Normally, my memory isn't that good, I quickly learn vocabulary and I know a large amount of trivia stuff, but I can forget where I placed my glasses some seconds after I put them down or I don't know what I ate yesterday for lunch as an example. (So it's mainly the short-term memory which fails me occasionally.)

But sometimes – nowadays more often than in the past – I am very good at recognizing voices or parts of songs I heard before, also in different contexts. It's like a sudden realization without much thinking about it. For example: If I watch an American show on TV, I can often tell you the other roles of the voice actor who dubs the american actors. Another one: Did you ever notice the similarities of the songs "The Changeling" by The Doors and "Funkytown" by Lipps Inc? (Maybe this is commonly known, but everybody I asked didn't know it.)

I don't know if it's type realted, the only function I can think of which could be used here is , in the matter of storing data and facts and remembering them. That would be my 3rd function. What do you think?