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Thread: How is Ti PoLR manifested in ENFps and ESFps?

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    Default How is Ti PoLR manifested in ENFps and ESFps?

    Let's go on with the PoLR series. This seems to help people with typing.

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    schrödinger's cat's Avatar
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    I've been wondering about this myself, so I'm prodding this thread to see if it's alive.

    Perhaps a hyperlink to a brief and foolproof definition of Ti might help. There was one definition in another thread but it sounded as if Ti is something one can jolly well do without. Which is probably not true. So, anyone...?

    And where are the anecdotes of fellow Ti-PoLRers? All I can think of is this - that the plotlines of my stories are usually full of logical inconsistencies, esp. if I let my imagination run wild.

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    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    Here are two things that might be a result of Ti PoLR:

    When I have two options, I have trouble judging which is best and making a choice. No matter which choice I make, I regret it and feel like I should have chosen otherwise.

    I hate when someone says to me something like, "You don't know what the hell you're talking about."
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  4. #4
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    I see PoLR when people say one thing now, then something that logically contradicts it some time later, and then get upset if you say, "but what you said just contradicts what you just said five minutes before".
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Expat: Perhaps that's how a Ti PoLR manifests itself. But I think it can also happen with ethical types in general; we don't always have set definitions for everything. For example I might say that I hate something and then later talk about how I love some aspects of it. Some of my T-friends might nag me for it and see it as illogical, while I see it more as "twisting and turning" a concept within the realms of my subjective experience; as if I were exploring the feelings surrounding an object rather than the thing itself (which would be logics, I suppose).

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    Arrrgh. Nitpickers. Expat, I think I know what you mean. When someone points out such stuff I'm usually frustrated because I think it means that they haven't paid attention to the general drift of what I've said, to the big picture, to the general idea. To me, that's what counts.

    Strange, but such comments usually aren't totally hurtful. They're frustrating, and they derail me to some extent, because I half realize that the other person is probably right (they sound so convinced), and often I'm embarassed, either because I was totally oblivious to what turns out to be a glaring mistake, or because I still can't see what all the fuss is about... BUT it isn't the absolute worst thing someone could say. It's disagreeable, but it doesn't have me sit on a bridge clutching a bottle of vodka.

    What does bug me is when someone doesn't take me seriously, or patronizes me, or regards me as a charity case... and that could be connected to a Ti PoLR, if Ti really is connected to a healthy sense of "I'm right and you all suck". Still, nowadays I can deal with that too.

    What is still stranger is this: if all of the above really is part of a Ti PoLR, then I'm learning to develop my Ti. Is that possible? I'm old, so perhaps it is. Or does it come from living in an ISTj country?

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    Right, here the description of from the Stratievskaya ESFp description, which I have edited slightly --

    It is difficult for the ESFp to be objective as it is in a captivity of the ethical installations, the sympathies and antipaty.

    His acts can contradict common sense even because more often they reflect its emotional attitude to an event.

    Sometimes in the ESFp's behaviour the logic importance of his acts, it is as though displaced. e. He acts illogically, being based on any primitive logic stereotypes only because " so it is accepted to act ". And, being guided by the logic stereotypes, he often acts to the detriment of the ethical principles: for example, destroys the developed good relations with the relatives only because reacts how it is accepted logically, on the general concepts instead of how he feels ethically: we shall tell, abuses for that, for what is necessary (in the standard, stereotypic understanding) to abuse, praises for that, for what it is necessary to praise.

    Sometimes it is expressed in a habit to use superficial logic (and ethical) stereotypes to operate according to these slogans and to utter them in occasion of and without an occasion: " pity humiliates the person ", " are afraid? Means respect ", " is jealous? Means loves ", " where has laid, there and sleep ", " the woman should not show the initiative ", etc.

    Sometimes it is logically displaced intonations and accents in speech. Sometimes it eticheski a unjustified mimicry.

    Sometimes it is the displaced or unstable interests to the perceived information. For example: listening to explanations, the ESFp often distracts from the main idea, it any absolutely minor moments or insignificant particulars suddenly start to interest. Imperceptibly for himself, he leaves aside from the basic theme or distracts questions of the minor importance. Or questions which at all have no the attitude to a discussed subject.

