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Thread: Type with the worst temper

  1. #161
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    and just as an example, redbaron is same type as this 'nice aunt' that I have but she seems good headed. but the whole majority of IEIs are just pseudo-intellectuals who like french movies and pseudo-intellectualism and think that they´re something because they read these unknown french fucked up gay writers who write about such relevant topics as 'the anguish of being oneself in contemporary society in light of psychoanalitical anal retentive thought'.

    such a load of bullshit. makes me want to shoot them all and nuke the whole of France, where all this INFP bullshit originates.

  2. #162
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thePirate View Post
    You people, as a types, are massive hypocrites. You all say the same thing about violence being wrong, but you resort to violence as often as SLE. You do unethical things liking beating women, fighting because people wont do what you say, and then have the nerve to preach against it. Of course you cant see this because of Ni PoLR so you continue being lieing douchebags your whole lives. SLE mainly fight because they feel they are being disrespected, they shouldn't resort to violence so quickly yeah, but at least they don't fight because of control issues. They don't fight people because someone wont go somewhere with them, or do something they asked. They dont hit their wives, break things in rage and deny it ever happened: do you know what kind of psychological damage that causes a person?

    No, of course you don't, because you're idiots who only care about being productive and defending values you break all the time.

    You stand for nothing.
    If I say something is bad, I mean it is bad. If I say I don't do something, then I don't do it. The two are not the same thing, therefore I am not a liar. I just do something bad. I have NEVER beat a woman.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  3. #163
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    I have never beaten a woman too, don´t know where this victim got this idea from. Perhaps he´s projecting what happens among Betas towards Deltas. I´d never beat a woman. On the other hand, there´s a part of me who just wants that fucked up ESTP frenchman to come ask me questions about my talk with auntie to fuck him up big time, I got surprises so when I punch him there´s going to be more blood than expected coming out from his fucked up french flesh LOL.

  4. #164
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    I have never beaten a woman too, don´t know where this victim got this idea from. Perhaps he´s projecting what happens among Betas towards Deltas. I´d never beat a woman. On the other hand, there´s a part of me who just wants that fucked up ESTP frenchman to come ask me questions about my talk with auntie to fuck him up big time, I got surprises so when I punch him there´s going to be more blood than expected coming out from his fucked up french flesh LOL.
    There's no point in hitting a woman. Sometimes men only respond to violence.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  5. #165
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    I got to the conclusion that there´s a big problem with France.

    There´s this joke: You want to invade France? Okay, call as much friends as possible, get some heavy guns and go. It´s yours in less than a week. LOL.

  6. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    and just as an example, redbaron is same type as this 'nice aunt' that I have but she seems good headed. but the whole majority of IEIs are just pseudo-intellectuals who like french movies and pseudo-intellectualism and think that they´re something because they read these unknown french fucked up gay writers who write about such relevant topics as 'the anguish of being oneself in contemporary society in light of psychoanalitical anal retentive thought'.

    such a load of bullshit. makes me want to shoot them all and nuke the whole of France, where all this INFP bullshit originates.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

  7. #167
    EffyCold thePirate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    LOL. You know, I just came back from a very 'interesting' meeting and this will confirm part of what you say but it will also show you why we ESTJs do such things.

    I was in psych doc then my mom called saying she was in a nearby bookstore having coffee with her INFP cousin whom I call 'aunt' who´s a fanatic psychoanalyst and never got along well with me. Since I was born she was always saying I was not manly enough, even dared to say my father was not manly enough because he never hit me or my brother (she´s married to a french ESTP who´s very violent and hit her first marriage children since they got married until they moved in desperation out of the city ASAP now YOU IMAGINE THE TRAUMA THIS CAUSES TO A KID WHO CANNOT DEFEND HIMSELF YOU FUCKED UP VICTIM) and was all my life saying to my mother I had doubts about my sexuality just because I was not an ogre like her husband. Now to continue the story I got there and I knew there was going to be trouble because I was already with a bad temper since I´ve been feeling a little depressed and sad and antidepressant is no longer working as it was. But I got there calmly, she immediately on seeing me said with that arrogant tone typic of people who think they´re something, 'come on sit here' and hit the sofa besides her. I politely sat there and ordered a coke while she babbled about how I have emotional problems and how I should and must do psychoanalysis until she said that I was running from it basically calling me a coward until I said staring at her eyes finally when my Se demonstrative erupted after hearing all that bullshit 'well maybe psychoanalysis is not for me because I´d just tell the analyst to fuck off and get out of the room.' She stared at me kind of shocked (that´s what fucking cowards like most Betas do when they´re shown a little of LSE rage) and tried to continue her argument and I sipped my coke and said 'I´m irreductible on this. This conversation isn´t going anywhere, I don´t agree with you and this is a waste of time' and I got up and got out. She was frightened (like all you chicken Beta NFs) and shouted at me 'hey, kisses!' but I could see her pale frightened face like a real coward.

