Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
Sounds like you're translating your Ti structure into a much more malleable Ni "structure," allowing it to more fluidly transmute itself into the other. I imagine in an Si mind-frame these boundaries between structures would already be sealed off the instant they were created.
right, because the implied Fi boundaries would define the expansion of Si's... I'll clarify this more below.

The difference I'm finding between what you're talking about and what I'm explaining is that I can't analyze my own structure by itself. The structure can only be hinted at by the points around it. This probably does sound like something Ni/Se can relate to as well, but the key difference would be information input vs. output, however that can really be measured.
it probably also has to do with the fact that you're static and I'm dynamic. I can't analyze the structure of my perceptions' movement, but it always remains very aligned; Ti structures I can suspend more, much like I'd expect you to be able to do with Si.

this would probably imply the input/output of information as at least partially dependent on ego/super-id functions.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, could you expand on it a bit?
well if I'm visualizing delta functions from an NF pov, then the Fi structure is that implicit pulse, circumscribed by the subject; Ne is its scalar field, the different forms the rubber band can take in being bent. implied by this (contraction-dilation), is a sequence of the points/bends ordered by the parameters of its observable movement (expansion-gradation); thus you have a predictable measure of how a person melds their essential form in different situations.

This sounds like a more strictly information input scheme than it is a means of information synthesis, so it's not quite the same thing but it's pretty close, lol.
yeah, it is; but I view it as an a priori necessity for synthesis, clarify the lens before presuming to see.