Quote Originally Posted by eunice
Examples? For instance, can we say that someone who has lack of appreciation in academics, theoretical subjects and even books in general to be weak in Ti? On the other hand, I have an ESFj friend who is very interested in Psychology to the extent that she buys extra college textbooks (no kidding!) to read even though they are not part of the curriculum. She is not particular about grades and she enjoys reading them for the sake of learning new things. Can I consider this an example of a Ti-seeking behavior?
lack of appreciation (for?) academics, theoretical subjects, and even books in general..... sounds a lot like a simplified SF
(simplified meaning not actively pursuing dual-seeking nor hidden agenda)
(however, there are other ways that ds and ha can show themselves...soo...take it for whatever little it's worth)

ti polr manifest in a few ways, some of which are
* having difficulties accepting connections unless perceiving those connections themself
* disliking having to spell out the connections they do see, often preferring instead to let others see it for themselves
* sometimes a pointing of "the connection is there... it's there, why can't you see it???" without the ability to state what exactly it is that they are seeing
* sometimes making seemingly contradictory statements or holding seemingly contradictory beliefs