And here the description of PoLR for ENFp. The last paragraph describes how it works in the duality with ISTp.

The ENFp loses interest in any subject, when only his curiosity is even superficially satisfied. And to excite this interest or somehow to deepen it it is already impossible: this theme, in opinion ENFp, is studied by him also it already enough is not going to come back to him as on light is so a lot of new and not studied. (ENFp very much are afraid to miss any new opportunities. Therefore do not dare "to jam" that for them already " the passed stage ".)

Unique way to keep interest ENFp this all time "to warm up" his curiosity: to fire up imagination, to intrigue, encourage, constantly to hold back something. In a word, " to hold on a hook " (that, actually, and does his dual ISTp).

ENFp is very inconsistent in the acts and reasonings. And personally he does not consider it as fault? To him so it is convenient, therefore he and acts, but to him it is inconvenient, when so others act, ENFp it is difficult, sometimes it is impossible to collect the thoughts. His attention is constant rassredotachivaetsja. Listening to explanations, easily seizes the general, frequently only superficial sense. Sometimes at ENFp there is an insuperable interest to the analysis of insignificant particulars (and these particulars seem to him supersignificant and necessary for deep and momentary understanding of an essence). Owing to which he withdraws an explanation aside, and sometimes in general breaks it, asking untimely or inappropriate questions and thus persistently demanding the answer to them. And statement of a question sometimes happens so absurd and ridiculous, that explaining at all always knows, how to it to react.

Intuitively comprehending sense of many logic concepts and categories, ENFp often has about them superficial enough representation. Therefore sometimes puts himself in awkward position, stating obviously absurd things most self-assured (?) tone. And "not trivial" point of view ENFp is capable to stump even the most skilled and qualified teacher; as for representatives of this type ability, to conceive debate during the most improper time is very characteristic.

Often tests difficulty in an explanation of any elementary concepts. But even more is at a loss to explain the complex phenomenon simple means. (here an example of how the representative of this type explained to the four-year-old child the nature of a thunder and a lightning:

"The cloud floats, we shall admit, with a sign "plus", and towards to it another? With a sign "minus", and then they collide, and the thunder and a lightning turn out. ") sometimes ENFp begins the explanation too in detail and in details, but subsequently he loses in it interest and continues to explain already more obobshchenno. Often he confuses in own explanations, is nervous and takes offence at the hardly dumnuju an audience.

And nevertheless representatives of this type very much like " all to explain ". For example, having got in inconvenient position, often speak: " I now shall explain all to you! " Also start to explain under the order. " Under the order "? It means from apart. That is: first any collateral and insignificant circumstances are in detail described (" my niece of the husband of the second cousin the colleague "), further to these collateral "circumstances" is given the "intuitive" characteristic (" in every respect the loser "). Attempt to bring ENFp to the essence of a statement it is usual in what does not result? He only is irritated, is nervous, asks to to express " under the order ", and all there begins all over again.

It is always interesting to listen to ENFp, any object explaining a site. ENFp usually describes an arrangement of all nearest objects and concerning them focuss: " On the right, in hundred meters you will see shoe shop, but there do not turn off turn on the left... " ENFp can draw also a map, but it will be too detailed and too confused.

Very much are afraid of something to mix, but it more often and occurs. And they are confused in those things which seem to them easy enough for understanding and storing.

ENFp painfully perceive any accusation of illogicality and inconsistency. Take offence, when criticize their mental faculties. Many of them with pleasure work in an intellectual field. Take a great interest in philosophy and not away porassuzhdat on the abstract themes. Often express in the form of sayings. Some of representatives of this type like to write down the sayings in a writing-book, to quote to their associates and to publish in the newspaper.

They like to state the reasonings with the most significant kind: " If the woman wishes to seem interesting, she should be unpredictable and not clear. " ENFp like to make impression the statements, and they with it very much are helped by their usual self-confident tone. Often at their reasonings there is the exaggerated (false) significance, capable to give "importance" to the most trivial and primitive statements on sense: " In a life of each woman there is something such about what it cannot tell to any to man ".

False significance at representatives of this type is present not only at intonations, but also in a look? In a "promising" sight and in a "mysterious" smile. But in that "illogicality" of emotions expressed by them also is shown, that neither the sight, nor a smile do not reflect their true intentions, and in general by no means with them are not connected. ENFp superb observes and analyzes another's emotions, but only not own. He can is as much as necessary frank and prizyvno to look at representatives of the opposite sex, but thus to not give at all to himself the report in the behaviour (ethics of emotions are realized at it subconsciously). Therefore for it there will be sincere and full unexpectedness a charge that the behaviour it gives an occasion for jealousy.

Only ISTp, his dual, is perceived with behaviour ENFp adequately. He sees any going or "unintentional" hint and perceives in that value in what it moves. Any illogicality in behaviour of ENFp ISTp does not observe? Sees only thin and beautiful ethical game. Even then, when ENFp with a charming spontaneity tries to explain any knowledges, ISTp it only touches. Peculiar ENFp the confused manner of a statement pleasantly weakens it and calms: it perfectly understands, what logic aspect of information ENFp ? It only the minor plan of attitudes, the main thing ethical aspect which behind all costs to these. Therefore the logic mess of ENFp the ISTp perceives as some kind of registration of its ethical game.