Do with it what you will, I don't even know if I feel like debating it, but I thought i'd post it here incase it got lost in some other discussion elsewhere.

This mainly part, Re Minde concerning her type:

"OK, i'll cut to something i've been thinking about recently.

[i]This sort of way of talking that you have, I see it a lot: guilt tripping and controlling those who you want silenced. I think what it comes down to is that I see you more and more as using Fi in a way that moves into creative Se. Of course that's not to say only ISFj's can behave like that, but they sure are better at it than other types. Compare with INXj's, they are much more naive and not as quick to play intricate power games. They give a sense of genuines as they don't have creative Se and the way it can 'play' things. I suppose as Gilly put it, you've got 'balls'. So, I personally can't be bothered someone who displays those qualities, I don't enjoy that sort of game, and if you don't think you should be moderator and don't become one then i'll be glad."

I think she's ISFj, maybe i'll debate it or not, or indeed elaborate further, maybe others will, but it's food for thought for others to at least consider, as unfortunately, from what I can tell, she's regarded in some circles as a 'textbook' INFj.

Edit: Well there it is, some obligatory type thread or other, I think second one i've created about someone in this sub forum, but I do think she is ISFj and maybe others would like to think about it themselves considering the overall perspective. Talking over, heh.