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Thread: please attempt to apply Visual Identification in order to (approximately) determine my sociotype; thanks

  1. #81
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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  2. #82
    neverthesame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pied Piper View Post
    Alright, we have a winner. Me.

    No I'm serious, I think you're an IEE, with no absolute certainty. It's not unusual to meet IEEs self-typed as LII (for example user JohnDo) and even more usual is to meet them self-typed as ILI. The fact is that Ethical people can be logical persons, and Fi-Creative are extremely resilient to be judged or corrected about their personality, opinions which they feel entitled to have full monopoly over, requiring their approval to be true. Although not overtly admitted, discarding their opinion is taken as an offense, even if you're right and objective.
    OK, I understand your point of view. I'd like to remind you that a few months ago you typed me as an ILE on another forum, because of my enthusiasm or something like that.

  3. #83
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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  4. #84
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erk View Post
    Yeah Fe polr seems obvious here. No chance of SLI, just not in the body language. So ILI it is.
    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    I call SLI as well. (mayyybe ILI). I almost said IEE though so i'm leaning SLI.

    You might coincidentally be MBTI ISTP and socionics ISTp, nothing out of the question there. . .The two typing systems dont depend on each other.
    Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
    ILI > SLI

    You don't have the physically relaxed vibe that SLIs have. The way you stand is a bit awkward and unnatural.

    I took a re-look at the pics -- i totally forgot i posted in this thread -- and with my newly acquired understanding of VI in the past 2 months as i continually refine knowledge of socionics, I retract my previous typing of SLI. You have a perfect example of a dynamic Ni gaze. So yeah, ILI or IEI. I still think you look sort of Fe-POLR-ish though, so i'm leaning ILI.

    as far as you saying you have doubts about being in an Fi-valuing quadra... What is your understanding of Fi vs Fe? I know it took me a while to really understand it.
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  5. #85
    neverthesame's Avatar
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    Pied Piper - I honestly think you don't have enough information to assess my type; at least not on this thread and just because you believe I mistyped some people and have a few wrong impressions.

  6. #86
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    Once again I just read the latest comments now. I always seem to be really late.

    Anyway, how do I see Introverted Sensing. Based on what I have read it's peaceful, usually doesn't like arguments and conflicts, has a good memory for a variety of details, is very skilled at understanding internal physical states and what is more comfortable or enjoyable or pleasurable or whatever, is efficient at monotonous chores and the like, wants to follow its desires or path rather than what others may expect from it, is physical and direct and concrete in its relationship with the environment in comparison to Introverted Intuition.

    How do I use Introverted Sensing? I don't know. I have chronic pain, which probably doesn't help. I like to exercise. There have been times when I have been interested or obsessed with health matters, including diet and supplements and detoxifying and the like, yet for the most part I'm quite passive about it and I really need to start becoming more proactive, healthy, dutiful, organized, social, etc.

    Now this is a thing I seldom tell anyone, unless they were fairly close friends (although those people, only two I can think of, probably haven't been my friends for more than a year)... I'm not sure what it's called, and most people would consider it dysfunctional or worse, yet since I was a child I swayed side to side to music, or perhaps it's called rocking. Lying horizontally and rocking right to left, left to right (on a horizontal plane I guess)... and I only do it while I'm listening to music. I can listen to music without doing that. I don't think most people could understand it since it's kind of childish... I'm not sure if it's socionics related.

    Now here are some more SLE quotes that I find interesting:
    Introduction into Socionics

    'Secondary introverted logic (the types Seeker and Commander, XXX-logical extraverts)

    They may be misperceived for the quasi-identical types (Enterpriser and Administrator with the dominant extraverted logic) for their activity and logical way of thinking. The difference is, that both Seeker and Commander are spontaneous types, who do not like to adapt to procedures. Their thinking is conceptual, not methodological; often they can even contradict to what they just have said, but they do not accept such reproaches: “What happened, I just considered the situation from different viewpoints!” Commanders (sensory) often are good as crisis managers, military commanders, heads of the state in crisis situations (Churchill, Lenin, Napoleon Bonaparte), but quickly get bored of complicated procedures that exist in peaceful democratic states. They often like “cat-and-mouse” logical discussion, where important is not to find the truth but to win, to “kill” the opponent with arguments.'

