I watched a russian news show bit on youtube about socionics last night, where Prokofieva and this other guy were sort of summarizing socionics. I liked most of it. At one point they were giving little summaries of each type and how they manifest. Granted a little blurb like those will be grossly oversimplified, but I thought she did a great job with the alphas and betas, an ok job with the gammas, but a terrible job describing the deltas. I didn't think she did justice at all to IEE.

She basically said "IEE is someone you want as a salesperson, to convince people to buy things. They are like the gypsies who are so perceptive of little aspects about people that most dont notice. Huxley was able to convince the world to accept Darwin's theory that humans originated from monkeys. Who knows if that's really true, but that belief remains to this day." first of all what a gross generalization of the roma. Secondly, IEEs are too up front to be that cunning. We are terrible with secrets! speaking for myself I would find sales to be a highly stressful ambiance, and totally against my nature. And I am really only convincing if i feel strongly about the cause myself.

Anyway, makes me wonder what Prokofieva's type is. Obviously not delta, i'm thinking. Anyone know?