I'm not sure if what I'll be describing is Ti PoLR or anything important.
But IRL, when I ask a question, I dislike it when people don't explain it in detail, like elaborating or giving examples of what they're saying.
And it frustrates me when people just say, "blablabla, that's it, I don't know how to explain".
I'm sometimes like that, but I don't like it when people do that. It's incomplete and drives me crazy. Even worse if what they're saying sounds like "this is what I think, therefore this is logical".

Having a Ti PoLR = not interested in reading? I think that's very untrue, 'cause I love reading, almost anything that captures my interest for that moment. And if I don't get bored of it quickly enough, I'd stay on it for a long time.
Theories attract me, any new and out of the ordinary. I don't think I have a lack of appreciation of those things.

Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
ti polr manifest in a few ways, some of which are
* having difficulties accepting connections unless perceiving those connections themself
* disliking having to spell out the connections they do see, often preferring instead to let others see it for themselves
* sometimes a pointing of "the connection is there... it's there, why can't you see it???" without the ability to state what exactly it is that they are seeing
* sometimes making seemingly contradictory statements or holding seemingly contradictory beliefs
I think this makes sense.