Right, here the description of from the Stratievskaya ESFp description, which I have edited slightly --

It is difficult for the ESFp to be objective as it is in a captivity of the ethical installations, the sympathies and antipaty.

His acts can contradict common sense even because more often they reflect its emotional attitude to an event.

Sometimes in the ESFp's behaviour the logic importance of his acts, it is as though displaced. e. He acts illogically, being based on any primitive logic stereotypes only because " so it is accepted to act ". And, being guided by the logic stereotypes, he often acts to the detriment of the ethical principles: for example, destroys the developed good relations with the relatives only because reacts how it is accepted logically, on the general concepts instead of how he feels ethically: we shall tell, abuses for that, for what is necessary (in the standard, stereotypic understanding) to abuse, praises for that, for what it is necessary to praise.

Sometimes it is expressed in a habit to use superficial logic (and ethical) stereotypes to operate according to these slogans and to utter them in occasion of and without an occasion: " pity humiliates the person ", " are afraid? Means respect ", " is jealous? Means loves ", " where has laid, there and sleep ", " the woman should not show the initiative ", etc.

Sometimes it is logically displaced intonations and accents in speech. Sometimes it eticheski a unjustified mimicry.

Sometimes it is the displaced or unstable interests to the perceived information. For example: listening to explanations, the ESFp often distracts from the main idea, it any absolutely minor moments or insignificant particulars suddenly start to interest. Imperceptibly for himself, he leaves aside from the basic theme or distracts questions of the minor importance. Or questions which at all have no the attitude to a discussed subject.

One more characteristic for representatives of this type feature: ability in occasion of and without an occasion to distract from the set theme on conversations on. (the Bright example? Pushkin lyrical digressions in "Evgenii Onegine".)

To be engaged in classification of concepts or knowledge, to result them in harmonous system? For ESFp boring and unpleasant work. It is difficult for him to concentrate on the logic analysis of any phenomenon, it is difficult to concentrate for consecutive understanding of logic conclusions, it is difficult most to state something consistently: he can begin an explanation directly with the middle and to continue it, constantly coming back to initial and intermediate stages. Thus, in ESFp's statement, the some people even simple explanations are represented rather confused.

Superficiality of representations about many phenomena does not confuse him? He considers it natural (" All of us studied gradually in something and somehow ") the Main thing that the discussed subject was though otdalenno, but a sign, it is impossible to make impression of full incompetence.

He is very cautious in the statements, concerning legal or technical parties of business, does not risk to seem biassed or incompetent

Does not like to study the instruction and a rule? To him it is boring. (the Representative of this type can repeatedly burn through the electrodevice, including it, not having familiarized with the instruction the case of "unsuccessful" cleaning of memory of a computer after which there were erased all programs incorporated in it Is known) And how his personal experience was sad, all the same it is difficult to ESFP to change himself, and it often is necessary not on the instruction in which seldom and a little that understands, and on success, luck and on the intuition in spite of the fact that it often enough brings it.

Experience of another's mistakes too not always makes uponhim sufficient impression: ESFp can confer and consult as much as necessary, but finally will act in own way, counter to all advice and common sense. ESFp is distinguished with a special talent constantly " to fill shishki " on the same place. Deeply to suffer, muchitsja and to ask all and everyone why it is every time occurs to him, and he needs to get rid of what lacks in himself that these misfortunes at last have stopped the enormous patience and endurance Are required (the qualities, inherent to its dual INTp) to accustom ESFp to analyze experience of the last mistakes, t. e. Just what ESFp, , contrary to desire of associates, to do resolutely refuses (both do not ask, and do not persuade!) he acted and acts only as he will like, and differently he cannot simply be oneself.

For ESFp the serious problem is represented with necessity carefully to think over the acts, to behave circumspectly and judiciously. Remarks he does not transfer the Requirement to illogicalities of own actions to be consecutive in actions deduces it from itself(himself). For it is characteristic to act cleverly and logically only until it from it do not demand, while with it respect and with it are considered. But it is necessary to bring to a focus to its illogicalities as all its actions at once cease to be supervised logically and get character of chaotic, panic vanity.

ESFp's charges in an illogicality only aggravate its problems. ESFp very painfully transfers any criticism to the address and as requirements to themselves at it happen overestimated enough, it is difficult for him to recognize at presence of all advantages such lack, as not irreproachable logic. ESFp in general would like to be the person without faults. (and who would not like it?) Therefore ESFp very much experiences, when to his mental faculties someone has a low opinion. It is very difficult for him to dare to not be the cleverest (though this best, that it can make for itself(himself)).

It is necessary to notice, that it is easier to ESFp to be consecutive and logical in the acts after he has understood opportunities of a situation (sequence of work of function). For ESFp to act reasonably? He means to act reasonably, t. e. Providently, far-sighted. The osnovatelnee it will be informed on aspect " intuition of opportunities ", the easier to it to act logically produmanno.

In a word, that in ESFp's acts was less contradictions and vanity, it is necessary to put it in the certain psychological mode in which he will receive the sufficient information on intuition of opportunities, support on intuition of time and, that is very important, absence of criticism on aspect of logic of parities. That is Iwhy INTp's psychological support is necessary for ESFp. His skill to show prospect of a situation in such form that they have not frightened ESFp and have not cast into a panic, to show a possible stock of time, to distract it from vanity and to create to it conditions for the detailed logic analysis. INTp is able to find the most simple and cogitable forms an explanation. It is very methodical in the explanations, is able to illustrate their successful examples. Is able to bring the interlocutor to the necessary logic conclusion, giving to it to be pleased to own opening.