    Then she and my mother reached me and she started basically apologizing in a slightly clever manner to which I barely reacted and was just indifferent, which scared the shit out of her even more.

    Now I imagine she must be complaining about me to her ESTP husband. He´s a dickhead who´s hated by everyone he ever worked with because he shouts and imposes himself with verbal violence (I can imagine physical violence too coming from him at work).

    Now you tell me you fuck, who´s better? Really, most Betas (not all) except for LSIs who are able to be somewhat better headed should unite and commit a mass suicide, that would be a great favour for humanity in general. I don´t like to generalize there are good Betas but they´re minority. Now you tell me what you prefer, a guy who loses his temper because things are not right from time to time or a barbarian who thinks he´s still living in caveman times and threatens and imposes himself through violence like an ESTP all the fucking time?
    Your aunt is a crazy, fucked up bitch.

    She's unhealthy, I don't personally know any IEI's whether on here or in real life that would advocate beating children so this isn't so much type related.

    The shock apart from the anger itself, is the incomprehensibility of why someone would be angered over petty things - it was just a simple conversation really. Knowing she had already annoyed you in the past, it should have been obvious to not order that coke and sit down with her. Of course having Ni PoLR, these things just don't come up.

    You people put yourselves in positions to be angered, this is partly what makes you such horrible people. You cant stop it either. This makes you liabilities and prone to abuse, you do this to yourselves and to others. Mix in control issues and you have yourself a very unpleasant personality type.

    I'm not going to defend SLE's as you are right, I don't believe they should take that violent approach, but you are CRAZY if you think the same standards don't apply to your kind. You don't outright threaten violence but everything about your demeanor and way of thinking exudes this as the same choice - obey me or you will be hurt. SLE are just upfront about it.

    Its more than an issue of 'things not being right from time to time', LSE are just as 'barbaric', except under the guise of a gentleman.

    I can admit that there are probably more well adjusted people in delta, and even possibly agree that only the minority of betas are 'good' - I personally feel like I have to be careful around my own quadra mates so I think that says something on its own.


    Again, you are DELUSIONAL if you think this applies to LSE.

    SLI, EIE, IEE, fine.

    LSE? FUCK no.

    If you think the world would be better of without betas, put LSE in that little fucked up equation as the world would be a MUCH better place without you assholes in it. The same minority statement applies to LSE as well. The majority of the time you are making lives miserable.

    & All this talk of cowardice, you apply this to a woman who probably couldn't defend herself against you if things got physical, and who if IEI, could sense that you are an emotionally unstable, volatile type of person. How do you expect her to react? Say and act tough with SLE, goad them into fighting, one whose your size and 'coward' wont be the first thing that comes to mind, I can guarantee you that.

    I cant believe you're making a statement like that ESPECIALLY compared to deltas who are probably the most 'cowardly' quadra of the socion. I don't mean that disrespectfully, I know delta values aren't to fight but if your going to be making statements like that, the gloves are off.

    Have you ever heard the phrase

    "Society is meant to protect the deltas from the betas" ?

    I think you better contemplate what that means, buddy.

  8. #168
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    i like you a lot redbaron :wink:

    don´t take this badly, but I´d like to ask you a question, because this is something that puzzles me in IEIs in general: does a sudden demonstration of rage turn you on? The females IEIs I know are kind of shocked and at the same time attracted to me when I get suddenly angry.

  9. #169
    EffyCold thePirate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    If I say something is bad, I mean it is bad. If I say I don't do something, then I don't do it. The two are not the same thing, therefore I am not a liar. I just do something bad. I have NEVER beat a woman.
    I don't mean for this to come off harshly, but I don't trust you when you say this. LSE have denied things that I had just witnessed in front of my own eyes so I tend to be skeptical as to their words on Se/Ni matters. They just seem oblivious as to their own violent tendencies

    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    I have never beaten a woman too, don´t know where this victim got this idea from. Perhaps he´s projecting what happens among Betas towards Deltas. I´d never beat a woman. On the other hand, there´s a part of me who just wants that fucked up ESTP frenchman to come ask me questions about my talk with auntie to fuck him up big time, I got surprises so when I punch him there´s going to be more blood than expected coming out from his fucked up french flesh LOL.
    how am I projecting?

