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Thread: How is Ti PoLR manifested in ENFps and ESFps?

  1. #481
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    Yesterday at work a colleague of mine was complaining that she had a severe headache. So I suggested she took some aspirins (we have them at work).
    She said no I won't take them, they aren't as good as the ones I use usually, ''they take like an hour to start working, compared to the 30 mins aspirins I have at home!''
    So I was like

    I was like it's better than nothing, right? But she didn't agree apparently and didn't take them lol. Then why are u complaining bitch?
    Idk if this is Ti polr or Ne polr, though, just posting for clarity.

  2. #482
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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Yesterday at work a colleague of mine was complaining that she had a severe headache. So I suggested she took some aspirins (we have them at work).
    She said no I won't take them, they aren't as good as the ones I use usually, ''they take like an hour to start working, compared to the 30 mins aspirins I have at home!''
    So I was like

    I was like it's better than nothing, right? But she didn't agree apparently and didn't take them lol. Then why are u complaining bitch?
    Idk if this is Ti polr or Ne polr, though, just posting for clarity.
    Seems like she's valuing and a phobic 6 possibly. She doesn't trust your advice, and is probably a hypochondriac who only relies on certain authorities. She could be EII. Sounds like a case of Si HA. She seems to have weaker Logic. So I'd rule out Alpha NT and Delta ST.
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  3. #483
    idontgiveaf's Avatar
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    Okay.. I'm gonna post my vent on an intp

  4. #484
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    Ti polr is the socionics way to say someone is an idiot.
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

  5. #485
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    Beware, harsh words coming. Sensitive people get out

    Sensitive people: enjoy

    Intp, get out

    Introverts get the fuck out

    So i have this coworker. He's an intp. I cannot get him. I don't know if he just doesn't like me or he's just fucking autistic xD

    Well I'm trying hard to get along with him specially on the first three days he used to accompany me.. But then, you know, after the other day, he's just like the same person i met just like the first day.. He doesn't smile, he doesn't talk.. He'll just talk when i asked something.. Omg... -_-

    Well he's actually kind because he's helping me with some problems without me asking for it.. But that's just all. Because it's work.

    I think hesintp?

    Not really istj.. I can sense Ti.. Or whatever it is. He's so fucking autistic when it comes to girls..

    My girl coworker said that he's cold.. Then i thought maybe she just misunderstood him

    Omg.. He's really fucking cold as fuck

    That's all i wanna die because of it.

    It actually gives me headache..

    He's just.. You'll smile at him, tries to make a conversation then he'll just i don't know.. We don't connect.. It's so frustrating 😤


    Because sometimes, some introverts are just overwhelmed by extroverts or they're just shy..

    But this one? So not. He's fucking allergic of girls and he needs some fucking social skills

    He's turning 24 already and it's not a fucking excuse to be just like that..

    Sometimes i just wanna be an idiot so that i cannot feel anything or sympathize anything you know.

    Earlier i was thinking that i should stop being a go-getter and just be lazy..

    Because i take a lot of risks because I'm fucking ambitious you know. I don't mind the challenges.. But then, encountering frustrating stuffs like this makes me feel like i don't know.. I just wanna quit..

    I'm surrounded by nerds who lacks social skills it makes me dead

    I'm the only girl around there you know.. And I'm not that of a nerd. I'm just 50%nerd.

    Damn it..

    I don't want an intj job anymore..

    Yes it pays good but then it's exhausting.. Facing the computer 8;30to17:30

    These people doesn't even know how to take a break.

    Dammit.. I'm just until December here.. Anyways, I'm happy to see that it's only three months.

    I really feel dead inside.

    Sometimes, I'm just drinking coffee to give me energy throughout the day. Because if i don't drink coffee ☕ ill be a walking dead..

    Well I'm actually near that...

    I'm actually trying to put my best, like putting efforts. Studying.. Limit phone usage.. But then, dammit..

    If this what it takes to be a j-type I'd rtaher slack all day..

    I don't need money i don't need status..

    I just wanna be happy.

    I don't want respect either.

    I don't like being a j-type

    And there's a fucking elevator, there's also an escalator.... But NOOOOOOO!!! You won't take the easier way, you'll gonna walk two floors.

    I cannot understand the fucking logic...

    What the fuck..

    Are you a fucking slave.


    I'm in a fucking rat race.

    Literally fucking damn ratsssss...

    Fuck shit...

    I'm wondering if being kind and doing my best is still worth it?!!

    I don't fucking knowwww

    What the fuck man...

    Whenever I'm trying to be a normal person, i just get stressed..

    I'm really was born to be the outcast, the black sheep..

    Because no matter how i try hard to be a white sheep, my fur is black...

    I cannot change it...

  6. #486
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    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    Beware, harsh words coming. Sensitive people get out
    Lol @idontgiveaf.

    Duals can be sooo strange. And placing yourself in a dual workplace might not be that good for you, if you don't have the freedom to shake things up whenever you feel too restricted.

    However, with respect to hanging with duals, think about this: One on one, do they wear you out? Or do they make you feel better about yourself and completely accepted and give you energy? That would be one-on-one, that is.

    Don't confuse that with your trying to BE a dual and trying to do their jobs. Although since you've worked in an INTp job, you have a better idea of what they experience. Now, it would be better for you to try to rescue them from that life every once in a while. Get them to go outside. Show them what fun is. In return, they can do your taxes for you. Or fix your door lock.

    Incidentally, when my life gets too boring and restrictive and frustrating, I also turn to coffee to try to stay interested. It only works sometimes. What works better is to get outside and do new stuff.

  7. #487
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptitron View Post
    Ti polr is the socionics way to say someone is an idiot.
    I knew you wouldnt dissapoint me.

    I'm curious, how would you describe Te PoLR, Si PoLR and the rest of PoLRs? I really want to know.
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  8. #488
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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Yesterday at work a colleague of mine was complaining that she had a severe headache. So I suggested she took some aspirins (we have them at work).
    She said no I won't take them, they aren't as good as the ones I use usually, ''they take like an hour to start working, compared to the 30 mins aspirins I have at home!''
    So I was like

    I was like it's better than nothing, right? But she didn't agree apparently and didn't take them lol. Then why are u complaining bitch?
    Idk if this is Ti polr or Ne polr, though, just posting for clarity.
    The only type that I've seen doing this are IEEs (but EIIs could be similar stuff guess). They can be stupidily stubborn on so many things, and they are immune to logic explanations and just need to let them do their things the way they want even if it won't work.

