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Thread: INFp type and subtype description from Yesenin

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    Default INFp type and subtype description from Yesenin

    What do you think or would like to learn about them?

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    Default INFP (c)

    Intuitive-ethical introvert
    Yesenin, The Lyricist

    Serguei Yesenin - the Russian poet.

    1. A somewhat idealistic romanticist. He is a person prone more to reflection than action. An individualist. He is little concerned with the present; he is more excited by brilliant perspectives of "bright cities, which may be built one day". His emotionality is of a high enough level, he understands very well the feelings of another and does not hide his own. But his emotionality is always somewhat restrained in order to observe the effect it produces. He expresses emotions not when another’s patience would get exhausted, but when he himself (she herself) considers it necessary. His way of handling emotions is very creative: for example, he may consider rage to be ethical, and restraint non-ethical.

    2. Easily infatuated. What makes another stand out for him is forcefulness, drive, insightfulness, naturally if this force lends itself to the influence of his emotions. He is very tolerant to people, understands them and tries to forgive their weaknesses.

    3. Tutankhamon’s smile. His line of defense in extreme conditions is his skill to demonstrate his attitude toward the situation, to reveal its comical aspects. So he has a fine sense of humor and possesses a very characteristic transparent smile, which appears at critical moments. His smile is warm, warming and exciting. However, his smile is in most cases caused by inner anxiety; the natural purpose of this smile is to raise his partner’s fighting spirit, to stir him up.

    4. Elegant. He comes off as steady and upright. He practically never squints his wide-open eyes. Typically, he is not prone to lower his arch-shaped eyebrows. Elegance is an every day thing with him, not something reserved for outings and special occasions. One can seldom see him in a non-aesthetic pose, his voice intonations are also refined, and movements are plastic and even rhythmic. In the light of the aforementioned two things are amazing: he does not care much for the elegance of others (his dual, The Legionnaire, is emphatically non-demonstrative); chaos reins in his living quarters; both things and people which enter his home should find their places by themselves, or with the help of someone other then the Lyricist.

    5. A struggler for the emotional naturalness of people. He feels responsibility for mood of his friends and relatives, for their vital tonus. He uses his fine sense of humor to make them laugh, shake them up. In a company he scans the attendees not in order to find out what they are wearing, but in order to remark how each is feeling: this is exactly what he needs to relate to others. In general, he dreams of bringing harmony into society. History means to him history of the arts. He strives for beauty, which may be – poetry, arts, even nice trinkets. He himself strives to be refined. He adores communication with artists, poets, bohemians, and in general with exotic people.

    Your dual (psychologically complementary type): Zhukov, The Legionnaire (sensory-logical extrovert).

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    Default INFP (c) Gulenko

    INFPs mainly have slim figures, however well-built INFPs are not that uncommon. Their gait is usually graceful and full of poise as they like to project an image of self-worthiness. Their eyes vary from large to small, however if they are isolated a characteristic pattern emerges. Narrow eyes give the impression that the person is smiling whereas wider eyes convey a feeling of curiosity.

    During conversation INFPs have a tendency to maintain eye contact and to touch their interlocutors hand. They often have a very noticeable shy grin that appears when they worried or excited, or when someone focuses other's attention on them.

    INFPs have a very good understanding of harmony and know well how to successfully combine clothes and accessories, resulting in their characteristic, elegant appearance. Sometimes they may give the impression that they are somewhat foppish. This applies to both male and female. INFPs show interest in a varied range of the unusual and original. They are also inclined to small talk. It can sometimes prove difficult for others to hold INFPs attention during interaction. They may unexpectedly disrupt a conversation by commenting in such a way as to give the impression that they are not following the subject. This can confuse or puzzle others.

    INFPs enjoy interesting or humorous anecdotes and stories. They often recall and share notable episodes from their own life experiences. In situations where they are required to give a answer they often delay the inevitable until the last moment even if they have reached a decision by evading and camouflaging their intent. INFPs are inclined to make empty promises, always finding excuses to justify their lack of responsibility. They like to make others aware of their lack or practicality. However, INFPs have a good instinct for commercial and business matters showing great flexibility. This quality coupled with their ability to choose reliable deputies helps them to maintain a firm grip on positions of power.