    One more characteristic for representatives of this type feature: ability in occasion of and without an occasion to distract from the set theme on conversations on. (the Bright example? Pushkin lyrical digressions in "Evgenii Onegine".)

    To be engaged in classification of concepts or knowledge, to result them in harmonous system? For ESFp boring and unpleasant work. It is difficult for him to concentrate on the logic analysis of any phenomenon, it is difficult to concentrate for consecutive understanding of logic conclusions, it is difficult most to state something consistently: he can begin an explanation directly with the middle and to continue it, constantly coming back to initial and intermediate stages. Thus, in ESFp's statement, the some people even simple explanations are represented rather confused.

    Superficiality of representations about many phenomena does not confuse him? He considers it natural (" All of us studied gradually in something and somehow ") the Main thing that the discussed subject was though otdalenno, but a sign, it is impossible to make impression of full incompetence.

    He is very cautious in the statements, concerning legal or technical parties of business, does not risk to seem biassed or incompetent

    Does not like to study the instruction and a rule? To him it is boring. (the Representative of this type can repeatedly burn through the electrodevice, including it, not having familiarized with the instruction the case of "unsuccessful" cleaning of memory of a computer after which there were erased all programs incorporated in it Is known) And how his personal experience was sad, all the same it is difficult to ESFP to change himself, and it often is necessary not on the instruction in which seldom and a little that understands, and on success, luck and on the intuition in spite of the fact that it often enough brings it.

    Experience of another's mistakes too not always makes uponhim sufficient impression: ESFp can confer and consult as much as necessary, but finally will act in own way, counter to all advice and common sense. ESFp is distinguished with a special talent constantly " to fill shishki " on the same place. Deeply to suffer, muchitsja and to ask all and everyone why it is every time occurs to him, and he needs to get rid of what lacks in himself that these misfortunes at last have stopped the enormous patience and endurance Are required (the qualities, inherent to its dual INTp) to accustom ESFp to analyze experience of the last mistakes, t. e. Just what ESFp, , contrary to desire of associates, to do resolutely refuses (both do not ask, and do not persuade!) he acted and acts only as he will like, and differently he cannot simply be oneself.

    For ESFp the serious problem is represented with necessity carefully to think over the acts, to behave circumspectly and judiciously. Remarks he does not transfer the Requirement to illogicalities of own actions to be consecutive in actions deduces it from itself(himself). For it is characteristic to act cleverly and logically only until it from it do not demand, while with it respect and with it are considered. But it is necessary to bring to a focus to its illogicalities as all its actions at once cease to be supervised logically and get character of chaotic, panic vanity.

    ESFp's charges in an illogicality only aggravate its problems. ESFp very painfully transfers any criticism to the address and as requirements to themselves at it happen overestimated enough, it is difficult for him to recognize at presence of all advantages such lack, as not irreproachable logic. ESFp in general would like to be the person without faults. (and who would not like it?) Therefore ESFp very much experiences, when to his mental faculties someone has a low opinion. It is very difficult for him to dare to not be the cleverest (though this best, that it can make for itself(himself)).

    It is necessary to notice, that it is easier to ESFp to be consecutive and logical in the acts after he has understood opportunities of a situation (sequence of work of function). For ESFp to act reasonably? He means to act reasonably, t. e. Providently, far-sighted. The osnovatelnee it will be informed on aspect " intuition of opportunities ", the easier to it to act logically produmanno.

    In a word, that in ESFp's acts was less contradictions and vanity, it is necessary to put it in the certain psychological mode in which he will receive the sufficient information on intuition of opportunities, support on intuition of time and, that is very important, absence of criticism on aspect of logic of parities. That is Iwhy INTp's psychological support is necessary for ESFp. His skill to show prospect of a situation in such form that they have not frightened ESFp and have not cast into a panic, to show a possible stock of time, to distract it from vanity and to create to it conditions for the detailed logic analysis. INTp is able to find the most simple and cogitable forms an explanation. It is very methodical in the explanations, is able to illustrate their successful examples. Is able to bring the interlocutor to the necessary logic conclusion, giving to it to be pleased to own opening.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    Having contradictions pointed out doesn't really bother me either. I agree that it just makes me feel like someone isn't paying attention to the whole train of thought and is focusing on a few details. It's annoying and a bit frustrating but it feels like nit-picking and doesn't really bother me.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    I did not mean small nitpicking contradictions during a long conversation, I meant major logical contradictions in the main point of the conversation, but right now I can't think of any concrete examples.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    And here the description of PoLR for ENFp. The last paragraph describes how it works in the duality with ISTp.

