Arrrgh. Nitpickers. Expat, I think I know what you mean. When someone points out such stuff I'm usually frustrated because I think it means that they haven't paid attention to the general drift of what I've said, to the big picture, to the general idea. To me, that's what counts.

Strange, but such comments usually aren't totally hurtful. They're frustrating, and they derail me to some extent, because I half realize that the other person is probably right (they sound so convinced), and often I'm embarassed, either because I was totally oblivious to what turns out to be a glaring mistake, or because I still can't see what all the fuss is about... BUT it isn't the absolute worst thing someone could say. It's disagreeable, but it doesn't have me sit on a bridge clutching a bottle of vodka.

What does bug me is when someone doesn't take me seriously, or patronizes me, or regards me as a charity case... and that could be connected to a Ti PoLR, if Ti really is connected to a healthy sense of "I'm right and you all suck". Still, nowadays I can deal with that too.

What is still stranger is this: if all of the above really is part of a Ti PoLR, then I'm learning to develop my Ti. Is that possible? I'm old, so perhaps it is. Or does it come from living in an ISTj country?