    I'm not denying anything asshole.

    I have seen an LSE savagely beat a woman, seen another come INCHES away from doing this and have had tp personally calm the situation down. Don't fucking tell me that its impossible for this to be a scenario, 'Im suggesting its prelavent, but for you to go as far as to say that I must be projecting because its such an impossibility is ludricous.

  10. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    i like you a lot redbaron :wink:

    don´t take this badly, but I´d like to ask you a question, because this is something that puzzles me in IEIs in general: does a sudden demonstration of rage turn you on? The females IEIs I know are kind of shocked and at the same time attracted to me when I get suddenly angry.
    If the rage is directed at someone else, a system or a crazy person or someone other than me then yeah there's a certain hot quality about that. Cause then I get the always pleasant (and I'm not being sarcastic here) task of calming the person down and getting them to laugh & relax. Then I feel powerful and like I'm making a difference in their life. this is why it's always been really hard between my husband and I because no matter WHAT I DO, I cannot affect him. If he's mad, he's mad. Everything I say is wrong, everything I do try to calm him, fails. After years and years of that, it was almost enough to make me start to feel like I was a failure (since Fe stuff is like one of my best talents). Until I started hanging around other people, especially betas, and realized I wasn't the one with the problem, it's just the way he and I interact.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

  11. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by thePirate View Post
    Your aunt is a crazy, fucked up bitch.
    I see you still have a working mind there.

    She's unhealthy, I don't personally know any IEI's whether on here or in real life that would advocate beating children so this isn't so much type related.
    Perhaps not, but victims especially IEIs tend to have little or no sense of what is commonly called 'justice' or 'righteousness'. It´s a Beta thing in general. There is no justice. Beat children. The stronger wins.

    The shock apart from the anger itself, is the incomprehensibility of why someone would be angered over petty things - it was just a simple conversation really. Knowing she had already annoyed you in the past, it should have been obvious to not order that coke and sit down with her. Of course having Ni PoLR, these things just don't come up.
    Thanks for reminding me of that. You are right.

    You people put yourselves in positions to be angered, this is partly what makes you such horrible people. You cant stop it either. This makes you liabilities and prone to abuse, you do this to yourselves and to others. Mix in control issues and you have yourself a very unpleasant personality type.
    Every type has its downside. ESTJs are noble-minded. But you can´t neither grasp what that means nor value that, since you´re a Beta, you call that "weakness".

    I'm not going to defend SLE's as you are right, I don't believe they should take that violent approach, but you are CRAZY if you think the same standards don't apply to your kind. You don't outright threaten violence but everything about your demeanor and way of thinking exudes this as the same choice - obey me or you will be hurt. SLE are just upfront about it.
    Sorry mate but saying is one thing, abstract terms like 'exuding' or whatever you want to say which is not clear as a threat with words is not a threat. Our demeanor is of course a little serious because we know which animals we´re dealing with in this jungle, namely, Betas.

    Its more than an issue of 'things not being right from time to time', LSE are just as 'barbaric', except under the guise of a gentleman.
    I disagree. This is how YOU see it. Because you´re too fragile or sensitive. We´re just strong, but never barbaric. Betas are Barbarics, we are noble knights in armour. We know we have to be strong, but we don´t use it to threaten others. It´s just for our defense and protection of the people, values and structures we hold dear.

    I can admit that there are probably more well adjusted people in delta, and even possibly agree that only the minority of betas are 'good' - I personally feel like I have to be careful around my own quadra mates so I think that says something on its own.
    Good you can see that. It´s going to spare you lots of trouble in life.


    Again, you are DELUSIONAL if you think this applies to LSE.

    SLI, EIE, IEE, fine.

    LSE? FUCK no.

    If you think the world would be better of without betas, put LSE in that little fucked up equation as the world would be a MUCH better place without you assholes in it. The same minority statement applies to LSE as well. The majority of the time you are making lives miserable.
    No, we´re saving lives from savages like ESTPs.

