These subtype descriptions by Valentina Meged - Psychologist (intuitive-ethical extrovert) ENFP and Anatoly Ovcharov - Craftsman (sensory-logical introvert) ISTP, can be confusing and opinions on them are divided but nonetheless they should be worth looking at, in my opinion they can be of some use in typing.

This description was from
Sotsionicheskaya newspaper: № 01 (01), 22.11.2002

Note of editorial staff.

Attention! Until now in sotsionike there is a large problem because the authors of the different theories of subtypes so did not agree about the general terminology. There exists as the minimum of 3 theories of 32 subtypes (authors of present article, V.V.Gulenko and Ye.S.Filatovoy). In each of these theories the type is divided into two subtypes, as the authors consider, with the "intensive" first or second function (i.e. for example logico- intuitive introvert it can be "logical" or "intuitive" subtype). Problem in the fact that each divides type in in own way own way, and here terms are used the same. We request to consider this with reading of article.

We focus attention on the fact that also the pseudonyms of types all the more subtypes, used in this article, they are not in sotsionike conventional.

Intuitive- ethical introvert: LYRIC POETRIES
IEI has the scattered, pensive or dreamy view at times it is noticeable emotional luster in the eyes. Eyes are very expressive, is studied collocutor. But this attentive view IEI does not seem importunate or shrill. The expression of a certain estrangement softens it.

Smile is natural, but somewhat acted unsure, shy. It seems affectionate, at the same time restrained. The mimicry of face is variable, is expressive, frequently face has melancholy expression. In the contact the collocutors usually are located to itself affable smile.

The motions, as a rule, soft, smooth, languid or lazy, which on the whole creates the impression of complaisance, weak will. Gestures are elegant, lungs, only theatrical.

Gait is important-looking or is rapid, but is light, is flattened flatten. Behavior IEI is nedemonstrativnoye, is modest, frequently timid or shy. There can be the unexpected drops in the mood and then behavior is unpredictable, even extravagant. Speech usually is quiet, is insinuating, frequently is emotional, intonation affectionate.


Intuitive subtype appears by the calm, tactful, sluggish, uncertain of itself person. It seems torn from the reality, inert and little fitted out to the life. But this impression is erroneous, since it possesses the excellent intuition, which helps to it to establish useful connections and to find support in men of weight. It acts on those surrounding uspokaivayushche and rasslablyayushche. It is outwardly serene, but in the soul it is sentimental and inclined it takes a long time to survive its confusions. Mimicry is somewhat monotonous, frequently are expressed light surprise or complete interest by collocutor. View dreamy, slightly stressed, with the luster. It is frequently sad, attentive or only ironic. Speech measured off, smooth, intimate- sincere. On face almost constantly is present polite, locating to the confidence poluulybka(?). The gestures are modest, are timid, nedemonstrativnye. The gait is slow, is smooth.


Ethical subtype produces the impression of soft, charming and emotional person. It usually appears voodushevlennym and optimistic. It possesses a good feeling of humor. About its problems and failures it can tell with the smile. It is ironic, sly, not predicted and inconsistent in the behavior and the conversation. Creating original contrasts, it can unexpectedly prick and so rapidly embrace, kiss. Artistichen, obayatelen, are natural in the contact, now and then even with the nuance of familiarity and unceremoniousness. It knows how to draw together distance. It is courteous, amiable and thoughtful. At times it is simply fascinating, is so great of its skill pleasing and of locating to itself people. It knows how to persuade. It presents requests in such form, which to it is difficult to refuse. Motions are elegant, even theatrical. The gait is graceful, is rapid. The speech is emotional, is rich in nuances, sometimes melodious.