I'm wondering, is this an Ni-ego/IEI thing, or just a general "smart/insightful people" thing? I've noticed that in a lot of arguments on the forum, but also in suspected Ni-egos that I've met, Ni-egos tend to ignore actions, character, and argument in favor of intention. For example, during a party a few days ago, I had a friend who sort of took charge of the party, helped people who had had too much to drink or had relationship/hook-up drama, etc. But another friend, who is clearly beta, and who I suspect is a badass-ish IEI or EIE, commented that he wasn't really being helpful so much as "playing the hero." That is, because his intention wasn't totally pure and selfless, friend #2 sort of downplayed the effect of what friend #1 was doing. Now, I understand the motive for this kind of thing; maybe friend #1 was being kind of annoying, kind of trying to be the savior of the party, but nevertheless I find this fairly typical of the way in which Ni egos (myself included), will tend to emphasize intentions/psychology/etc., over other factors when evaluating behavior, especially behavior we're opposed to. So, what do you think? Ni-related, or just smarts-related?