Quote Originally Posted by Vois View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post

Te is facts; Se is only sense perception which is then conditioned by a judging function; a sense perception perceives objects as they are and the more attractive an object the more sense perception will want to acquire it.
I think Te and Se are both about "facts," in a way.
Te: external dynamics of objects
Se: external statics of objects
they are just different kinds of facts. For example:
Te fact: the car is moving at 100 km/hour (dynamic)
Se fact: the car is red (static).

Now, for on topic discussion...
I know a guy who is (I'm 99.999% positive) SEE. He hates labels (like preppy, emo, etc), categories, and he flipped shit when I explained to him what socionics was, thinking that by describing someone with a type, you are putting them in a box that limits their personality, etc. etc.
I see where he's coming from with all this, but I don't think he understands that labels exist to describe, not box you in (though they can do that if taken too seriously).
EDIT: he also throws around the words "in which" and "therefore" in his sentences when he talks about politics, and doesn't seem to understand that there are only certain places where those words belong (structure of sentence = Ti, no?).
Would this be a good example of Te?

The Way in which he describes my actions and what they could mean indicates Te: external dynamics of objects

My boyfriend observed a very interesting thing in me while reading my online posts. He said, "honey, it seems as though that when you write, you do so from the place of authority; you drop your introvert's mask and the screen is like a buffer and a safety zone for you; I am the safety zone for you behind the screen because I have the ability to find the words to say what I want and sound how I want."