*shrug* You just don't know your own strength. Like a lot of INFps you get stuck in victim mode and thinking you're weaker then you really are. It's like soooo easy to play the victim card or 'helpless card.' Like everybody else you just have to go with your strengths man.

The world needs you to be a writer or whatever you're good at. They don't need you to be a pushy extroverted chef or an ESTj-like business administration manager (whatever the fuck gay ass real world titles there are) It just needs you to be more of yourself without you playing the victim over it. Start thinking about the life you really want to lead and how you want to go about doing that. Then stop being so diplomatic and nice to people and thinking you're weak and saying things like 'waaaaah I just can't do it' on internet message boards, holding yourself back.

If you're actually neurotic about having to do basic things like chores (although there's a way even out of that if you're smart enough of course) or take a showers, and do mundane shit- then that's just you whining. That can easily be dropped in favor of just being happy, realizing it's not a big deal and doing it anyway.

(lol I'm feeling very life coachy to my other INFps as of late)