    The ENFp loses interest in any subject, when only his curiosity is even superficially satisfied. And to excite this interest or somehow to deepen it it is already impossible: this theme, in opinion ENFp, is studied by him also it already enough is not going to come back to him as on light is so a lot of new and not studied. (ENFp very much are afraid to miss any new opportunities. Therefore do not dare "to jam" that for them already " the passed stage ".)

    Unique way to keep interest ENFp this all time "to warm up" his curiosity: to fire up imagination, to intrigue, encourage, constantly to hold back something. In a word, " to hold on a hook " (that, actually, and does his dual ISTp).

    ENFp is very inconsistent in the acts and reasonings. And personally he does not consider it as fault? To him so it is convenient, therefore he and acts, but to him it is inconvenient, when so others act, ENFp it is difficult, sometimes it is impossible to collect the thoughts. His attention is constant rassredotachivaetsja. Listening to explanations, easily seizes the general, frequently only superficial sense. Sometimes at ENFp there is an insuperable interest to the analysis of insignificant particulars (and these particulars seem to him supersignificant and necessary for deep and momentary understanding of an essence). Owing to which he withdraws an explanation aside, and sometimes in general breaks it, asking untimely or inappropriate questions and thus persistently demanding the answer to them. And statement of a question sometimes happens so absurd and ridiculous, that explaining at all always knows, how to it to react.

    Intuitively comprehending sense of many logic concepts and categories, ENFp often has about them superficial enough representation. Therefore sometimes puts himself in awkward position, stating obviously absurd things most self-assured (?) tone. And "not trivial" point of view ENFp is capable to stump even the most skilled and qualified teacher; as for representatives of this type ability, to conceive debate during the most improper time is very characteristic.

    Often tests difficulty in an explanation of any elementary concepts. But even more is at a loss to explain the complex phenomenon simple means. (here an example of how the representative of this type explained to the four-year-old child the nature of a thunder and a lightning:

    "The cloud floats, we shall admit, with a sign "plus", and towards to it another? With a sign "minus", and then they collide, and the thunder and a lightning turn out. ") sometimes ENFp begins the explanation too in detail and in details, but subsequently he loses in it interest and continues to explain already more obobshchenno. Often he confuses in own explanations, is nervous and takes offence at the hardly dumnuju an audience.

    And nevertheless representatives of this type very much like " all to explain ". For example, having got in inconvenient position, often speak: " I now shall explain all to you! " Also start to explain under the order. " Under the order "? It means from apart. That is: first any collateral and insignificant circumstances are in detail described (" my niece of the husband of the second cousin the colleague "), further to these collateral "circumstances" is given the "intuitive" characteristic (" in every respect the loser "). Attempt to bring ENFp to the essence of a statement it is usual in what does not result? He only is irritated, is nervous, asks to to express " under the order ", and all there begins all over again.

    It is always interesting to listen to ENFp, any object explaining a site. ENFp usually describes an arrangement of all nearest objects and concerning them focuss: " On the right, in hundred meters you will see shoe shop, but there do not turn off turn on the left... " ENFp can draw also a map, but it will be too detailed and too confused.

    Very much are afraid of something to mix, but it more often and occurs. And they are confused in those things which seem to them easy enough for understanding and storing.

    ENFp painfully perceive any accusation of illogicality and inconsistency. Take offence, when criticize their mental faculties. Many of them with pleasure work in an intellectual field. Take a great interest in philosophy and not away porassuzhdat on the abstract themes. Often express in the form of sayings. Some of representatives of this type like to write down the sayings in a writing-book, to quote to their associates and to publish in the newspaper.

    They like to state the reasonings with the most significant kind: " If the woman wishes to seem interesting, she should be unpredictable and not clear. " ENFp like to make impression the statements, and they with it very much are helped by their usual self-confident tone. Often at their reasonings there is the exaggerated (false) significance, capable to give "importance" to the most trivial and primitive statements on sense: " In a life of each woman there is something such about what it cannot tell to any to man ".