    INFPs have the ability to positively console people who are upset or worried by helping them to look to the future with optimism. With strangers INFPs behave gallantly and tactfully, showing good manners and education. However among friends and family they can be very up front sometimes behaving frivolously. They enjoy baiting others in a playful manner in order to create an easy and tension-free atmosphere. At home INFPs can be very frivolous and capricious, showing great stubbornness in getting what they want, sometimes creating dramas and scenes. These emotional outbursts are usually short and disappear without consequences. Generally they have very flexible emotions which they control consciously.

    INFPs are usually uneconomical in financial matters. They find it difficult to refuse their whimsical desires. This can often lead them into financial difficulties and can result in them having to borrow money if they do not have sufficient money reserves. They like an extravagant style of life which is why their demands often outweigh their resources. INFPs more than any other type are inclined to marry because of wealth instead of love. INFPs will often accumulate their complaints in order release them all in one go in an appropriate situation. In fact, people who show concern about INFPs health and well being and who listen to their problems are very much appreciated.

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    On INFP mailing lists and groups many INFPs seem to take strong exception especially to the decription by Gulenko. Of course the looks do often not match but for example the claim that:
    INFPs more than any other type are inclined to marry because of wealth instead of love. tends to provoke strong objections.

    From my personal point of view, I can clearly see where the author is coming from but the description does sound a bit like one written by an INTJ who has gone through a relationship with an INFP - only to realize the difference between Benefactor and Dual, who knows. In terms of detecting people's types this is probably not one of the best descriptions but then again INFPs do seem to show a great deal of variation and writing good type descriptions is no easy business.
    It can be difficult to see oneself from the outside and I would quite like to hear how other people experience INFPs. Show no mercy, but try to only decripe people whom you think you have typed with high degree of confidence.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
    Show no mercy, but try to only decripe people whom you think you have typed with high degree of confidence.

    This is probably the description that you really didn't want to read:

    There are other uncovered description on this site :wink:

    Types are not people, they are about processing information and blah, blah, blah...

    The only person whose type is an INFP, and I'm positive about it, is a girl who tends to complain a lot about everything, but she is doing it in such a charming way that she always lifts the spirit of a whole company. I've never noticed a greed for money or anything else. So I can say that my experiences with this type are quite positive.

  6. #6

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    Default Subtypes

    These subtype descriptions by Valentina Meged - Psychologist (intuitive-ethical extrovert) ENFP and Anatoly Ovcharov - Craftsman (sensory-logical introvert) ISTP, can be confusing and opinions on them are divided but nonetheless they should be worth looking at, in my opinion they can be of some use in typing.

    This description was from
    Sotsionicheskaya newspaper: № 01 (01), 22.11.2002

    Note of editorial staff.

    Attention! Until now in sotsionike there is a large problem because the authors of the different theories of subtypes so did not agree about the general terminology. There exists as the minimum of 3 theories of 32 subtypes (authors of present article, V.V.Gulenko and Ye.S.Filatovoy). In each of these theories the type is divided into two subtypes, as the authors consider, with the "intensive" first or second function (i.e. for example logico- intuitive introvert it can be "logical" or "intuitive" subtype). Problem in the fact that each divides type in in own way own way, and here terms are used the same. We request to consider this with reading of article.

    We focus attention on the fact that also the pseudonyms of types all the more subtypes, used in this article, they are not in sotsionike conventional.

    Intuitive- ethical introvert: LYRIC POETRIES
    IEI has the scattered, pensive or dreamy view at times it is noticeable emotional luster in the eyes. Eyes are very expressive, is studied collocutor. But this attentive view IEI does not seem importunate or shrill. The expression of a certain estrangement softens it.

    Smile is natural, but somewhat acted unsure, shy. It seems affectionate, at the same time restrained. The mimicry of face is variable, is expressive, frequently face has melancholy expression. In the contact the collocutors usually are located to itself affable smile.

    The motions, as a rule, soft, smooth, languid or lazy, which on the whole creates the impression of complaisance, weak will. Gestures are elegant, lungs, only theatrical.

    Gait is important-looking or is rapid, but is light, is flattened flatten. Behavior IEI is nedemonstrativnoye, is modest, frequently timid or shy. There can be the unexpected drops in the mood and then behavior is unpredictable, even extravagant. Speech usually is quiet, is insinuating, frequently is emotional, intonation affectionate.


