From what I can tell it means you are extremely critical to the reliability of information sources, and consequently vulnerable to others' expectations towards you to 'make do' with less than perfectly reliable information. It means wanting to have everything spelled out in detail.

Delta NF sets the stage for the 'perfectionist/idealist' quadra atmosphere. Alpha and beta skip steps to an understanding of matters, which basically means 'cheating' the intellectual game for personal benefit or long range considerations. In an intellectual context, Fi is all about rejecting such pragmatic jumps and trying to get at what the subject is about at it's core. Overwhelming as the whole truth is, this attitude mostly brings a sense of disappointment in ones capabilities to make sense of things, which the Te mindless-data-ordering function compliments perfectly. Together they bring about that 'perfection' which Ti/Fe deems to be unattainable. (although likewise Ti/Fe gives a deep personal understanding, which Fi/Te in turn does not believe in in the same particular sense)

From what I've been able to determine, Ti PoLR's exist on both the master and slave levels.

(to understand this better, imagine Ne as pinned between Ti and Fi, capable of progressing in either direction. left is to coding the intuition into a piece of knowledge that helps you inspire Fe based people, but is still unripe for building real 'tools' from, while right is to acknowledging the lacking quantifyable knowledge in the insight, and appealing to the Te-wielding part of society to fill you in on the details)