Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
And will more likely than not maintain strict control over what sort of emotional signals they send off. This is how your PoLR works! It's a Super-Ego function, so you keep a tight control on how you use it to avoid being criticised, since it's a self-conscious weak point.


Long story short, an SLI would not be attempting to manipulate the audience's emotional involvement with the topic as Malia's opening post does. That is not Fe PoLR!

Furthermore, an SLI would not have the posting history of Malia including at least one very emotional, very public venting spree (remember where she was wondering if LIIman was her Dual?). Fe PoLR would be paralytically mortified by the potential for backlash that that sort of spectacle might incite.
Agreed. Moreover, an SLI is never as verbose as vixendogfox has frequently been. they are succint, short, to the point. and you're right, never as emotionally injected as many of VDF's posts have been.