    & All this talk of cowardice, you apply this to a woman who probably couldn't defend herself against you if things got physical, and who if IEI, could sense that you are an emotionally unstable, volatile type of person. How do you expect her to react? Say and act tough with SLE, goad them into fighting, one whose your size and 'coward' wont be the first thing that comes to mind, I can guarantee you that.
    I didn´t touch her nor even raised my voice with her. It was just my stare and pretty much everything in me which shouted 'HE´S FUCKING RAGING.' I can agree that, although I don´t like to talk to her husband and he doesn´t talk to me on family meetings, I could make a joke on him to see how he reacts. But that would be STARTING a fight, something I don´t like to do. If he comes to me, I´ll be glad to respond with all my resources at hand and if he tells me harsh words like she did, he´ll get a worse response from me. And because he knows I´m quite 'volatile' I really doubt he´ll get into a brawl with me. But that could be a good thing to happen. I wouldn´t start it, though.

    I cant believe you're making a statement like that ESPECIALLY compared to deltas who are probably the most 'cowardly' quadra of the socion. I don't mean that disrespectfully, I know delta values aren't to fight but if your going to be making statements like that, the gloves are off.

    Have you ever heard the phrase

    "Society is meant to protect the deltas from the betas" ?

    I think you better contemplate what that means, buddy.
    No I haven´t heard the phrase. Deltas are not cowards, they´re just peaceful so they come up to people who only understand violence like you Betas as 'cowards'. This is how you read the word 'peaceful'. But it´s not your fault, it´s just your type. And if society is meant for that, then we have the whole establishment with us and you have only your fucking disunited and mentally disturbed selves to fight us. But we don´t need an establishment. You bring yourselves to a fall sooner or later, you´re too dumb and chaotic as a Quadra.

  12. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    Yes, but ESTPs much more so, and because they are usually dumber, they are not usually more bad-tempered, they´re also very cowardly frequently, as in beating a woman or someone clearly weaker. ESTJ (talking for myself) will avoid physical violence until the last moment when all other resources have run out, even then physical violence will not be of a cowardly nature and will not be so effective, as I have seen in my experience men with Se in their Ego tend to get a big advantadge in brawls of any type since they mobilize more strength faster. But if something requires shooting or violence which is more of a brain-type such as a planned ambush, group fight, than delta STs are likely to prevail over Beta STs. Also, if a fight evolves to jiu-jitsu ground combat and both know this martial art, delta is likely to prevail even if weaker in muscles.

    The city where I live (Rio de Janeiro) is even funny because the nightlife is violent, full of bullies who take lots of steroids, full of SLEs and what not. So unfortunately I have some experience with this violence I´d rather not have.
    But yes you´re right Maritsa sometimes I lose my temper on my own, this already happened a few times in the past, but it seems ESTPs LIKE TO fight and brawl, I do not.
    You're basically talking shit. I can just about understand why you might think what you do about SLEs liking to fight, but talking about SLEs being worse than LSEs in a "planned ambush" because it is "of a brain-type" is almost comical. Living in Rio I'm sure you know full well about BOPE. Are you telling me that there are no good Beta ST BOPE officers who fight well an ambush? The majority of warfare skill arises from training, not innate abilities, otherwise it would be pointless training soldiers - they'd all just be good anyway. When I was in the OTC, I met plenty more Beta STs than I did Delta STs.

    In terms of Delta STs being better at martial arts, that's just plain unfounded. It depends on who is training, not on their type. It might be true that Se devaluers are more likely to gravitate towards certain styles, given the style's philosophy's emphasis on yielding, e.g. Aikido (which I as an SLE practised for six years), in order to make your attacks defensive rather than offensive. But that no means necessitates that any style's practisers will be of a certain type, or a certain type will be better than another. Personality and relationship compatibility has nothing to do with physical ability.

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    It always confuses me how a person who clearly knows nothing about psychoanalysis / psychology in general can form such strong convictions about it. Does it represent some imagined moral infringement? Modern psychoanalysis is actually way different than Freudian psychoanalysis. It's used alot more as a diagnostic tool than any actual healing measure. Sounds like your aunt is one of those 'psychoanalysis radicals'.. Those are rare in the modern field of psychology.
    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    ... which is not clear as a threat with words is not a threat. Our demeanor is of course a little serious because we know which animals we´re dealing with in this jungle, namely, Betas.
    Body language is actually alot more informative than words. Anyway, ESTjs have volcanic outbursts / temper tandrums all the time. My ESTj brother in law, if he gets killed on Call of Duty 4, will throw the controller across the room, let out a scream "FUCK", and he'll have to go smoke a cigarette to calm down. Like a fuckin 2 year old. It's hilarious to watch. He also beats his wife and steals / wears womens underwear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    ... I disagree. This is how YOU see it. Because you´re too fragile or sensitive. We´re just strong, but never barbaric. Betas are Barbarics, we are noble knights in armour. We know we have to be strong, but we don´t use it to threaten others. It´s just for our defense and protection of the people, values and structures we hold dear.
    This patriotic mentality is what leads to wars. An ESTj is the knight in armor who rides into battle and slaughters a market full of blasphemers in an orgasmic fit of deluded righteousness. What's loathesome about it is how the ESTj puts themselves on a pedestle. Their shit doesn't stink, they're doing it for God and country. It reeks of bigotry and hypocracy. I live on an Air Force base and I see ESTjs flaunting this dumbass attitude all the time.