    While they go on with their nonsense my face still expressionless but I'm facepalming inside. you can do the same.

    I guess this happens due IEEs having 1DSi and 1DTi, the problem with Functions in 1 dimension is that they are only experienced in a subjective way...its out of the reach of the world, others and sometimes its out of touch with reality. Its like a baby in other words. So, having a logic that only makes sense for you (in your internal world) can be really bad lol.
    Last edited by Faith; 09-20-2017 at 02:50 PM.
    "All nations will place their hope in him."
    (Mt 12:21)

  9. #489
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slugcat View Post
    The only type that I've seen doing this are IEEs. They can be stupidily stubborn on so many things, and they are immune to logic explanations and just need to let them do their things the way they want even if it won't work.

    While they go on with their nonsense my face still expressionless but I'm facepalming inside. you can do the same.

    I guess this happens due IEEs having 1DSi and 1DTi, the problem with Functions in 1 dimension is that they are only experienced in a subjective way...its out of the reach of the world, others and sometimes its out of touch with reality. Its like a baby in other words. So, having a logic that only makes sense for you (in your internal world) can be really bad lol.
    The best description of any type comes from their duals.

    Socionics "Result" Type Dual Pairs: LII-ESE, ESI-LIE, SLI-IEE, IEI-SLE
    What do you think about this article?
    It is short enough that I will post it up here: On Dual Relationships of Result Types by Tsypin - Wikisocion


    This phenomenon has been noticed for a while, that Process type dual pairs are more frequently encountered, while Result type dual pairs are much rarer in comparison. In addition, Process (right) dual couples tend to coexist together for a long time, while Result (left) couples often quickly fall apart.

    Why does this happen?

    The hypothesis is as follows: Process (right) dual pairs have a "plus" sign in their program (leading function) aspects. This indicates the possibility of a gradual acceptance of a partner. Process types are ready to accept any manifestations on their "plus" program aspects. For the Result types the situation is completely different. The "minus" sign in leading functions inclines them to immediately reject the person (as "bad") or accept them right after acquaintance. However, there are no ideal people, thus Result types frequently make negative verdicts on their dual candidacies. The way they describe and justify it is different: "unappealing", "mean", "unpleasant", "untidy", "unattractive", etc. Result types seem to be always trying to shield themselves from unpleasant perceptions and feelings, which also happens to shield them from potential partners on grounds that they seemed unsuitable at a first glance. Getting into details and understanding a partner better seems uninteresting to Result types – people of these types prefer to make quick, far-reaching assessments.

    The specificity of dual relations is such that initially there is an absence of mental resonance that would allow the people to find common themes and become captivated with each other through conversation. Here, what happens is an assessment of energy compatibility, which is verbalized with much difficulty. A reliable assessment of the degree of energy compatibility requires time, while Result type style of communication is based on quick assessments.
    Thus, Process types are oriented at making dual relationships work. How do Result type fare?

    Examination by type

    ESE, ESFj (Hugo)
    Often characterizes his dual as: "boring", "too indecisive", "helpless", "wimp", "unkempt", "dull person", "too quiet and monotonous". ESE usually gets attracted to bright, responsive, and practical partners. Often builds relationships with SEI, LSE, LSI, and EII as partners.

    LII, INTj (Robespierre)
    Often characterizes his dual as: "completely unpredictable", "chaotic", "utterly confused", "emotional dictator", "aggressive", "too straightforward", "too stupid", "has no knowledge himself, but continues to argue", "not interested in anything serious", "doesn't leave anyone alone". LII gravitates towards more calm and predictable (in his view) relations and often picks SEI, LSE, EIE, LIE as his romantic partners.

    SLE, ESTp (Zhukov)
    Typical descriptions of his dual: "wimp", "useless", "worthless", "failure at life", "inexperienced in life", "deadend", "too effeminate", "crybaby". The SLE is more interested in partners with whom he can, more or less on equal footing, discuss and resolve important "sensory" issues to himself – earning money, accumulation of material prosperity, arrangement of his "territory", building his career. Thus, he often chooses SEI and SLI as his partners from strategic considerations, and also gets interested in ESI, ILI, EIE, and LSI.

    IEI, INFp (Yesenin)
    In his eyes, his dual usually appears as: "too shallow", "too materialistic", "too appearance oriented", "uncultured boor", "vulgar dork", "a dictator", "a man in a skirt (about female duals)", "a martinet". Very often IEI doesn't feel comfortable meeting his dual and strives towards relationships that seem more soulful and intellectually resonant to him. Often his "partners in life" are types LII, LSI, ESI, SLI, and ILE.

    LIE, ENTj (Jack)
    The most common descriptions of his dual: "strict doll", "not a woman, but a kindergarden teacher", "petty bourgeois", "pathologically jealous", "total monotony", "dull and boring", "too gloomy", "can't say a word to him/her". LIE seeks partners that won't limit his freedom, who have a lenient outlook on his "adventures", and who won't teach him how to live and control his every step. He often chooses EII, LSI, ILI, SEE, and LII as his partners.

    ESI, ISFj (Dreiser)
    The perception of his dual can be characterized as following: "the inconstancy itself", "windbag", "womanizer", "lover of extreme situations", "consummate extremalist". ESI often prioritizes partners who are more promising of stability and calm way of life, as well as those who dedicate more consideration to questions of ethics and moral behavior. Often ESI ends up pairing up with LSI, ESE, EIE, and LII.

    IEE, ENFp (Huxley)
    Their issues with perception of their dual are characterized by the following adjectives: "nature's mystery", "lazybones", "ice queen", "bore", "incorrigible egoist", "too quiet", "has his own agenda". Far more attractive partners to the IEE are often sociable, open, and emotional people. It is difficult for the IEE to reconcile with the fact that for SLI everything soon gets boring. This is a typical misunderstanding between a static type, who is somewhat inert in own interests and tastes, and a dynamic type, who does not wish to get stuck and fixated on anything for too long. Thus, IEE, desiring to create a strong relationship, gravitates towards types ILI, SEI, SLE, and IEI.