    False significance at representatives of this type is present not only at intonations, but also in a look? In a "promising" sight and in a "mysterious" smile. But in that "illogicality" of emotions expressed by them also is shown, that neither the sight, nor a smile do not reflect their true intentions, and in general by no means with them are not connected. ENFp superb observes and analyzes another's emotions, but only not own. He can is as much as necessary frank and prizyvno to look at representatives of the opposite sex, but thus to not give at all to himself the report in the behaviour (ethics of emotions are realized at it subconsciously). Therefore for it there will be sincere and full unexpectedness a charge that the behaviour it gives an occasion for jealousy.

    Only ISTp, his dual, is perceived with behaviour ENFp adequately. He sees any going or "unintentional" hint and perceives in that value in what it moves. Any illogicality in behaviour of ENFp ISTp does not observe? Sees only thin and beautiful ethical game. Even then, when ENFp with a charming spontaneity tries to explain any knowledges, ISTp it only touches. Peculiar ENFp the confused manner of a statement pleasantly weakens it and calms: it perfectly understands, what logic aspect of information ENFp ? It only the minor plan of attitudes, the main thing ethical aspect which behind all costs to these. Therefore the logic mess of ENFp the ISTp perceives as some kind of registration of its ethical game.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Thanks for posting that, Expat. I'm not like that, though. Not the way it says here. Probably because I've grown up in an ISTj country, with an ISFj Mum and an ISTp brother, in an ESTp class (aren't all teenagers ESTp?). You spend the first decade of your life being the dreamy, weird kid; the next decade you're the misfit who's constantly making stupid mistakes no one else seems to make; and during the third decade you're slooooowly improving to the point of being considered "almost normal". I'm in my fourth decade now, so I'm at the "astonishingly normal considering what a weird kid she used to be" stage.

    So, THEORY: (some?) weak functions are strengthened automatically (?) if you grow up in an environment that has this as a strong(er) function. True/false? I'd say in Germany you don't get far without Ti. With a not-quite-so-bad Te one can bluff one's way along, though.

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    Default How is Ti PoLR manifested in ENFps and ESFps?

    Examples? For instance, can we say that someone who has lack of appreciation in academics, theoretical subjects and even books in general to be weak in Ti? On the other hand, I have an ESFj friend who is very interested in Psychology to the extent that she buys extra college textbooks (no kidding!) to read even though they are not part of the curriculum. She is not particular about grades and she enjoys reading them for the sake of learning new things. Can I consider this an example of a Ti-seeking behavior?

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    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    I love books, and I love reading new things. There's even a stereotype that ENFps are "professional students" because we keep getting interested in new subject after new subject, wanting to learn about them. It is not true that people with Ti PoLRs are not interested in learning or books by a long shot.

    It is about internal types of logic. When I see that, and I see it often right here in this forum, it makes my hair stand on end. When people say they KNOW something and it HAS to be true because it is logically obvious, that bugs me. If it's logically obvious, then IMO it's out there somewhere and you can see and touch it, so you shouldn't need to rely on internal logic anyway.

    As for schooling, it depends on the subject. I loved learning about history, language, literature, etc. I hated studying about anything math-related. Particularly geometry. This is probably a Ti PoLR thing. I also really hate rules and regulations. I also always have this need to prove that the rule isn't fair/right/the best choice, and that might be a Ti PoLR thing.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Default Re: How is Ti PoLR manifested IRL?

    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    Examples? For instance, can we say that someone who has lack of appreciation in academics, theoretical subjects and even books in general to be weak in Ti? On the other hand, I have an ESFj friend who is very interested in Psychology to the extent that she buys extra college textbooks (no kidding!) to read even though they are not part of the curriculum. She is not particular about grades and she enjoys reading them for the sake of learning new things. Can I consider this an example of a Ti-seeking behavior?
    lack of appreciation (for?) academics, theoretical subjects, and even books in general..... sounds a lot like a simplified SF
    (simplified meaning not actively pursuing dual-seeking nor hidden agenda)
    (however, there are other ways that ds and ha can show themselves...soo...take it for whatever little it's worth)

    ti polr manifest in a few ways, some of which are
    * having difficulties accepting connections unless perceiving those connections themself
    * disliking having to spell out the connections they do see, often preferring instead to let others see it for themselves
    * sometimes a pointing of "the connection is there... it's there, why can't you see it???" without the ability to state what exactly it is that they are seeing
    * sometimes making seemingly contradictory statements or holding seemingly contradictory beliefs
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  15. #15
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    From what I can tell it means you are extremely critical to the reliability of information sources, and consequently vulnerable to others' expectations towards you to 'make do' with less than perfectly reliable information. It means wanting to have everything spelled out in detail.

