I guess he's a 6. I agree with almost everything he says in fact, it seems like he repeats a lot of what I think. So I just think he's sort of a person with above average intellect and not much else. I think he's just a person who is as smart as everyone of us here.

I guess what pisses me off is that, with all the political heads ranting and raving and going on and on about shit and the latest drama scare tactics of the week, the actual core world has actually changed very little. If I go out in society and just....live life, America is still the same Te-valuing, enneagram 3-valuing, extroverted-valuing, career-orientated, cover-up-your-feelings-for-the-sake-of-productivity nation that is always was. OMG HE ACTUALLY HAS A UNIQUE EMOTION, GIVE HIM A PROZAC SO HE CAN BE OUR SLAVE!

So 'Change We Can Believe In' is more like Change We Can Stick Up Our Asses. Because in all truth things change very, very slowly- so slowly you don't realize them, despite all the ranting and raving. All the political BS talk is like just some mind control trick to keep people in place and stuck so they can control you better. The more you meditate and calm the shit down and go through life without any attachments, the more the illusions sort of all melt away and you can see more of how reality really is.

The economy isn't even really that much different. It's all sort of a ruse. I mean seriously, it's the exact same society as it was years ago. And Obama's empty threats at 'taking down the big shots at Wall Street' is very pathetic, just an obvious ploy to keep the sheeple in line.

All these naive middle class people talking about the economy are not knowing what they're talking about and watching stocks and just, going on about things when they don't know what they're talking about, it's just so sad. They're only being their own worst enemies and they don't even care, because they're attracted to the drama of it all. It's just BORING to me though. I never want to hear the word 'economy' again.