    What are the Erotic Attitudes groupings? | Erotic Attitudes

    'The Assertive Types

    ESTp "Marshal" ISTj "Inspector"
    ESFp "Ambassador" ISFj "Guardian"

    Views others in an openly arrogant and aggressive way expecting complete mental submission. Can have a very victim-like look using indirect methods to control others and turning aggressive when they refuse to submit. Hates signs of weakness in themself thus interacts like a bossy control-freak. Usually takes an insistent tone towards others thus presenting with an "I am in control (like your supervisor)…" attitude'

    More and more I'm thinking that I'm not an SLE, and even if I am I'm not sure if I want to be ESTp.

  7. #87
    I've been waiting for you Satan's Avatar
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    lazy . have u tried morphine ?

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pied Piper View Post
    Interesting coincidence, cause I type Obama as LII and you come across as an IEE.
    Obama being LII--I had an American friend who self-typed LII who idolized Barack Obama, and who typed and V.I.'d Barack Obama as an LII. I remember once sharing this typing on back in August, 2009 and no one seemed to agree with it. Most of them thought Obama was either IEI, ESI, EII, IEE, etc. It's starting to make me wonder whether that American guy was actually LII after all (the way he self-typed) and not IEI like I later thought. I'm not sure if it's related to Barack Obama's type although he voted for him and kind of worshipped him. Yet that guy I knew was probably either LII, IEI, or SEI; although I'm not sure--I guess there could be other alternatives. Anyway, I find it very interesting when someone says that Obama could be LII; I don't see too many people who think that and I was kind of surprised that the Pied Piper thinks Barack Obama is LII, and now that's making me consider that typing again for Obama, although the majority think Barack Obama is some ethical (Feeling) type.

    I don't think I've ever tried morphine. I think it's usually used for acute pain that's usually short lived or something really major (as opposed to chronic pain). Morphine can be highly addictive, and I'm not sure if it would really help, although sometimes the pain I have can be kind of acute at different times of the day, yet I'm not sure if it's enough to qualify for morphine. It varies or fluctuates. I guess I could try Gabapentin one day. Anyway, thanks for caring/inquiring and/or sympathizing. Hopefully people don't think I was just trying to evoke pity, yet I was mainly trying to figure out whether the perception of pain is somehow related to Introverted Sensing, although of course I don't think that physical conditions are type-related, although it's possible. I'm not saying that I'm an Introverted Sensor (or have Si in my ego block) although it's possible. There are actually things in my astrological chart that seem to have predicted the kind of chronic pain I have, although it depends on interpretation. I've tried a lot of supplements, yet I probably have to improve on my diet, and perhaps there's also a psychosomatic (or perhaps neuropathic) element. So perhaps some journalling and dreamwork could also help. What I'm saying probably sounds kind of ridiculous which probably proves that I'm actually not being productive and constructive enough in real life.

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  12. #92
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    You are not Fe polr. We've talked in private and it is obvious to me, that isnt a function you're afraid of flaunting. My best guess is Ti-ESTp, conseidering our relationship unfolded like an activity and I get alot of scrutiny and attentiveness to details in your work that egos do not have. I mean egos are attentive to details, just not passionate about them, you are. Plus I've seen your photos in your old album and you look beta.

    Ignore the first person who said Fe polr. I doubt they know you, they were just going on VI. Everyone just hopped on the bandwagon and followed like a row or dominoes.
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    HERO, this is my first post here, but I've been studying socionics (and living with it) for few years.
    I think that you are either IEE like me, or my dual SLI. I guess you are SLI. I find your posts deeply moving in a very gentle and beautiful way.
    Nothing you say hurts me, so I don't think you use Ti, or Se, in any way. Also, I think that you belong to delta quadra, and not beta. Your writing is soothing to me.
    I find IEIs very interesting, because they are very different from me yet deep... but I don't see beta values in your posts. Your style of writing is very much similar to my style of writing when I research something.

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