    Delta NF sets the stage for the 'perfectionist/idealist' quadra atmosphere. Alpha and beta skip steps to an understanding of matters, which basically means 'cheating' the intellectual game for personal benefit or long range considerations. In an intellectual context, Fi is all about rejecting such pragmatic jumps and trying to get at what the subject is about at it's core. Overwhelming as the whole truth is, this attitude mostly brings a sense of disappointment in ones capabilities to make sense of things, which the Te mindless-data-ordering function compliments perfectly. Together they bring about that 'perfection' which Ti/Fe deems to be unattainable. (although likewise Ti/Fe gives a deep personal understanding, which Fi/Te in turn does not believe in in the same particular sense)

    From what I've been able to determine, Ti PoLR's exist on both the master and slave levels.

    (to understand this better, imagine Ne as pinned between Ti and Fi, capable of progressing in either direction. left is to coding the intuition into a piece of knowledge that helps you inspire Fe based people, but is still unripe for building real 'tools' from, while right is to acknowledging the lacking quantifyable knowledge in the insight, and appealing to the Te-wielding part of society to fill you in on the details)

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    I'm not sure if what I'll be describing is Ti PoLR or anything important.
    But IRL, when I ask a question, I dislike it when people don't explain it in detail, like elaborating or giving examples of what they're saying.
    And it frustrates me when people just say, "blablabla, that's it, I don't know how to explain".
    I'm sometimes like that, but I don't like it when people do that. It's incomplete and drives me crazy. Even worse if what they're saying sounds like "this is what I think, therefore this is logical".

    Having a Ti PoLR = not interested in reading? I think that's very untrue, 'cause I love reading, almost anything that captures my interest for that moment. And if I don't get bored of it quickly enough, I'd stay on it for a long time.
    Theories attract me, any new and out of the ordinary. I don't think I have a lack of appreciation of those things.

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    ti polr manifest in a few ways, some of which are
    * having difficulties accepting connections unless perceiving those connections themself
    * disliking having to spell out the connections they do see, often preferring instead to let others see it for themselves
    * sometimes a pointing of "the connection is there... it's there, why can't you see it???" without the ability to state what exactly it is that they are seeing
    * sometimes making seemingly contradictory statements or holding seemingly contradictory beliefs
    I think this makes sense.

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    I don't know much about the whole PoLR or even what it stands for, but I can say that I definitely don't like being left in the dark over details. Everything must be told to me completely, otherwise I will start speculating as to exactly what it is that they are saying, and I will come up with multiple answers. Therefore I need more detail to narrow the options down to 1.

    For example, if someone says "The scissors are in the drawer near the sink..." I'll usually ask which drawer exactly, rather than go rummaging through 4 or 5 drawers looking for it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KSpin
    I don't know much about the whole PoLR or even what it stands for, but I can say that I definitely don't like being left in the dark over details. Everything must be told to me completely, otherwise I will start speculating as to exactly what it is that they are saying, and I will come up with multiple answers. Therefore I need more detail to narrow the options down to 1.

    For example, if someone says "The scissors are in the drawer near the sink..." I'll usually ask which drawer exactly, rather than go rummaging through 4 or 5 drawers looking for it.
    I am exactly the same way.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  19. #19
    Éminence grise mikemex's Avatar
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    PoLR is actually very easy to understand. It is the conflict between two modes of thinking that one can exercise but that are not compatible between them. Since they are not compatible, no matter which one you use, the other will always contain invalid information.

    That's why PoLR hits are so painful: we can understand right away our mistakes, but we are helpless at fixing them because that would cause a mistake in the creative function.
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    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
    - Ole Golly from Harriet, the spy.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    It is about internal types of logic. When I see that, and I see it often right here in this forum, it makes my hair stand on end. When people say they KNOW something and it HAS to be true because it is logically obvious, that bugs me. If it's logically obvious, then IMO it's out there somewhere and you can see and touch it, so you shouldn't need to rely on internal logic anyway.