    SLI, ISTp (Gabin)
    In his eyes, his dual often appears as: "superficial", "intrusive", "taking everything too close to heart", "chaotic", "noisy", "chatterbox", "neurotic". The SLI does not aspire to relationships where parameters are fixed once and for always; he needs certain freedom in behavior. Any restrictions and bans, even if they are expressed in a very mild form, he perceives rather painfully. Attempting to ensure emotional comfort and privacy of personal space, the SLI is inclined to pick EII, ESI, SLE, and IEI for life together.

    Concluding remarks

    1. Of course, the dual pairs of Result types are found in practice. But, firstly, they rarely make it together to an old age; and secondly, statistically in comparison with Right dual pairs they are relatively rare. In any case, this article should not be interpreted in a sense that Result dual pairs are impossible to form.

    2. When two people are typed as a couple, often one of them is typed wrong because the typer falls under the influence of "the myth of duality" and convinces himself or herself that if one partner is LIE then other has to be ESI. Many couples thus continue living together under the impression that they duals, while in actuality their pair is characterized by another intertype relationship.

    3. The article lists the most common pairings for Result TIMs, but this is not to be understood rigidly. In reality, there may be the most "exotic" pairings of types, and moreover these unions may be harmonious to a certain extent. There are, for example, supervision and conflict couples who live together for a very long time. They seem to come out of the difficult, stressful situations due to the richness of their personal qualities. A person choosing their marriage partner focuses mainly not on their TIM, but on their personal qualities, and therefore is able to get along with a representative of almost any TIM if the personal qualities of the selected partner are close and dear to him.

  10. #490
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Lol @idontgiveaf.

    Duals can be sooo strange. And placing yourself in a dual workplace might not be that good for you, if you don't have the freedom to shake things up whenever you feel too restricted.

    However, with respect to hanging with duals, think about this: One on one, do they wear you out? Or do they make you feel better about yourself and completely accepted and give you energy? That would be one-on-one, that is.

    Don't confuse that with your trying to BE a dual and trying to do their jobs. Although since you've worked in an INTp job, you have a better idea of what they experience. Now, it would be better for you to try to rescue them from that life every once in a while. Get them to go outside. Show them what fun is. In return, they can do your taxes for you. Or fix your door lock.

    Incidentally, when my life gets too boring and restrictive and frustrating, I also turn to coffee to try to stay interested. It only works sometimes. What works better is to get outside and do new stuff.
    He's actually intj..socionics.. Intp, mbti.

    I don't know i can sense Ti. And inferior Fe.

    I don't really hang out with intjs as well. I don't know. -_-

    Sometimes I'm just asking myself, what's wrong with me?

    But I'm just trying to understand their functional stacks.

    But honestly without the understanding of mbti, it's either i will feel bad about myself because i don't fit in.

    But I'm just shrugging everything off and try to be just as positive as possible.

    Because negativities will take me no where. It would not even solve anything..

    So i guess it's just time i guess to adjust. Anyways, I'm still one week there. Haha!

    I'm so excited to get comfortable lols. Specially people getting comfortable at me. ;p

    I'll just let time fix everything.


  11. #491
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    The best description of any type comes from their duals.

    Socionics "Result" Type Dual Pairs: LII-ESE, ESI-LIE, SLI-IEE, IEI-SLE
    What do you think about this article?
    It is short enough that I will post it up here: On Dual Relationships of Result Types by Tsypin - Wikisocion


    This phenomenon has been noticed for a while, that Process type dual pairs are more frequently encountered, while Result type dual pairs are much rarer in comparison. In addition, Process (right) dual couples tend to coexist together for a long time, while Result (left) couples often quickly fall apart.

    Why does this happen?

    The hypothesis is as follows: Process (right) dual pairs have a "plus" sign in their program (leading function) aspects. This indicates the possibility of a gradual acceptance of a partner. Process types are ready to accept any manifestations on their "plus" program aspects. For the Result types the situation is completely different. The "minus" sign in leading functions inclines them to immediately reject the person (as "bad") or accept them right after acquaintance. However, there are no ideal people, thus Result types frequently make negative verdicts on their dual candidacies. The way they describe and justify it is different: "unappealing", "mean", "unpleasant", "untidy", "unattractive", etc. Result types seem to be always trying to shield themselves from unpleasant perceptions and feelings, which also happens to shield them from potential partners on grounds that they seemed unsuitable at a first glance. Getting into details and understanding a partner better seems uninteresting to Result types – people of these types prefer to make quick, far-reaching assessments.

    The specificity of dual relations is such that initially there is an absence of mental resonance that would allow the people to find common themes and become captivated with each other through conversation. Here, what happens is an assessment of energy compatibility, which is verbalized with much difficulty. A reliable assessment of the degree of energy compatibility requires time, while Result type style of communication is based on quick assessments.
    Thus, Process types are oriented at making dual relationships work. How do Result type fare?

    Examination by type

    ESE, ESFj (Hugo)
    Often characterizes his dual as: "boring", "too indecisive", "helpless", "wimp", "unkempt", "dull person", "too quiet and monotonous". ESE usually gets attracted to bright, responsive, and practical partners. Often builds relationships with SEI, LSE, LSI, and EII as partners.

    LII, INTj (Robespierre)
    Often characterizes his dual as: "completely unpredictable", "chaotic", "utterly confused", "emotional dictator", "aggressive", "too straightforward", "too stupid", "has no knowledge himself, but continues to argue", "not interested in anything serious", "doesn't leave anyone alone". LII gravitates towards more calm and predictable (in his view) relations and often picks SEI, LSE, EIE, LIE as his romantic partners.

    SLE, ESTp (Zhukov)
    Typical descriptions of his dual: "wimp", "useless", "worthless", "failure at life", "inexperienced in life", "deadend", "too effeminate", "crybaby". The SLE is more interested in partners with whom he can, more or less on equal footing, discuss and resolve important "sensory" issues to himself – earning money, accumulation of material prosperity, arrangement of his "territory", building his career. Thus, he often chooses SEI and SLI as his partners from strategic considerations, and also gets interested in ESI, ILI, EIE, and LSI.

    IEI, INFp (Yesenin)
    In his eyes, his dual usually appears as: "too shallow", "too materialistic", "too appearance oriented", "uncultured boor", "vulgar dork", "a dictator", "a man in a skirt (about female duals)", "a martinet". Very often IEI doesn't feel comfortable meeting his dual and strives towards relationships that seem more soulful and intellectually resonant to him. Often his "partners in life" are types LII, LSI, ESI, SLI, and ILE.