    ESTjs are terrible at recognizing other peoples values / points of view. They're the perfect tools.
    Last edited by crazedrat; 07-16-2010 at 11:56 PM.

  14. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    Perhaps not, but victims especially IEIs tend to have little or no sense of what is commonly called 'justice' or 'righteousness'. It´s a Beta thing in general. There is no justice. Beat children. The stronger wins.

    betas are the ones who value justice, and deltas the ones who value mercy

    this is why deltas are seen by betas as hypocrites, this is part of why we clash so often, its kind of a commonly known thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post

    Every type has its downside. ESTJs are noble-minded. But you can´t neither grasp what that means nor value that, since you´re a Beta, you call that "weakness".
    Nice way of downplaying your issues.

    Yes we all do have downsides, except mine doesn't cause someone to lay in a pool of their own blood. Whatever though, 'we all have downsides' right?

    Anyway, what you're saying is baseless, I don't think you are aware of who I am and what my history is. When I first came on this forum I ABSOLUTELY despised betas for what I thought they were. I partly typed myself as Delta because I respected this noble mindedness as strength, duty to values. So, no, its not that as a beta I don't value noble mindedness. On the contrary it is a GREAT quality that I admire in those who possess it. You might be wondering how I typed myself as beta. Well guess, what? This noble mindedness of delta isn't as noble as it sounds on paper. I'm not going to go on a rant on deltas, there are some great + cool people I have met from there. However, getting very well acquainted with what an actual LSE is, its a facade. These values they only preach in name and frequently break them because of their ignorance(Ni PoLR + Se demonstrative, mainly). A noble mind is nothing without noble action, the two go hand in hand. You can't tell me to respect people then spit on the next person you see. That makes you worse, it makes you a liar, hypocrite, weak, and cowardly as opposed to just not saying anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post

    I disagree. This is how YOU see it. Because you´re too fragile or sensitive. We´re just strong, but never barbaric. Betas are Barbarics, we are noble knights in armour. We know we have to be strong, but we don´t use it to threaten others. It´s just for our defense and protection of the people, values and structures we hold dear.
    Have you not read this thread, or other threads, where the consensus is basically that LSE have the worst temper from petty issues?

    But whatever.

    Yes, me seeing LSE as barbaric is my opinion, its completely subjective but a sentiment I find various other types(from different quadras no less) also agreeing with. I don't claim that as an objective statement, but as such it is also accepted that YOUR view of betas is ALSO subjective and not the reality; it is ALSO merely an opinion. Same goes with your 'delta-knights, betas-barbarics' statement.

    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    Sorry mate but saying is one thing, abstract terms like 'exuding' or whatever you want to say which is not clear as a threat with words is not a threat. Our demeanor is of course a little serious because we know which animals we´re dealing with in this jungle, namely, Betas.
    this is the definition of a threat:
    An expression of an intention to inflict pain

    An expression, so yes, exuding falls under an 'expression' because a threat is essentially conceptual and intangible in nature. The problem with you idiots is that you always try to define reality for other people which you CAN'T do. If I feel like you're threatening me, you better accept it and back the fuck off.


    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    No, we´re saving lives from savages like ESTPs.
    I have never seen this happen, ever, but a 'savage' beta like myself has had to stop a 'knightly' ESTj from putting his hands on a woman on more than one occasion.

    My statement still stands about the world being a better place without you idiots, and this I don't feel is subjective; you people do make the world a worse place and any capabilities that you have can be done by other types as efficiently, if not, even better.

    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post

    No I haven´t heard the phrase. Deltas are not cowards, they´re just peaceful so they come up to people who only understand violence like you Betas as 'cowards'. This is how you read the word 'peaceful'. But it´s not your fault, it´s just your type. And if society is meant for that, then we have the whole establishment with us and you have only your fucking disunited and mentally disturbed selves to fight us. But we don´t need an establishment. You bring yourselves to a fall sooner or later, you´re too dumb and chaotic as a Quadra.

