Quote Originally Posted by Transigent
I am not trying to be mean, but I just have to ask: What type do you want us to say that you are???

I thought you wanted to be ENFj, but you make a point to say how much you hate ISTj's. You seem to brush off when people say you are ENTj. Earlier, I think you made a point that SG thought you were EJ. Rick seems to like to tell you that you are ENTp.

I was thinking that maybe you thought you were ENFp and wanted proof, but you made a point to point out how Rocky and you are some sort of "bad" socionics relation.

So, I am just wondering what more do you want? It seems like you have a ready-made "proof" of whatever type you truly think you are, so I am wondering what is stopping you?

I mean, I can understand someone knowing they are a certain type, but not having any proof of it, but you seem to be in a position where you can select any line of reasoning?

In my opinion, I think it could be equally likely you are ENTj or ENFj, whichever sounds better I guess. I am just a little confused?