    As for schooling, it depends on the subject. I loved learning about history, language, literature, etc. I hated studying about anything math-related. Particularly geometry. This is probably a Ti PoLR thing. I also really hate rules and regulations. I also always have this need to prove that the rule isn't fair/right/the best choice, and that might be a Ti PoLR thing.
    So basically Ti is like having an internal sense of logic and common sense, and taking for granted that something should be easily understood without going into details?

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    ti polr manifest in a few ways, some of which are
    * having difficulties accepting connections unless perceiving those connections themself
    * disliking having to spell out the connections they do see, often preferring instead to let others see it for themselves
    * sometimes a pointing of "the connection is there... it's there, why can't you see it???" without the ability to state what exactly it is that they are seeing
    * sometimes making seemingly contradictory statements or holding seemingly contradictory beliefs
    I have never thought that there would be others who would be bothered by such issues. If those with Ti PoLR hadn't told me how they felt, I wouldn't have noticed it. I posted blog entries of my ENFj friend a while back, and I was surprised that it got negative reactions, presumably due to strong -seeking. I was like reading his entries again thinking, "what had he written to get such a strong reaction?"

  21. #21
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    An example of a Ti polr hit I involuntarily gave to an ENFp friend lately.

    We were discussing about holidays.

    He said about 3 minutes apart the following sentences:

    "Rimini is mundane"
    "Jesolo is like Rimini"
    "Jesolo is only for families"

    And I told him "You said Jesolo is like Rimini and Rimini is mundane and Jesolo is for families, but cities that are for families are not mundane, so there is a logical contradiction here"
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    An example of a Ti polr hit I involuntarily gave to an ENFp friend lately.

    We were discussing about holidays.

    He said about 3 minutes apart the following sentences:

    "Rimini is mundane"
    "Jesolo is like Rimini"
    "Jesolo is only for families"

    And I told him "You said Jesolo is like Rimini and Rimini is mundane and Jesolo is for families, but cities that are for families are not mundane, so there is a logical contradiction here"
    now see, i might have noticed that in someone else (not necessarily in myself!!)

    i might have said something like "so you think Rimni is only for families?" or "so you think mundane is only for families?"
    or made some kind of narrative for/against Rimni being for families or something for/against munande being for families
    these questions/stories would come seemingly out of the blue to the other person...
    but for the life of me, i would not have been able to actually state it in one sentence
    (or if i did finally get around to stating those connections, it would only have been after trying some...more roundabout, less the questions/narratives above) (not intentionally being roundabout on it...just that it takes a lot of time/energy to figure out how to be more direct about it...and being EP my first thoughts are likely to pop out)
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    Default Ti PoLR, Te hidden agenda (primarily in SEE's)

    I said this about SEE's in another thread:

    They also use me as a resource for information. If there's something they want to know about, they ask me because they know that even if I don't know anything about it, I'll dig up a bunch of information, sort through it and find what's useful and most likely accurate, and then organize it for them in a manner which makes sense to them.
    I'm generally good at finding and sorting through a bunch of information from various sources, getting a feel for the subject/concept, which sources are most reliable, and which information makes the most sense. I find that SEE's (and a couple of people who are either SEE or IEE) tend to ask me to do this for them more than any other type. I find out what they're trying to accomplish with the information, then find whatever information would be useful to them. If I give them a lot of information, I generally summarize the information and give them an example or analogy.

    Is this how ILI's fulfill their hidden agenda while covering for their PoLR?

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    Actually, the more I think about this, the less applicable to ISTp/ENFp duality I realize it is.

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    How would this necessarily be different from an IxTj being asked?
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    The way the information is presented.

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    Im not sure if a summary or example is a distinguishing factor between how Ti and Te leading types give information, but I do know that an SEE wants reliable information on call. I also notice that if my ENTj dad gives my ESFp sister information she'll get annoyed. It has to be that the giver of information is at her beck and call; I could see an INTp fitting that description more than an ENTj.

