Quote Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
Have you considered ISFP?
I mean if you used to test as an ISTP, it would make a whole lot more sense to presume that you have got one of the four scales wrong rather than all four.
My typing history again...

First MBTI test when I didn't know what it was about: INTj. But I was working in an NT job at the moment, working hard and making steady progress so of course I was very J, very T, very N, and well I was quite absorbed into it and not interacting much with people in social sense just working so I-type of course. E-types socialize and sell stuff for living and I-types work hard behind closed doors, right?

My friend (who didn't know anything about types really) read the MBTI desciption of INTJ, said that is not quite me then read INTP and said I'm more likely INTP than INTJ.

At this point I was starting to doubt other parts too, especially the S/N part remembering that as a child I was much more into sports than books and was bored at school most of the time. So I changed to ISTP. And yes I wanted to be a police when kid and I had motorbike when younger and I like driving cars. And hey, of course I'm a risk taker!!!...um...I guess. Clearly ISTP

I didn't think about type much back then...then later found socionics and started the process again this time more seriously...first I took ISTp as socionics type (when I came here) because ISTp description seemed more me than ISTj. I didn't even check the others really. I guess I tried to behave in ISTpish way at first or something. After getting deeper into this I started doubting the E/I...then T/F....then S/N...then j/p...

Current feelings...more likely F than T. E and I quite even. j and p...can't say because socionics defines them differently from MBTI. In MBTI more likely P I guess. S and N...more likely N but not sure.

So xNFx is current impression which can change I doubt I'm any xNTx type or any Te dominant type. Who knows about the NT:ness though..I was NT when this whole process started after all