    LIE, ENTj (Jack)
    The most common descriptions of his dual: "strict doll", "not a woman, but a kindergarden teacher", "petty bourgeois", "pathologically jealous", "total monotony", "dull and boring", "too gloomy", "can't say a word to him/her". LIE seeks partners that won't limit his freedom, who have a lenient outlook on his "adventures", and who won't teach him how to live and control his every step. He often chooses EII, LSI, ILI, SEE, and LII as his partners.

    ESI, ISFj (Dreiser)
    The perception of his dual can be characterized as following: "the inconstancy itself", "windbag", "womanizer", "lover of extreme situations", "consummate extremalist". ESI often prioritizes partners who are more promising of stability and calm way of life, as well as those who dedicate more consideration to questions of ethics and moral behavior. Often ESI ends up pairing up with LSI, ESE, EIE, and LII.

    IEE, ENFp (Huxley)
    Their issues with perception of their dual are characterized by the following adjectives: "nature's mystery", "lazybones", "ice queen", "bore", "incorrigible egoist", "too quiet", "has his own agenda". Far more attractive partners to the IEE are often sociable, open, and emotional people. It is difficult for the IEE to reconcile with the fact that for SLI everything soon gets boring. This is a typical misunderstanding between a static type, who is somewhat inert in own interests and tastes, and a dynamic type, who does not wish to get stuck and fixated on anything for too long. Thus, IEE, desiring to create a strong relationship, gravitates towards types ILI, SEI, SLE, and IEI.

    SLI, ISTp (Gabin)
    In his eyes, his dual often appears as: "superficial", "intrusive", "taking everything too close to heart", "chaotic", "noisy", "chatterbox", "neurotic". The SLI does not aspire to relationships where parameters are fixed once and for always; he needs certain freedom in behavior. Any restrictions and bans, even if they are expressed in a very mild form, he perceives rather painfully. Attempting to ensure emotional comfort and privacy of personal space, the SLI is inclined to pick EII, ESI, SLE, and IEI for life together.

    Concluding remarks

    1. Of course, the dual pairs of Result types are found in practice. But, firstly, they rarely make it together to an old age; and secondly, statistically in comparison with Right dual pairs they are relatively rare. In any case, this article should not be interpreted in a sense that Result dual pairs are impossible to form.

    2. When two people are typed as a couple, often one of them is typed wrong because the typer falls under the influence of "the myth of duality" and convinces himself or herself that if one partner is LIE then other has to be ESI. Many couples thus continue living together under the impression that they duals, while in actuality their pair is characterized by another intertype relationship.

    3. The article lists the most common pairings for Result TIMs, but this is not to be understood rigidly. In reality, there may be the most "exotic" pairings of types, and moreover these unions may be harmonious to a certain extent. There are, for example, supervision and conflict couples who live together for a very long time. They seem to come out of the difficult, stressful situations due to the richness of their personal qualities. A person choosing their marriage partner focuses mainly not on their TIM, but on their personal qualities, and therefore is able to get along with a representative of almost any TIM if the personal qualities of the selected partner are close and dear to him.


  12. #492
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    Subjective logic is itself nonsensical. Something is either logical or it is not, regardless of whether the "logic" makes sense to the individual or not. With this definition, the Ti dom and Ti polr can parodoxically represent the same person.
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

  13. #493
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptitron View Post
    Subjective logic is itself nonsensical. Something is either logical or it is not, regardless of whether the "logic" makes sense to the individual or not. With this definition, the Ti dom and Ti polr can parodoxically represent the same person.
    Introverted thinking means that uses logic in an introverted way (acquiring and storing info, analizing etc), opposed to Te who uses it for practical matters and organizing the external world.
    Dimensionality is different. As I said, 1D can be explained as a baby or little kid while 4D would be an experienced adult. The dimensions works as 'possibilities', a baby is stucked in his subjective experience and his limited knowledge, an adult is versed and free to move conveniently, thats why 1d functions represent a troublesome or painful area.

    Ti PoLR its ilogical, but what I tried to say is that the way they experience logic is subjective , they do have their rules, but often they don't make any sense or have any value facing the real world, it happens they make sense in their internal world of experience but are not attuned with the present reality. The example of 9 large is good, for the girl, taking the pill that works for her make sense, but shes completely missing the point of the situation. Shes unable to make a proper evaluation to fix her own problem.
    Last edited by Faith; 09-20-2017 at 02:38 PM.
    "All nations will place their hope in him."
    (Mt 12:21)

  14. #494
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slugcat View Post
    Introverted thinking means that uses logic in an introverted way (acquiring and storing info, analizing etc), opposed to Te who uses it for practical matters and organizing the external world.
    Dimensionality is different. As I said, 1D can be explained as a baby or little kid while 4D would be an experienced adult. The dimensions works as 'possibilities', a baby is stucked in his subjective experience and his limited knowledge, an adult is versed and free to move conveniently, thats why 1d functions represent a troublesome or painful area.

    Ti PoLR its ilogical, but what I tried to say is that the way they experience logic is subjective , they do have their rules, but often they don't make any sense or have any value facing the real world, it happens they make sense in their internal world of experience but are not attuned with the present reality. The example of 9 large is good, for the girl, taking the pill that works for her make sense, but shes completely missing the point of the situation. Shes unable to make a proper evaluation to fix her own problem.
    To illustrate a point:
    Socionics doesn't make logical sense, which makes everyone who accepts its "logical" structure Ti polr.
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

  15. #495
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptitron View Post
    To illustrate a point:
    Socionics doesn't make logical sense, which makes everyone who accepts its "logical" structure Ti polr.
    You'll have to support that...
    why it doesnt make logical sense?
    Its a theory of personality indeed, but I don't see why it would mean that doesn't make sense.
    Socionics correlates with my personal experiences too (that's why I interested in it at first place).
    Last edited by Faith; 09-20-2017 at 04:45 PM.
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  16. #496
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    The best description of any type comes from their duals.