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    Default Re: Ti PoLR, Te hidden agenda (primarily in SEE's)

    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    I said this about SEE's in another thread:

    They also use me as a resource for information. If there's something they want to know about, they ask me because they know that even if I don't know anything about it, I'll dig up a bunch of information, sort through it and find what's useful and most likely accurate, and then organize it for them in a manner which makes sense to them.
    I'm generally good at finding and sorting through a bunch of information from various sources, getting a feel for the subject/concept, which sources are most reliable, and which information makes the most sense. I find that SEE's (and a couple of people who are either SEE or IEE) tend to ask me to do this for them more than any other type. I find out what they're trying to accomplish with the information, then find whatever information would be useful to them. If I give them a lot of information, I generally summarize the information and give them an example or analogy.

    Is this how ILI's fulfill their hidden agenda while covering for their PoLR?
    My boss is ENTj and she is amazing at explaining stuff... it's truly a talent, i think.

    Ya know, I'm glad you brought this up because a lot of the i've seen is not sufficient enough for me. this is not the case with the ILIs on the forum.
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    Default Ti PoLR

    I feel like I need to know more about this. I'm sure I do it enough times and hardly notice it. I find Ti PoLR in my case usually means saying something that I feel to be right and may even be correct, but logically makes little sense or has little backing. It's kind of annoying too because sometimes I feel it's an interesting idea or point, but because of my Ti PoLR I cannot explain it sufficiently in concrete terms so it is immediately discredited. At least that's how Ti PoLR appears from my point of view. I'd like to hear some thoughts on this.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

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    I don't know if it is as easy as that, PoLRs vary in strength, life experiences and such.

    ESFps I've known have no structure to their work environment, esp as supervisors (in the non socionic sense). I want to give them structure (probably socionic related).

    ENFps have wild ideas that change without a structure.

    Males tend to be more logical and either want to or want help to create a system that works.

    Good people skills, which also are important.

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    I'm pretty sure we need to pay attention to difference between Absolute vs Relative weaknees of a function.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Analyst Trevor View Post
    I'm pretty sure we need to pay attention to difference between Absolute vs Relative weaknees of a function.
    Well this is Te if it's Te vs Ti, no?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Analyst Trevor View Post
    I'm pretty sure we need to pay attention to difference between Absolute vs Relative weaknees of a function.
    Well this is Te if it's Te vs Ti, no?
    What's Te if it's Te vs Ti, Words?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Analyst Trevor View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post

    Well this is Te if it's Te vs Ti, no?
    What's Te if it's Te vs Ti, Words?
    It's just a sentence, but hey, you're quoting facts like it's all that's important. Ti types tend to explain what it actually is rather than just the names.

    Te - the information

    Ti - the explanation of what it means, perhaps backed up with the names.

    Ti is good at explaining things.

    Easily disputed as it's just a sentence by you, but that sentence was Te.

    Lost the will to debate it BTW

    Thing is, with this forum, it's full of rather intelligent people, so I'm sure a lot of normal observations don't apply to these internet posts.

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    Ti is a comparison function; it you look at what you wrote and what you're writing to eliminate contradictions, than you're doing Ti because the end result is that what you said and are about to say match, so you're not being contradictory. You also notice this in others and what they write or say. By eliminating variables or information, they make systems.

    When you're Ti PoLR, you can often make contradictory statements, realize that you've done so but ignore in fixing it because you don't want to appear that way to others. Anyone pointing out your contradictory statements is using Ti and offering up information to you through that function and causing you to either feel like they are helping you in strengthening that function, or pressuring your PoLR over time.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    rantedy rant rant wheeeeeeee

    Quote Originally Posted by octopuslove View Post
    Things I've noticed about Ti-PoLRs are: a love of pointing out exceptions to the rule
    Absolutely yes. I don't even really care for "the rule" to begin with, because no single rule I've come across has ever really encompassed everything it tries to do, no matter how hard people try to bend it. What really pisses me off is when people try to assert how their own self-made "rules" actually work in the real world, then when I point out the discrepancies between how the world works and what their rule stipulates they weasel their way out of it. People can become so painfully attached to the rules that they create about the world, and it's like they can't bear to give them up and instead have to force data into it, straining their spider web so hard until it rips apart although the person never knows that it's broken.

    What else annoys me about Ti valuers is that they like to build their own world in their head from the ground up, affixing their own basic starting points and situations to create an argument. This works fine so long as the system stays inside the individual's head, but when you try to apply it to the real world, there's always some way in which it doesn't quite fit. The issue then becomes that they don't even see how it doesn't fit: they just go along with the bias they have for their own head.

