So, as of tomorrow at 7pm, I will be done with my freshman year of college. As such, I will suddenly go from being a chicken madly running around with my head cut off to a placid lake of stillness and boredom. So, I need something to occupy my time. And, as I find that I understand things 400x better when I'm forced to reason them out, I would absolutely love it if people would ask me questions about socionics. Anything, type opinions, celebrity typings, what I think about the functions, I don't care. I'm up for wading through ten-minute interviews or ten-page rambling monologues about your life, whatever. I'll blather for a page-and-a-half about why I think Michael Jackson is IEI and Barack Obama is a Beta NF. I don't care. I just want something to do. And, since my fifteen minute internet study break is currently going on its seventeenth eighteenth minute, I will now end this post. Questions hugely appreciated. Also, I have a whole years worth of typings and interpersonal interactions, so I probably have at least one example I know fairly closely of most intertype relations. Obviously you have to take my word for it that these people are typed correctly (hint: I have a bias towards typing people IEE--either that or I just know a lot of IEEs), but hopefully my observations will be a little relevant? Anyway, okay. I'm really going to shut up now and get back to Oscar Wilde (btw, his poetry SUCKS, no matter how amazing Earnest is). Thanks!