    Socionics "Result" Type Dual Pairs: LII-ESE, ESI-LIE, SLI-IEE, IEI-SLE
    What do you think about this article?
    It is short enough that I will post it up here: On Dual Relationships of Result Types by Tsypin - Wikisocion


    This phenomenon has been noticed for a while, that Process type dual pairs are more frequently encountered, while Result type dual pairs are much rarer in comparison. In addition, Process (right) dual couples tend to coexist together for a long time, while Result (left) couples often quickly fall apart.

    Why does this happen?

    The hypothesis is as follows: Process (right) dual pairs have a "plus" sign in their program (leading function) aspects. This indicates the possibility of a gradual acceptance of a partner. Process types are ready to accept any manifestations on their "plus" program aspects. For the Result types the situation is completely different. The "minus" sign in leading functions inclines them to immediately reject the person (as "bad") or accept them right after acquaintance. However, there are no ideal people, thus Result types frequently make negative verdicts on their dual candidacies. The way they describe and justify it is different: "unappealing", "mean", "unpleasant", "untidy", "unattractive", etc. Result types seem to be always trying to shield themselves from unpleasant perceptions and feelings, which also happens to shield them from potential partners on grounds that they seemed unsuitable at a first glance. Getting into details and understanding a partner better seems uninteresting to Result types – people of these types prefer to make quick, far-reaching assessments.

    The specificity of dual relations is such that initially there is an absence of mental resonance that would allow the people to find common themes and become captivated with each other through conversation. Here, what happens is an assessment of energy compatibility, which is verbalized with much difficulty. A reliable assessment of the degree of energy compatibility requires time, while Result type style of communication is based on quick assessments.
    Thus, Process types are oriented at making dual relationships work. How do Result type fare?

    Examination by type

    ESE, ESFj (Hugo)
    Often characterizes his dual as: "boring", "too indecisive", "helpless", "wimp", "unkempt", "dull person", "too quiet and monotonous". ESE usually gets attracted to bright, responsive, and practical partners. Often builds relationships with SEI, LSE, LSI, and EII as partners.

    LII, INTj (Robespierre)
    Often characterizes his dual as: "completely unpredictable", "chaotic", "utterly confused", "emotional dictator", "aggressive", "too straightforward", "too stupid", "has no knowledge himself, but continues to argue", "not interested in anything serious", "doesn't leave anyone alone". LII gravitates towards more calm and predictable (in his view) relations and often picks SEI, LSE, EIE, LIE as his romantic partners.

    SLE, ESTp (Zhukov)
    Typical descriptions of his dual: "wimp", "useless", "worthless", "failure at life", "inexperienced in life", "deadend", "too effeminate", "crybaby". The SLE is more interested in partners with whom he can, more or less on equal footing, discuss and resolve important "sensory" issues to himself – earning money, accumulation of material prosperity, arrangement of his "territory", building his career. Thus, he often chooses SEI and SLI as his partners from strategic considerations, and also gets interested in ESI, ILI, EIE, and LSI.

    IEI, INFp (Yesenin)
    In his eyes, his dual usually appears as: "too shallow", "too materialistic", "too appearance oriented", "uncultured boor", "vulgar dork", "a dictator", "a man in a skirt (about female duals)", "a martinet". Very often IEI doesn't feel comfortable meeting his dual and strives towards relationships that seem more soulful and intellectually resonant to him. Often his "partners in life" are types LII, LSI, ESI, SLI, and ILE.

    LIE, ENTj (Jack)
    The most common descriptions of his dual: "strict doll", "not a woman, but a kindergarden teacher", "petty bourgeois", "pathologically jealous", "total monotony", "dull and boring", "too gloomy", "can't say a word to him/her". LIE seeks partners that won't limit his freedom, who have a lenient outlook on his "adventures", and who won't teach him how to live and control his every step. He often chooses EII, LSI, ILI, SEE, and LII as his partners.

    ESI, ISFj (Dreiser)
    The perception of his dual can be characterized as following: "the inconstancy itself", "windbag", "womanizer", "lover of extreme situations", "consummate extremalist". ESI often prioritizes partners who are more promising of stability and calm way of life, as well as those who dedicate more consideration to questions of ethics and moral behavior. Often ESI ends up pairing up with LSI, ESE, EIE, and LII.

    IEE, ENFp (Huxley)
    Their issues with perception of their dual are characterized by the following adjectives: "nature's mystery", "lazybones", "ice queen", "bore", "incorrigible egoist", "too quiet", "has his own agenda". Far more attractive partners to the IEE are often sociable, open, and emotional people. It is difficult for the IEE to reconcile with the fact that for SLI everything soon gets boring. This is a typical misunderstanding between a static type, who is somewhat inert in own interests and tastes, and a dynamic type, who does not wish to get stuck and fixated on anything for too long. Thus, IEE, desiring to create a strong relationship, gravitates towards types ILI, SEI, SLE, and IEI.

    SLI, ISTp (Gabin)
    In his eyes, his dual often appears as: "superficial", "intrusive", "taking everything too close to heart", "chaotic", "noisy", "chatterbox", "neurotic". The SLI does not aspire to relationships where parameters are fixed once and for always; he needs certain freedom in behavior. Any restrictions and bans, even if they are expressed in a very mild form, he perceives rather painfully. Attempting to ensure emotional comfort and privacy of personal space, the SLI is inclined to pick EII, ESI, SLE, and IEI for life together.

    Concluding remarks

    1. Of course, the dual pairs of Result types are found in practice. But, firstly, they rarely make it together to an old age; and secondly, statistically in comparison with Right dual pairs they are relatively rare. In any case, this article should not be interpreted in a sense that Result dual pairs are impossible to form.

    2. When two people are typed as a couple, often one of them is typed wrong because the typer falls under the influence of "the myth of duality" and convinces himself or herself that if one partner is LIE then other has to be ESI. Many couples thus continue living together under the impression that they duals, while in actuality their pair is characterized by another intertype relationship.

    3. The article lists the most common pairings for Result TIMs, but this is not to be understood rigidly. In reality, there may be the most "exotic" pairings of types, and moreover these unions may be harmonious to a certain extent. There are, for example, supervision and conflict couples who live together for a very long time. They seem to come out of the difficult, stressful situations due to the richness of their personal qualities. A person choosing their marriage partner focuses mainly not on their TIM, but on their personal qualities, and therefore is able to get along with a representative of almost any TIM if the personal qualities of the selected partner are close and dear to him.

    That's a good article, thanks for sharing.

