Greetins my fellow IEIs. I am poor and have no motivation at all to get a job. Jobs do not interest me. I see nothing to be gained by getting one. I can see myself, in the future, living in a very shitty place if I don't get some motivation. Infact, I was the same way in school - never doing any homework, sleeping through all classes, skipping every class I could. I know some of this is normal, but for me it is an overwhelming urge to slack off. If there is a way not to do work, then I will follow that path. So my question to you IEIs is what do you do to make money? Do you have difficulty caring enough about making money or working? Or are you like me, and would rather be in a coma than go to work.
I think this is related to Te polr and I need to get control of this.. before I am forced to bunk in with an XNFj / ESTj couple and their four neurotic dogs, which will mean despair for the next era of my life.