The following is a rant I made on another forum regarding health care in America. Initially, I thought my view on this issue was rather un-LII like but someone thought it was perfectly consistent with LII's sense of justice. What do you think? Is my POV typical of LII's? Some other type? Or is it just bleeding heart liberalism?

At the risk of sounding all F'y and un-LII like, I'll state my views anyway. I'm strongly opposed to having people pay for healthcare. I think it should be free for all. And yes, I'm willing to pay more in taxes to make this a reality. A couple of reasons for this. First, with our current system, the rich are able to afford better health care, and as a consequence are more likely to have a better quality or life or even live longer. That in my mind, strips away of human diginity. Just because you happen to have less money, shouldn't have to make your quality of life (or in some cases your lifespan) any less. Yet, that's what America's health care system seems to be doing.

Second, isn't it bad enough to be physically unhealthy? Especially if you have some more serious ailment like cancer. Isn't it bad enough to go through all of the physical and emotional stress that comes with the illness? And now, because you have a physical ailment, lets add to your stress even more by charging you thousands of dollars for your condition. So now, you've got a new problem, your physical ailment plus financial stress. It shouldn't have to be this way.