    Have I not agreed with you this whole time that unjustified violence is cowardly? This is my whole issue with LSE, and AGAIN, I can even AGREE that betas engage in this, possibly more so than other quadras.

    My interpretation of a coward is someone who doesn't fight(this doesn't necessarily mean physically) for their beliefs.

    coward n. One who shows ignoble fear in the face of danger or pain
    coward Definition: 1. somebody lacking courage
    coward: someone who runs away and fails to stand up to a challenge/danger'.

    However, anyway you want to slice it, coward as a whole, even in its standard usage, is more applicable to delta than beta. Betas don't run from danger or pain, we run towards it. We embrace it, it fuels us.

    You are the ones who hide from it, who try to cut it out.

    Its not in your values to be 'brave'.

    ESTj can be considered an exception, but not by me.

  15. #175
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    Well, shit happens. I don´t know MANY ESTJs so I cannot tell, they don´t seem to exist as much as ESTPs here where I live, but the ones I know are not prone to violence against weaker persons, and not prone to violence at all, they just have these outbursts.

    Yes I agree there´s something really disturbing in an ESTJ when you really get to know him, as a friend once told me, 'tyrants'. This is why I´ve previously said in other posts in other threads that ESTJs are Beta-ish and they have something wrong in their head, similarly to ISTJs who are Delta-ish. In an ESTJ you will see a lighter version of an ESTP, a more refined and noble version of one, still, there´s the EST... which makes an intense combination not easy to handle.
    And I know that ESTJs are, somewhat, pudic about sexuality and morals while themselves secretly or overtly infringe what they defend is right - this is a perversion, but this is not limited to ESTJs and not all of them have it.
    Also ESTJs infringe rules they have previously set because in my view ESTJs see themselves as these representatives of good Power on Earth while Betas are bad Power.

    ISTJs also show considerable Delta-ness - though they are much more and in essence Betas.
    I don´t want to say ESTJs are perfect or are gods. No. Talking for myself, I am really quite psychologically unbalanced, but this is because I should be telling people what to do because I know what is best. Instead, the most idiot types get to these positions of command very often. And then they ruin the whole thing. But I agree with you. I am somewhat malish, possessive of women, sadistic and can be brutally violent. I see these as consequences of living in this degenerated world and times. But the heart of the ESTJ is something very noble, peaceful and honourable. Bear this in mind. We save lives. We give our lives for others´.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat360 View Post
    Body language is actually alot more informative than words. Anyway, ESTjs have volcanic outbursts / temper tandrums all the time. My ESTj brother in law, if he gets killed on Call of Duty 4, will throw the controller across the room, let out a scream "FUCK", and he'll have to go smoke a cigarette to calm down. Like a fuckin 2 year old. It's hilarious to watch. He also beats his wife and steals / wears womens underwear.

  17. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    You're basically talking shit. I can just about understand why you might think what you do about SLEs liking to fight, but talking about SLEs being worse than LSEs in a "planned ambush" because it is "of a brain-type" is almost comical. Living in Rio I'm sure you know full well about BOPE. Are you telling me that there are no good Beta ST BOPE officers who fight well an ambush? The majority of warfare skill arises from training, not innate abilities, otherwise it would be pointless training soldiers - they'd all just be good anyway. When I was in the OTC, I met plenty more Beta STs than I did Delta STs.

    In terms of Delta STs being better at martial arts, that's just plain unfounded. It depends on who is training, not on their type. It might be true that Se devaluers are more likely to gravitate towards certain styles, given the style's philosophy's emphasis on yielding, e.g. Aikido (which I as an SLE practised for six years), in order to make your attacks defensive rather than offensive. But that no means necessitates that any style's practisers will be of a certain type, or a certain type will be better than another. Personality and relationship compatibility has nothing to do with physical ability.
    You are right in the part about most policeman being ESTP in Rio, Bope or not. But I guess this is because ESTP love to make war or fight, so to be a policeman in one of the most violent cities in the world is a great opportunity to prove yourself and test your limits. Perfect choice for them. There are also many ISTJ policemen here. Almost no deltas.

  18. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat360 View Post
    It always confuses me how a person who clearly knows nothing about psychoanalysis / psychology in general can form such strong convictions about it. Does it represent some imagined moral infringement? Modern psychoanalysis is actually way different than Freudian psychoanalysis. It's used alot more as a diagnostic tool than any actual healing measure. Sounds like your aunt is one of those 'psychoanalysis radicals'.. Those are rare in the modern field of psychology.
    Yes, she is. LOL. She´s already almost 60. Not so rare for her age to be so. These people should be interned in concentration camps and work for society doing some productive labor instead of being free walking around and practicing (!!!) this kind of sadistic psychoanalysis.