    I think its more complicated or hard for certain types the dualization process than for others probably (though, I'm not really sure since I don't have experience in others ppls couples). However, I think there are common grounds where actually dualization can work best for certain types. According my own experience and the experience of forum members in here, religious aspects help a lot Delta duality, specially SLI-IEE. Most of the successfully dualized partners in here of such dyad are religious afaik. I can see clearly how teachings as christianity where forgiveness, monogamy and love is encouraged could help in such aspects, and how different ideologies could negatively influence those relationships (in the sense that it can push each partner against opposite sides instead towards each other).

    I think having a change in values and a common ground in such matter is needed for partners in some cases for actually having a good relationship. Specially if they are Fi valuers.

    Finally, I've seen a lot of couples SLI-EII and SLI-IEI who have had the misfortune of going wrong… I was in such kind of relationships before and won't try it again.

    I've known all kind of stories of such couples, the most common SLI-EII outcome is the one described in the Strat article (posted in the forum as activity rel. SLI- EII). Where EIIs are desperately trying to have a close and deep connection with SLI while SLI is trying to do the opposite.

    I've heard stories SLI-IEI where it burns awfully…specially female IEI, male SLI. After my personal experience of unpaceful coexistence with IEI 4 sp female, I can deeply understand that. Friendships can be ok, but coexistance is another story.
    Last edited by Faith; 09-21-2017 at 03:16 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Yesterday at work a colleague of mine was complaining that she had a severe headache. So I suggested she took some aspirins (we have them at work).
    She said no I won't take them, they aren't as good as the ones I use usually, ''they take like an hour to start working, compared to the 30 mins aspirins I have at home!''
    So I was like

    I was like it's better than nothing, right? But she didn't agree apparently and didn't take them lol. Then why are u complaining bitch?
    Idk if this is Ti polr or Ne polr, though, just posting for clarity.
    I'd have asked (in a patient and polite style) how it is a problem for her to have to wait 30mins longer, to see why she is saying this.

    Low T + low Si is what it seems like stereotypically. But I wouldn't know her exact mental contents just from this sentence of hers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptitron View Post
    Ti polr is the socionics way to say someone is an idiot.
    Eh, I hate it how some people can't see the socionics concepts without attaching such social interpretations to them. Ti PoLR is not about being an idiot. Or, to put it another way, everyone has weak points that make them idiots in that area.

    Also, I'm full well aware that quite some people don't need to utilize much Ti to get by, they use other main ways of thinking to adapt to challenges and solve problems to get ahead in life. That's what intelligence is about.

    Like a lot of extraverted cognition with the object oriented approach works great for many tasks. Or pattern-perceiving cognitions (Ni, Si) for other introverted ways of dealing with tasks. Feeling also can be utilized to achieve goals.

    Of course in some specific areas lack of focus on Ti will give a direct disadvantage compared to people who have a focus on Ti. And it's not even always just about weakness in information processing, in certain areas even strong Ti yet with a lack of focus on it will give that direct disadvantage. But again this applies to every type with them having advantages in some areas and disadvantages in others.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptitron View Post
    Subjective logic is itself nonsensical. Something is either logical or it is not, regardless of whether the "logic" makes sense to the individual or not. With this definition, the Ti dom and Ti polr can parodoxically represent the same person.
    Who decides how "something is either logical or it is not"? Individuals have to make sense of things. That's its subjective side.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptitron View Post
    To illustrate a point:
    Socionics doesn't make logical sense, which makes everyone who accepts its "logical" structure Ti polr.
    If any parts of Socionics theory don't make any logical sense to you, why are you here though

    And your sentence, you have actually used Socionics theory in it to call people engaging in it Ti PoLR. I suppose then you like to use stuff that makes no logical sense and you've categorized yourself as Ti PoLR.

    No offense, lol. In any case, I'm sure you are still using some logical structures of Socionics where you see it as logical. The theory on the whole has issues, no question about that.

    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    Beware, harsh words coming. Sensitive people get out
    Lol you remind me of an IEE acquaintance with your way of ranting and your values as displayed in it. I think I'm very close to finalizing your typing as IEE anyway. If you are still trying to type yourself.
    Last edited by Myst; 09-20-2017 at 06:12 PM.

  18. #498
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post

    Eh, I hate it how some people can't see the socionics concepts without attaching such social interpretations to them. Ti PoLR is not about being an idiot. Or, to put it another way, everyone has weak points that make them idiots in that area.
    I am only poking fun. Often illogical statements made by someone are used as justification to type someone as Ti polr, where illogical statements are a rather prominent feature of homo sapiens.

    Who decides how "something is either logical or it is not"? Individuals have to make sense of things. That's its subjective side.
    Logical rules aid in determining the logical from the illogical. A conclusion either logically follows from its premise or it does not. Subjective logic says nothing of the validity of the statement.

    If any parts of Socionics theory don't make any logical sense to you, why are you here though

    And your sentence, you have actually used Socionics theory in it to call people engaging in it Ti PoLR. I suppose then you like to use stuff that makes no logical sense and you've categorized yourself as Ti PoLR.

    No offense, lol. In any case, I'm sure you are still using some logical structures of Socionics where you see it as logical. The theory on the whole has issues, no question about that.
    Ha! I am here to poke holes in a theory that has too neat of an understanding of something as complex as consciousness. I will only be convinced of evidence for such claims to knowledge of other people. Such "knowledge" gives power over other people. Asserting the type of other people against their own evidence for their own understanding of their type is to assert power over people. Knowledge is power. Power built on false knowledge should be opposed on principle. It leads to dogmatism and corruption. This is what I am passionate about.

    I also know that many socionicists make money stiffing people for their subjective opinion of their type without much of a basis in reality. This comparative to "psychics" scamming people. It's wrong intellectually and morally.
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

  19. #499
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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Yesterday at work a colleague of mine was complaining that she had a severe headache. So I suggested she took some aspirins (we have them at work).
    She said no I won't take them, they aren't as good as the ones I use usually, ''they take like an hour to start working, compared to the 30 mins aspirins I have at home!''
    So I was like

    I was like it's better than nothing, right? But she didn't agree apparently and didn't take them lol. Then why are u complaining bitch?
    Idk if this is Ti polr or Ne polr, though, just posting for clarity.
    LOL! one of my coworkers used that same exact meme in one of her powerpoint talks!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I'd have asked (in a patient and polite style) how it is a problem for her to have to wait 30mins longer, to see why she is saying this.

