I really don't see how Gulenko could have derived four subtypes within confines of Model A to begin with.

Information elements exist as part of dichotomous constructs, which means that 'strengthening' one will shift the focus away from whichever elements lie on the opposing ends the dichotomies (since all elements exist only in relation to each other).

For an IEI type, 'strengthening' of Fe leads to:
-> weaker Ti on basis of E-I dichotomy
-> weaker Te on basis of T-F dichotomy
-> stronger Fi on basis of E-I dichotomy with Te
IEI with 'strengthened' Fe will also have 'stronger' Fi and 'weaker' Te and Ti.

According to this assignment of subtypes to 'strengthened' elements:
D: Fe and Te
C: Se and Ne
N: Ti and Fi
H: Si and Ni
it becomes impossible to tell dominant and normalizing subtypes apart, since you cannot strengthen Fe without automatically strengthening Fi in relative proportion (and vice versa, if you choose to strengthen Fi, then Fe likewise will get augmented). This precludes existence of separate D and N subtypes. So how did Gulenko manage to derive them?