    Intuitive subtype appears by the calm, tactful, sluggish, uncertain of itself person. It seems torn from the reality, inert and little fitted out to the life. But this impression is erroneous, since it possesses the excellent intuition, which helps to it to establish useful connections and to find support in men of weight. It acts on those surrounding uspokaivayushche and rasslablyayushche. It is outwardly serene, but in the soul it is sentimental and inclined it takes a long time to survive its confusions. Mimicry is somewhat monotonous, frequently are expressed light surprise or complete interest by collocutor. View dreamy, slightly stressed, with the luster. It is frequently sad, attentive or only ironic. Speech measured off, smooth, intimate- sincere. On face almost constantly is present polite, locating to the confidence poluulybka(?). The gestures are modest, are timid, nedemonstrativnye. The gait is slow, is smooth.


    Ethical subtype produces the impression of soft, charming and emotional person. It usually appears voodushevlennym and optimistic. It possesses a good feeling of humor. About its problems and failures it can tell with the smile. It is ironic, sly, not predicted and inconsistent in the behavior and the conversation. Creating original contrasts, it can unexpectedly prick and so rapidly embrace, kiss. Artistichen, obayatelen, are natural in the contact, now and then even with the nuance of familiarity and unceremoniousness. It knows how to draw together distance. It is courteous, amiable and thoughtful. At times it is simply fascinating, is so great of its skill pleasing and of locating to itself people. It knows how to persuade. It presents requests in such form, which to it is difficult to refuse. Motions are elegant, even theatrical. The gait is graceful, is rapid. The speech is emotional, is rich in nuances, sometimes melodious.

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    I would really like to know whats the difference between INFP and ISFP? Like if how they would get along or not. A compare and contrast.

  8. #8

    Default Best INFP profiles that I have found

    Sorry Malyshka, but the profile you quoted is my least favorite. Every time that I have been tested for type I've been typed as INFP. I, and other INFPs that I know on the web, prefer the following profiles and relate to the them much better than the profile you quoted.

    and my personal favorites:

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    Default Re: Best INFP profiles that I have found

    Quote Originally Posted by Alchemist's Angel
    Sorry Malyshka, but the profile you quoted is my least favorite. Every time that I have been tested for type I've been typed as INFP. I, and other INFPs that I know on the web, prefer the following profiles and relate to the them much better than the profile you quoted.

    and my personal favorites:
    Malyshka has unfortunately left us, so we shall have try to answer on her behalf. Basically there is on and off compatibility between the MBTI types and the socionics types. Sometimes they correspond, other times they do not. The J/P scale is especially tricky. As the great Russian socionist Dmitri Lytov commented on this site:


    Quote Originally Posted by Dmitri Lytov
    I'd add that J/P description in MBTI has something absolutely irrelevant both to E/I and Rationality/Irrationality. Myers describes J as closure-focused people, and P as multivariant choice-focused people. In socionics, such bipolarity is associated with two types: Inspector, logical-sensory introvert (which is super-J in MBTI) and Psychologist, intuitive-ethical extrovert (which is super-P in MBTI). This implies that the type Master, sensory-logical introvert, gets high scores in J, even being an irrational type (because he is the closest to the Inspector by his other 3 dichotomies), while the type Mentor, ethical-intuitive extrovert, often gets high scores in P, even being a rational type (because he is the closest to Psychologist by his other three dichotomies). This probably explains why ENFJ and INFJ are rare birds in MBTI - because the criterion P in MBTI is somewhat contaminated with traits associated with N and F.

    Note. The above opinion is not just speculation - it was confirmed by two experiments.
    1. 108 participants were proposed to recognize socionic types in Keirsey's 16 descriptions.
    2. Our Multifactor test (over 2000 participants) has shown high J scores for ISTP, and high P scores for ENFJ (even while ISTJ remained to be super-J, and ENFP super-P).

    You may well be an INFP, but I too tested as MBTI INFP, and even as INFP on Socionics Type Assistant. Then I came to realize I had mistyped myself. Most MBTI type descriptions are kind of fuzzy, they do not accurately discriminate between the bordering types, and the profiles you quoted could fit many INFJs too. What you could do is to read the type descriptions available on this site. The Oldham's types are a bit controversial, but in my opinion the correspondence to socionics/MBTI types does generally make sense. If it seems clear to you that the Sensitive Style fits you better than the Dramatic Style, the chances are that you are actually a (socionics) INFJ.

    If you still are not sure, and have patience to explore the issue, you could try to make sense of this post:


    Finally, in socionics the intertype relations are what fundamentally "define" the types. It is pretty difficult to actually use them for typing (yourself), but if you think ESTPs could be you dual then you probably are an INFP.
    "Arnie is strong, rightfully angry and wants to kill somebody."