    That's essentially how it works for me to be Ti PoLR: rejection of "the rules," whatever they may be. That's not to say rejection of law in general, but rejection of the existence of externally static laws under which the world is subjugated. I've always been under the impression that the outer world is really just a giant playground of chaos where each infinitesimally small little part does what it does, and these small parts compound into larger parts and everything just grows out of an extrinsically unstructured environment. An ENFp friend of mine one said "truth is temporary," which I think is a good summary of everything here.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Analyst Trevor View Post

    What's Te if it's Te vs Ti, Words?
    It's just a sentence, but hey, you're quoting facts like it's all that's important. Ti types tend to explain what it actually is rather than just the names.

    Te - the information

    Ti - the explanation of what it means, perhaps backed up with the names.

    Ti is good at explaining things.

    Easily disputed as it's just a sentence by you, but that sentence was Te.

    Lost the will to debate it BTW

    Thing is, with this forum, it's full of rather intelligent people, so I'm sure a lot of normal observations don't apply to these internet posts.
    No. Ti does not have a monopoly on explanation of meaning, if I read that correctly. To me, what you are attributing to Ti is how NTs understand how things work over time, given their T and N functions. Both T functions are concerned with how things work and can be equally adept at explaining why.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptic View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post

    It's just a sentence, but hey, you're quoting facts like it's all that's important. Ti types tend to explain what it actually is rather than just the names.

    Te - the information

    Ti - the explanation of what it means, perhaps backed up with the names.

    Ti is good at explaining things.

    Easily disputed as it's just a sentence by you, but that sentence was Te.

    Lost the will to debate it BTW

    Thing is, with this forum, it's full of rather intelligent people, so I'm sure a lot of normal observations don't apply to these internet posts.
    No. Ti does not have a monopoly on explanation of meaning, if I read that correctly. To me, what you are attributing to Ti is how NTs understand how things work over time, given their T and N functions. Both T functions are concerned with how things work and can be equally adept at explaining why.
    Well that's well explained....

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    Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
    Te - the information

    Ti - the explanation of what it means, perhaps backed up with the names.

    Ti is good at explaining things.
    This is one of the biggest misconceptions in Socionics, but it's not your fault. Even the big name Socionists tend to disagree on the types of lots of famous people by flipping Ti and Te around relative to other Socionists. Jung made the distinction sound so simple, but then Socionics kind of messed it up.

    Te is not raw data. It's interesting though when Joy switched from self-typing as LIE to SLE...Although I didn't follow that transition, I suspect it's related to recognizing that being good at taking in the raw data around you and responding to it is Se, not Te.

    Te is a rational function; to make it about perceiving data doesn't make any sense. You can define it as such, but then you have a sort of crummy system, in my opinion.

    I think a better definition to use (and let's be realistic: We're simply deciding to use definitions for things; there is nothing's a matter of choice) for Te is that it's the dynamic and extraverted aspect of thinking.

    That is, Ti and Te are basically the same thing, but Ti is static (about a fixed timeless reality) and more concerned with the extent of systems and how everything relates, whereas Te is dynamic (about a progression, such a series of steps, ways to accomplish something, for example) and tends to relate more immediately to the specific external objects under discussion.

    There are, interestingly, a number of people whom other's have typed LIE who seem to be good explaining things. When Expat was on the forum, people used think he was good at explaining things. A lot of Socionists think Richard Feynman is LIE (although the MBTI folk usually type him as ENTP). He was great at explaining things.

    And a lot of the people on the forum who are typed by others as LII may have great ideas and make interesting statements, but I wouldn't say that they excel above others at explaining things.

    No, actually most people are confused by Ti vs. Te, but it's not surprising and one can't really blame them.

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    When I ask my IEE roomate "why" sort of questions it seems to stall her and throw her into confusion. I like to understand how things work and she apparently doesn't think much of this. I've noticed that asking IEEs to provide their reasoning has a similar effect.

    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    That's essentially how it works for me to be Ti PoLR: rejection of "the rules," whatever they may be. That's not to say rejection of law in general, but rejection of the existence of externally static laws under which the world is subjugated.
    Fi has it's own set of "rules" or "values" which it subjugates the world to. This is not just a Ti conception.

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