    Low T + low Si is what it seems like stereotypically. But I wouldn't know her exact mental contents just from this sentence of hers.

    Eh, I hate it how some people can't see the socionics concepts without attaching such social interpretations to them. Ti PoLR is not about being an idiot. Or, to put it another way, everyone has weak points that make them idiots in that area.

    Also, I'm full well aware that quite some people don't need to utilize much Ti to get by, they use other main ways of thinking to adapt to challenges and solve problems to get ahead in life. That's what intelligence is about.

    Like a lot of extraverted cognition with the object oriented approach works great for many tasks. Or pattern-perceiving cognitions (Ni, Si) for other introverted ways of dealing with tasks. Feeling also can be utilized to achieve goals.

    Of course in some specific areas lack of focus on Ti will give a direct disadvantage compared to people who have a focus on Ti. And it's not even always just about weakness in information processing, in certain areas even strong Ti yet with a lack of focus on it will give that direct disadvantage. But again this applies to every type with them having advantages in some areas and disadvantages in others.

    Who decides how "something is either logical or it is not"? Individuals have to make sense of things. That's its subjective side.

    If any parts of Socionics theory don't make any logical sense to you, why are you here though

    And your sentence, you have actually used Socionics theory in it to call people engaging in it Ti PoLR. I suppose then you like to use stuff that makes no logical sense and you've categorized yourself as Ti PoLR.

    No offense, lol. In any case, I'm sure you are still using some logical structures of Socionics where you see it as logical. The theory on the whole has issues, no question about that.

    Lol you remind me of an IEE acquaintance with your way of ranting and your values as displayed in it. I think I'm very close to finalizing your typing as IEE anyway. If you are still trying to type yourself.
    Yeah. I think I'm an IEE too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptitron View Post
    I am only poking fun. Often illogical statements made by someone are used as justification to type someone as Ti polr, where illogical statements are a rather prominent feature of homo sapiens.
    Right lol

    Logical rules aid in determining the logical from the illogical. A conclusion either logically follows from its premise or it does not. Subjective logic says nothing of the validity of the statement.
    Well you decide the rules though, that's what I meant by the subjective side here. Otherwise it doesn't relate to your personal self, sure.

    Ha! I am here to poke holes in a theory that has too neat of an understanding of something as complex as consciousness. I will only be convinced of evidence for such claims to knowledge of other people. Such "knowledge" gives power over other people. Asserting the type of other people against their own evidence for their own understanding of their type is to assert power over people. Knowledge is power. Power built on false knowledge should be opposed on principle. It leads to dogmatism and corruption. This is what I am passionate about.

    I also know that many socionicists make money stiffing people for their subjective opinion of their type without much of a basis in reality. This comparative to "psychics" scamming people. It's wrong intellectually and morally.
    Eh, it's not hard to poke holes in the nuances. I don't really see socionics as something that gives you power in practice really beyond understanding yourself and maybe some other people better, tho'. Idk if the people who charge money for typing promise infallible typings. That'd be a scam yah if so.

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    Te is analogical to Se to me...

    Se notices discrete things while Si takes in an impression of the whole. The other day I didn't notice my coworker dyed her hair warm brown b/c she was also wearing a warm brown sweater. I noticed she looked "warmer" but attributed to the sweater. I don't think Se would make a mistake like that.

    Anyway, Te is about solving specific problems, forgoing how things fit together. In working to apply different solutions Ti-PoLRs fail to see how some of those solutions contradict each other. Like in a world in which action A is even possible, action B can't be.

  23. #503
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Right lol

    Well you decide the rules though, that's what I meant by the subjective side here. Otherwise it doesn't relate to your personal self, sure.

    Eh, it's not hard to poke holes in the nuances. I don't really see socionics as something that gives you power in practice really beyond understanding yourself and maybe some other people better, tho'. Idk if the people who charge money for typing promise infallible typings. That'd be a scam yah if so.
    For sure. But no one of course says infallible typing, but they have an arrogance of certainty for something as subjective as typing. There is a lot of that going around in typology. It seems so obvious to me that typology is a relative system. Our "true type" is in actuality our individual self as we can be most aware of it. Our typology self is how we see our self in context with other people. This can change depending on the people we are around, influenced by, and need to influence. The individual is the root, with the "type" being more of an abstraction of the individual. We can measure certain things about the individual, but you can not measure a type. It is just an idea and concept. It changes and morphs in context. I don't see too many people into typology who understand this. They just abstract what I say, other others say, and conclude that it is because one is type______, without facts, evidence, correlations, etc. They really just are opinions of something everyone does on an intuitive level. We judge other people based on how they appear to our self. People do that because it is easier than spending the time to understand something or someone as they really are. Typing is a more sophisticated way to call someone a nerd, a jock, etc, except it applies to adults and not high schoolers.
    Last edited by Skepsis; 09-24-2017 at 12:27 PM.
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lemontrees View Post
    Te is analogical to Se to me...

    Se notices discrete things while Si takes in an impression of the whole. The other day I didn't notice my coworker dyed her hair warm brown b/c she was also wearing a warm brown sweater. I noticed she looked "warmer" but attributed to the sweater. I don't think Se would make a mistake like that.

    Anyway, Te is about solving specific problems, forgoing how things fit together. In working to apply different solutions Ti-PoLRs fail to see how some of those solutions contradict each other. Like in a world in which action A is even possible, action B can't be.
    Wow that sweater example is weird to me for sure. But to me it sounds like you are coming at it from a Feeling pov. I could be wrong about this, just a hunch of sorts based on how these things are defined in the theory. I otherwise do take in an impression of the whole while also noticing discrete things so I do both Si and Se I guess. But I would never function like your sweater example. I'm a bit more External-distinct than this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptitron View Post
    For sure. But no one of course says infallible typing, but they have an arrogance of certainty for something as subjective as typing. There is a lot of that going around in typology. It seems so obvious to me that typology is a relative system. Our "true type" is in actuality our individual self as we can be most aware of it. Our typology self is how we see our self in context with other people. This can change depending on the people we are around, influenced by, and need to influence. The individual is the root, with the "type" being more of an abstraction of the individual. We can measure certain things about the individual, but you can not measure a type. It is just an idea and concept. It changes and morphs in context. I don't see too many people into typology who understand this. They just abstract what I say, other others say, and conclude that it is because one is type______, without facts, evidence, correlations, etc. They really just are opinions of something everyone does on an intuitive level. We judge other people based on how they appear to our self. People do that because it is easier than spending the time to understand something or someone as they really are. Typing is a more sophisticated way to call someone a nerd, a jock, etc, except it applies to adults and not high schoolers.
    It's a relative system in terms of how different preferences relate to each other, sure. But that's not the whole story for me about the function models. Also that should still be measurable in some way. Type is to be defined in such a way. That's my pov really. So I see nothing wrong with the certainty if one keeps it in mind that it only measures a part of you and that it does not come with such value judgments as "nerd, jock" etc.