    Body language is actually alot more informative than words. Anyway, ESTjs have volcanic outbursts / temper tandrums all the time. My ESTj brother in law, if he gets killed on Call of Duty 4, will throw the controller across the room, let out a scream "FUCK", and he'll have to go smoke a cigarette to calm down. Like a fuckin 2 year old. It's hilarious to watch. He also beats his wife and steals / wears womens underwear.
    LOL, could be true BUT the part abt women underwear.

    This patriotic mentality is what leads to wars. An ESTj is the knight in armor who rides into battle and slaughters a market full of blasphemers in an orgasmic fit of deluded righteousness. What's loathesome about it is how the ESTj puts themselves on a pedestle. Their shit doesn't stink, they're doing it for God and country. It reeks of bigotry and hypocracy. I live on an Air Force base and I see ESTjs flaunting this dumbass attitude all the time.

    ESTjs are terrible at recognizing other peoples values / points of view. They're the perfect tools.
    We´re a little fucked up in the head. Deal with it. I think the solution is clear, each ESTJ should be allowed 10 porn actresses paid by the government. Things would get much smoother and calm. We need lots of sex.

  19. #179
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    Must be hard being a type 1 in Rio de Janeiro
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    I am somewhat malish, possessive of women, sadistic and can be brutally violent. I see these as consequences of living in this degenerated world and times. But the heart of the ESTJ is something very noble, peaceful and honourable. Bear this in mind. We save lives. We give our lives for others
    Huh-uh. You're crazy. You need more grounding, more of a're just off in outer space man. No connection. It's insane!

  22. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Must be hard being a type 1 in Rio de Janeiro
    Actually you got a very deep issue for me. There are very few E1s here, and if you know this city, you know it´s the last thing made for a type 1. This helps to build up lots of rage.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Huh-uh. You're crazy. You need more grounding, more of a're just off in outer space man. No connection. It's insane!
    So now you read minds or know if people are 'grounded' or not just from this forum? You´re amazing then. Just the other day you were saying you wanted to be a woman to fuck tcaudillg the way he needs, do you think THAT is sanity? Don´t talk to me about sanity please.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
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    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Huh-uh. You're crazy. You need more grounding, more of a're just off in outer space man. No connection. It's insane!
    maybe it's just a reflection.

  26. #186
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    Big argument...Airborne vs. the Betas. George Washington vs. the Nazis. Need any help, identical?

    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    I don´t know MANY ESTJs so I cannot tell, they don´t seem to exist as much as ESTPs here where I live
    I know about an equal number of both. I collect people's types like an LII with a computer collects dust.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Big argument...Airborne vs. the Betas. George Washington vs. the Nazis. Need any help, identical?
    Thank you Abbie. If I do need some help I´ll let you know. Thanks also for the comparison, lol.

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    More like George Bush vs. the Nazis.

  29. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Big argument...Airborne vs. the Betas. George Washington vs. the Nazis.
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat360 View Post
    More like George Bush vs. the Nazis.
    lmfao polr

  30. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by AngelMaybe View Post
    lmfao polr
    What's Imfao?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    What's Imfao?

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    In my fucking automobile

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    see the immaturity of betas, Maritsa? they invent such things as 'LMAO', but this is a very innocent of their vast array of contributions to the world.
    they also invent Nazism, Communism, Terrorism and Catholicism.
    it´s time we do something about these people Maritsa.

  34. #194
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    it must really suck bad to have as PoLR , as in this example:

    A type with Te PoLR tends to reject facts given from a source which they are personally unfamiliar with, firmly believing they can make their own decisions that are solely based on their own perspective and reasoning about it. They will tend to become defensive when questioned about their rationale or efficiency, pointing out that there is no such thing as objective "fact".

    LSE: 'Beautiful blue sky today isn´t it?'

    IEI: 'The sky is not blue.'

    LSE: 'How so? It is quite obvious.'

    IEI: 'No, I read in some fucked up french gay pseudo-intellectual magazine that the sky is actually red. Shut the fuck up now, you fool. You either start beating me like I want then we fuck, or get the fuck out of here.'

    LSE walks away in shock.

  35. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    see the immaturity of betas, Maritsa? they invent such things as 'LMAO', but this is a very innocent of their vast array of contributions to the world.
    they also invent Nazism, Communism, Terrorism and Catholicism.
    it´s time we do something about these people Maritsa.

