how I maintain and manage my living environment I'd say that I'm not too organized. I wouldn't say that I want or like things to be extremely disorganized all the time, yet at the same time I'm not that passionate about keeping things in order, and for me it would be like a necessary evil that I usually don't like to attend to. Nevertheless, in the (distant) past there have been times when I attempted to channel some of my "obsessive-compulsive" tendencies into (unnecessary) chores/cleaning, yet for the most part I've seldom been time-efficient (time management is not my forte), and some people have said that I tend to over-analyze or over-think. At home, I'm usually disorganized and random I guess... Yet at the same time I hope that I have some inherent penchant for organizing, it's just that it's not something I like to do too much on a daily basis. Even working at a library started to bother me -- when things became repetitive, mundane, boring. Perhaps I don't make adequate use of my strengths, skills, etc.

Regarding the username "lazybones", I guess it was the first thing that came to mind at the time. And I've been called that in the past, and I guess I do sometimes have a tendency to procrastinate or I don't always like to go out and the like. Then again there are other factors that influence my inertia or whatever.

Anyway, thanks for all your insights. They definitely help me reflect more on my type.