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    I would really like to know whats the difference between INFP and ISFP? Like if how they would get along or not. A compare and contrast.
    I have a couple friends that are ISFP's, and we get along well. We seem to have an unspoken understanding at times. In other words, I don't always have to explain myself after everything I say. I find it interesting that your so interested in personality types, all the ISFP's I know really couldn't give a crap.

  11. #11


    Are you sure you aren't ISFP sensory subtype? They are calm and quiet. In many ways they are like INFP's.

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    In MBTI, I'm a most emphatic (As in "emphazis", not "empathy") INFP, but here it appears as if I'm a socionics INFj, just with a dislike of routine. However, if socionics INFjs are rarer than socionics INFps, then I'd prefer being INFj :wink: .

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    Quote Originally Posted by Darklord
    In MBTI, I'm a most emphatic (As in "emphazis", not "empathy"), but here it appears as if I'm a socionics INFj, just with a dislike of routine. However, if socionics INFjs are rarer than socionics INFps, then I'd prefer being INFj :wink: .
    No one really knows the type distribution among people. Though, for some general rules I think people are split half and half on the I/E, S/N and J/P prefrences, and about equal T/F (although men are more likely T and women are more F). There is no "concrete" evidence, however.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    I dunno ? Minority pride? I always feel a screwed up sense of pride, like a fireball in my belly, when I realize that I'm in a minority group. Never quite understood why.

    However, having read the INFj profile fully, I must say that it seems really to fit me. Even how I act. I don't know about "carrying all the troubles of the world on my shoulders" (My habit is not looking in a mirror in order to see my facial expression when I interact :wink: ), though.
    Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.

    INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
    Dishonorary INFp

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  15. #15
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    Being a minority implies being unique, so who wouldn't want to be a minority? Why would you want to feel insignificant as a majority?
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    Being a minority implies being unique, so who wouldn't want to be a minority? Why would you want to feel insignificant as a majority?
    The funny thing is, uniqueness or being special has nothing to do with it. It's absolutely weird.
    Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.

    INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
    Dishonorary INFp

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    Are you sure, Darklord? That's how it works for me. Uniqueness has everything to do with it.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    "Are you really the last of the Mohicans?"
    "Nah, I just tell people that. Chicks really dig you if you're the last of something."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    Are you sure, Darklord? That's how it works for me. Uniqueness has everything to do with it.
    Yep. I think it has something to do with my tendency to stand for the underdog. When I'm the underdog myself it gives me the feeling that I can actually afford to take care of my own interests. I'm not sure, but I think that is part of it.
    Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.

    INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
    Dishonorary INFp

    (Very good place for emoticons. Right-click on the one you want and select "properties" for direct link)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    INFps and ISFps are "look-a-likes." You can read about that kind of relationship here.

    The main difference between INFps and ISFps is that one uses Ni primarily and the other uses Si primarily. You can read about Si here and Ni here.

    In my observation of IxFps I have noticed several things. INFps tend to be more "mystical" than ISFPs they believe in strange phenomena that cannot necessarily be proven. ISFps tend to be more "practical" and focus themselves on the physical world. INFPs tend to have more "abstract" interests like symbolic logic or the history of archetypes etc. ISFPs tend to have a kind of chaotic physical artistry that can bee seen in the works of many painters.

    ISFPs are very good at noticing and influencing the "atmosphere" of a place. If the lights are too bright/too dim, the food to salty, the music too loud, etc etc then they will change those things until they find the perfect balance of all of them.

    INFPs on the other hand focus more on the "emotional atmosphere" of a place. They are good at going around the room in a party and tweaking the feelings of individuals to make sure that every person there is having a good time.
    Agree with the first comparasion, but as an INFP I do the highlighted ISFP thing and not the INFP. But, hey, I'm weird. Not a people person. You either love me or hate me, no middle ground. What's that got to do with anything?? (Here's where we need a good shoulder shrugging emoticon.)
    <--- Me pouring out all my love on you!

    Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.

  21. #21
    Creepy-Baby (at home)


    Quote Originally Posted by Herzblut
    Would an INFp like to get a random phone call from a friend that he hasn't seen for a while? Because I'm thinking of calling my long-time-no-see INFp friend right now just to say hi.
    I would actually like that a lot. I'm always in need of reassurance that we're still on good terms, so when a friend calls up, it's a good thing! Call your friend up, and have something to spark a conversation in mind (or else it gets a little awkward).

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    Ah yeah - nother thing about INFps - we love our sleep.

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