I love books, and I love reading new things. There's even a stereotype that ENFps are "professional students" because we keep getting interested in new subject after new subject, wanting to learn about them. It is not true that people with Ti PoLRs are not interested in learning or books by a long shot.

It is about internal types of logic. When I see that, and I see it often right here in this forum, it makes my hair stand on end. When people say they KNOW something and it HAS to be true because it is logically obvious, that bugs me. If it's logically obvious, then IMO it's out there somewhere and you can see and touch it, so you shouldn't need to rely on internal logic anyway.

As for schooling, it depends on the subject. I loved learning about history, language, literature, etc. I hated studying about anything math-related. Particularly geometry. This is probably a Ti PoLR thing. I also really hate rules and regulations. I also always have this need to prove that the rule isn't fair/right/the best choice, and that might be a Ti PoLR thing.