Thanks for posting that, Expat. I'm not like that, though. Not the way it says here. Probably because I've grown up in an ISTj country, with an ISFj Mum and an ISTp brother, in an ESTp class (aren't all teenagers ESTp?). You spend the first decade of your life being the dreamy, weird kid; the next decade you're the misfit who's constantly making stupid mistakes no one else seems to make; and during the third decade you're slooooowly improving to the point of being considered "almost normal". I'm in my fourth decade now, so I'm at the "astonishingly normal considering what a weird kid she used to be" stage.

So, THEORY: (some?) weak functions are strengthened automatically (?) if you grow up in an environment that has this as a strong(er) function. True/false? I'd say in Germany you don't get far without Ti. With a not-quite-so-bad Te one can bluff one's way along, though.