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    Ti PoLR basically means that you are allergic to inductive reasoning.

    As Ti is my demonstrative and therefore relatively easy to use, I have been able to apply PoLR and use Ti heavy forms of argumentation to dispatch annoying IEEs and SEEs quickly.

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    I think Ti PoLR can be explained as a lack of internal structure or consistency of thougths (and as result of lifepath), usually known as randomness or lack of seriousness(cyclotim).

    We also can see the nature of functions (rational/irrational*) when noticing that the types with Ti as leading function are js (the same with Te), while functions as Ne or Se are inherently p.

    Last edited by Faith; 09-30-2017 at 12:28 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
    Ti PoLR basically means that you are allergic to inductive reasoning.

    As Ti is my demonstrative and therefore relatively easy to use, I have been able to apply PoLR and use Ti heavy forms of argumentation to dispatch annoying IEEs and SEEs quickly.
    Ti is your ignored element, unless you've switched your type again.
    Ti is deductive and binary, starting from axioms to reach conclusions. Te is inductive and probabilistic, focusing on what usually happens in practice rather than what is 'true' in theory.

    Quality post tho, keep it up bud!

  28. #508
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    The problem with people typing me as a Ti polr here is that,

    They think I'm a Ti polr because i don't agree with them. Or i answer differently from what they ask.

    Is that even a sign of Low Ti?

    I answer differently because i don't read. I just tell my thoughts.

    I'm being hardheaded and i don't think that's a sign of a low Ti.. Because not only Fi are selfish bastards.

    Ti also are selfish bastards, believing on their own thoughts not relying on outside system or shit.

    The only difference between an Fi and a Ti is that Fi are more personal.. Ti more logical.. It's like

    Ti-Fe vs Fi-Te

    I discovered i really use Ti-Fe over Fi-Te

    Because i don't get along very well with intjs, entj, and estj for real.

    Seriously. If i have Te then i guess it's okay to follow them and shit.

    But i don't have Te.

    Plus Fi over Fe

    I have Fe. Like what the heck guys, i bash people all the time, see their fucking flaws. It's mostly about how fucked up people we're and how stupid they are and this.. Whatever lololols.

    Like i never ever posted more about my personal values really.

    Like i don't have fucking ideals. I don't know what i like in a guy. I don't have specific favorites.. No much personal preferences..

    Thats all

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    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    The problem with people typing me as a Ti polr here is that,

    They think I'm a Ti polr because i don't agree with them. Or i answer differently from what they ask.
    I think Fi creative/Ti PoLR for you because you just write what you feel without really organizing it.

    Like i never ever posted more about my personal values really.
    You are constantly posting about your personal feelings based opinions. That is, when you are not posting typology stuff.

    I have Fe.
    You do have Fe demonstrative.

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    @idontgiveaf (this is just waste of time) study model A. Your typings are incomprehensible.
    From model A SEE: Fe>Fi. Fi is valued, though. Ti is more conscious (but you don't like it).
    In model G SEE is labelled as SeFe (by Gulenko).
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    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    I have Fe. Like what the heck guys, i bash people all the time, see their fucking flaws. It's mostly about how fucked up people we're and how stupid they are and this..
    This is Fi/Se, not Fe

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    A person with PoLR will have a very hard time "codifying" their thinking. I "can" do that myself given how it's demonstrative for me but, well, it takes effort. Give me an incentive and I can make a rulebook that codifies my thinking but, on the fly, I tend to ignore it. The "codes" are there and I follow them in a sense, but I also violate them on a whim. Pragmatism>Ideological Purity for my kind. Thing is, for a PoLR, ideological codification/purity might be something that's almost outside their capacity to comprehend. Almost, because we can all learn to compensate for our weaknesses, or we can just find our dual who does that subconsciously .

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    Note that your use of Fe is mostly to splash it all about with no particular purpose. I would expect an Fe ego to be rather more erhm focused when they use it, because to them Fe has a value in itself. However in your case you come across like Fe is an incidental by-product of other goals/actions you take.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    @idontgiveaf (this is just waste of time) study model A. Your typings are incomprehensible.
    From model A SEE: Fe>Fi. Fi is valued, though. Ti is more conscious (but you don't like it).
    In model G SEE is labelled as SeFe (by Gulenko).
    Hey i think I'm more of an IEE rather than an SEE. I proven i have Ne more than Se

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I think Fi creative/Ti PoLR for you because you just write what you feel without really organizing it.

    You are constantly posting about your personal feelings based opinions. That is, when you are not posting typology stuff.

    You do have Fe demonstrative.
    Yeah you're right.

    I also think I'm more of an IEE rather than SEE

  36. #516
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    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    Hey i think I'm more of an IEE rather than an SEE. I proven i have Ne more than Se
    You seem to have causal deterministic cognition style. IMHO. You make those kinds of conclusions all the time.
    You are not fragmenting things like IEE would.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    You seem to have causal deterministic cognition style. IMHO. You make those kinds of conclusions all the time.
    You are not fragmenting things like IEE would.
    But i took the cognitive function test at similarminds dot com.. And i got Ne 100% score

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    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    But i took the cognitive function test at similarminds dot com.. And i got Ne 100% score
    Ne + causal deterministic = ILE


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    @idontgiveaf Fine. Again we got another proof for C-D. This kind of C-D thinking of yours just lacks - to the max. It doesn't even occur that you could fragment your conclusions bit more. You have internalized some sort of system inside of you which is very rudimentary +.

    This might help you (and me):
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    I think it's really funny how much she bothers some alpha NTs Watching you guys get annoyed is really entertaining - sorry =D

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