    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    it must really suck bad to have as PoLR , as in this example:

    A type with Te PoLR tends to reject facts given from a source which they are personally unfamiliar with, firmly believing they can make their own decisions that are solely based on their own perspective and reasoning about it. They will tend to become defensive when questioned about their rationale or efficiency, pointing out that there is no such thing as objective "fact".

    LSE: 'Beautiful blue sky today isn´t it?'

    IEI: 'The sky is not blue.'

    LSE: 'How so? It is quite obvious.'

    IEI: 'No, I read in some fucked up french gay pseudo-intellectual magazine that the sky is actually red. Shut the fuck up now, you fool. You either start beating me like I want then we fuck, or get the fuck out of here.'

    LSE walks away in shock.
    youre too easily riled. chill out, dude.

  36. #196


    Lol are you sure you aren't an 8 airborne?

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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    Lol are you sure you aren't an 8 airborne?
    someone suggested that for him was
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  38. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    it must really suck bad to have as PoLR , as in this example:

    A type with Te PoLR tends to reject facts given from a source which they are personally unfamiliar with, firmly believing they can make their own decisions that are solely based on their own perspective and reasoning about it. They will tend to become defensive when questioned about their rationale or efficiency, pointing out that there is no such thing as objective "fact".

    LSE: 'Beautiful blue sky today isn´t it?'

    IEI: 'The sky is not blue.'

    LSE: 'How so? It is quite obvious.'

    IEI: 'No, I read in some fucked up french gay pseudo-intellectual magazine that the sky is actually red. Shut the fuck up now, you fool. You either start beating me like I want then we fuck, or get the fuck out of here.'

    LSE walks away in shock.
    hahaa, yeah, almost as bad as Ni PoLR

    almost, not quite


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    Gross caricatures satisfy the repressed sadism of a gay little boy.

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    I was going to let this thread go but since you continue to be a jackass, and I essentially hate you people, I think I'll charge forth:

    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    Well, shit happens.
    And I know that ESTJs are, somewhat, pudic about sexuality and morals while themselves secretly or overtly infringe what they defend is right - this is a perversion, but this is not limited to ESTJs and not all of them have it.
    This is a stupid argument, here's why:

    if believe this then its only fair to logically conclude the same things about betas which makes all your bitching worthless. none of the anything you have mentioned is limited strictly to beta, yet admittedly is probably more prevalent among betas as you're weakness in morality is more prevalent in ESTjs in particular. Just admit it, just say 'okay estjs are like this' and stop making excuses like a little bitch. That's all you people do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    Well, shit happens.

    Also ESTJs infringe rules they have previously set because in my view ESTJs see themselves as these representatives of good Power on Earth while Betas are bad Power.
    So they break the rules they value and defend in order to defeat 'evil'.

    Does this make any sense to anyone?

    You essentially become what you fight against by doing this

    You are creating more of what you attempt to eradicate, situations are not better because you FILL that negativity yourself by trying to combat it in the ways you do.

    This is why I hate Ni PoLR, its stupidity at its finest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    Well, shit happens.
    Talking for myself, I am really quite psychologically unbalanced, but this is because I should be telling people what to do because I know what is best. Instead, the most idiot types get to these positions of command very often. And then they ruin the whole thing. But I agree with you. I am somewhat malish, possessive of women, sadistic and can be brutally violent. I see these as consequences of living in this degenerated world and times. But the heart of the ESTJ is something very noble, peaceful and honourable. Bear this in mind. We save lives. We give our lives for others´.
    Excuse after excuse after excuse

    Just man the fuck up you pussy and admit your faults, don't half ass admit something and generate stupid rationalizations for them.

    LSE here in America are the same fucking way they are where you live, they are possessive, sadistic, and brutal.

    Its not your environment, you were just born this way.

    Next you have the audacity to say you are honorable after you have JUST finished saying you are sadistic and brutal?

    what, in ANY of what you just said signifies 'honorable'

    I doubt ANYONE whose familiar with your posting history would give you that distinction, other than the delusional maritsa, whose in love with an illusion she doesn't even understand.

    You know why you really hate IEI?

    Its because they see through you.

    This is what Ni is and this is why you hate it.

    You can make all the stupid little jokes about IEI that you want, you can try and highlight the stupidities and faults, bitch and rant, but at the end of the day IEI see through you, and you hate it because you know its true, because you have to face the coward you never wanted to lay eyes on, and because as much as you detest this person you cant help knowing deep inside that they are right.

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